Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Who Loves God?

First Commandment of God's Law:
"You shall love God above all things"

How do these Commandments play out in today's world? Perhaps negative beings can confuse us, and we may not really be doing things right. Almost no one kills, thank God, but our actions or inactions can lead to the same outcome.

As far as the first Commandment of the Law of God is concerned, there is no need to look for "three legs on a cat" because transcendence simply does not exist, but rather, we simply  do not love God . It is not that we believe that we love God and we do it wrong out of ignorance, but rather (and I repeat),  we do not love God ; on the contrary, many hate Him, blame Him, hold a grudge against Him, "blame Him", insult Him, despise Him, do not believe in His Existence, etc., etc., etc.

Who loves God? When humans do not even love themselves, "fixing" everything with antidepressants, alcohol or drugs. They deny God, trying to "love" the new god "nature" again, when they are unable to get their nails dirty planting a seed, just in case they don't get their designer clothes dirty or their mobile phone falls out of their hands.

Who loves God? When not even the sanctuaries and churches are respected, but rather the faith and love for these sacred places that many people maintain.

People who paint on one chest "God is shit" and on the other "The Virgin is a whore" demonstrate (regardless of each person's faith, which is supposed to be their right) that many people who say they are going to save the world are, in fact, destroying it.

...to be continued
Damian Alvarez
34 Years at your Side (very close)