Saturday, February 27, 2021

It is incredible how difficult it is for the Human Being to accept that We are All One.

We are all One regardless of your physical body,
because We all come from the same Source.
             Whether you like it or not, believe it or not, accept it or not accept it ... it is a Reality.

That we are all one, not that I said it. Jesus Christ already said it and no one has understood him until today, except for some. Thanks to the Physical Law of Energetic Resonance (see hundreds of articles in this blog) we can understand, experiment and know why.
 Humanity concentrated only on the physical, cannot understand even if it is known, that we feel the energy body of other people: This has been the case and will be forever although we are just undergoing profound changes, where this process, That of Being All One, accelerates more and more.
Most of the symptoms, sensations, emotions, thoughts, feelings ... we feel them daily from other people, whether it is from our parents, friends, family, strangers, bosses, classmates, workmates, etc. the street, in leisure centers, etc, etc, etc.

When one begins to know, assimilate, experience, feel, this reality in each one individually and collectively (although there are many already) the World will begin to change.

Friday, February 26, 2021

Educate yourself in the Art and Science of Professional Healing: Teacher's Manual of the Natural Healing and Therapeutic System Tinerfe

Manual of the Teacher of the Natural System of Healing Tinerfe,
Perhaps the best Manual of the Teacher in Healing that Exists
Get it in:  (link)

In 2011 the Tinerfe Natural Healing and Therapeutic System was registered as a scientific work. Today the Teacher's Manual of the Tinerfe Natural Healing and Therapeutic System is released.

After 30 years of studies, research (quasi-scientific), practical research work, studies, teachings and therapies, this long-awaited work is finally published for the whole world, for the enjoyment and learning of every good Healer, Therapist and Teacher in Healing

The Tinerfe Healing System has been at the forefront of Vibrational Medicine for decades, being considered the most developed healing and therapeutic method in the world in the last 30 years.

A Manual in A-4 format (folio size), of 520 pages, where not only the different healing systems and vibrational therapies that compose it are taught, but also, how to introduce them conscientiously in the healing sessions, thereby forming, the Tinerfe Healing System.

I am aware that today there are only 9 Teachers of the Tinerfe Healing System on the face of the Earth (because it is a career in vibrational medicine, which is not taught in weekend courses), but this manual It is not only for them but for everyone interested, whether it is Healer, Therapist, Teacher or Grand Master in Healing.
Remember that "The Tinerfe Healing System is all of us".

Master in Spiritual Healing, Master in Reiki Healing, Master in Healing by Quartz Crystals, Master in Karuna Ki Healing, Aromatherapy, predispose anyone interested to become a serious professional of human health.
The introduction of the above (developed) therapies, conscientiously, in the healing sessions is what forms the Tinerfe Healing and Therapeutic System.

The Charismatic Angelic Healing System, the Anatomy of the Spirit, the Metaphysics of Disease, Sacred Geometry, and Universal Healing Techniques, which are also part of our system, have been published, or will be published soon, as independent works, due to its length and complexity.

Hands down, the best Healing Teacher Manual ever published. Packed with easy yet insightful graphics and explanations.
Each class is also accompanied by a question test as a guide for the teacher and the student.

Dedicated to all the Masters of the Tinerfe Healing System and to all those who wish to expand it with love for our planet.
"We are all the Tinerfe Healing System. All, Independent Teachers"

Damien Alvarez
Creator and Master of the Tinerfe Healing System

Get the "Teacher's Manual of the Tinerfe Healing and Therapeutic System"  by Damián Alvarez  in the Amazon Book Store:

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Conscious Healing Energies Channeling Process (The Science of the Tinerfe Healing System)

There are very few Good Healers in the World who know how to
Channel the Healing Energies in a Conscious, Precise way

Good spiritual healers, such as those belonging to the School of the Tinerfe Healing System, who channel the healing energies consciously, "lower" them from the Soul Star to their Core Star and from there direct them to the recipient of the therapy. not only through the chakras of the hands, but through its Core Star, for example with bubbles of healing, therapeutic, relaxing, vitalizing and / or protection. Channeling healing energies through
from the "esoteric breath" also follows another "path" not so usual of the Human Spiritual Anatomy.

The discoveries of Damián Alvarez on the laws of interaction and energy resonance are used today both to channel healing energies through any major chakra, and to extract energy blocks and negative energies, not only from the major chakras but also from any diseased / blocked physical organ or other differentiated part of the organism.

The path that healing energies follow through the Human Spiritual Anatomy when consciously healed could be summarized as follows:

Conscious Healing is composed of three important steps:
Clean Energy, Healing or Energy Charge and Balance

Healing, Charging, Balancing : Soul Star-Crown Chakra- Causal chakra-Hara Line- Core Star-Hara Line-Heart chakra-hand chakras. Although you can channel healing energy consciously through any major chakra without using the chakras of the hands, or the chakras of the feet (if we did not have hands we could channel the healing energy consciously through the foot chakras if we wish (remember that energy follows thought) Through the "esoteric breath" it would be: Soul Star-Crown chakra-Causal chakra-Hara Line-Core star-Hara Line-Throat chakra and external channeling through the breath .

Energetic Release:  Blocking the patient-part of the body of the healer (resonance) -major chakras-Hara Line-Throat chakra-external release of the blockage or negative energies through sighing, "belching", yawning, sneezing, coughing, " screeches "," howls ".

Of course, only sending healing to different parts of the body or chakras of the recipient of the therapy could also undo the blocks that make him ill and balance those energies that unbalance him, but a conscientious work, using the entire human soul is a lot more practical, fast and efficient. It would also be a completely predictable job at all times.

Get the Book  "Deep Spiritual Anatomy"  (link),
by Damián Alvarez.
Visit their  Author Page on Amazon  (link)

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

The day that Science accepts that ...

The only thing that separates us is a lot of lies. 

... Diseases are of energetic origin, that We Are All One since we can feel symptoms, emotions, feelings and thoughts of other people. 
That thanks to the law of Resonance and Energetic Interaction there could be fewer illnesses, illnesses and symptoms ... it would be a great step, although the Healers, Teachers and Therapists of the Tinerfe Healing System, along with thousands of people who already know it because every time they feel more (and science precisely cannot explain it).

THAT DAY ... will be a Great Step for Humanity.

Beatriz Pallés

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

The Reiki Principles ... and I will be completely Happy

The Reiki Principles. Just for today I will be completely happy

  1. Only for today I will not be angry
  2. Only for today I will not worry
  3. Only for today I will live in gratitude
  4. Only for today I will live with honesty
  5. Only for today I will respect every living being 

That each day be a "only for today I will comply with the Reiki Principles" and I will be completely happy.

The Reiki Principles were   selected by  Dr Mikao Usui  from among some 2,000 rules of life that the Japanese emperors had. These principles are a "spiritual medicine" that if you "take" it cures 85% of all diseases. The Reiki Healing System   is composed of two parts: The one would consist of 15% of the system and would be the channeling  healing energy by laying on of hands (although it can be sent at a distance, through breathing, with the power of the mind, the gaze and other techniques as well), the remaining 85% would consist of the  fulfillment  of The Reiki Principles  .
For much  healing  you  dés , if you keep getting angry,  I worried , complaining and  treat you  badly  you  and your neighbor, then you never will heal.

The principles are not an obligation, but  rather  a guide, a path, an advice and perhaps also a warning. Make no mistake, it is not a good healer who does not even know how to heal himself.

Fewer Reiki courses   (laying on of hands and distance healing) and more courses on Reiki Principles should be given   (none exist). What happens is that we like the easy things better and the  fulfillment  of the principles is an arduous task  .

I have to note that if it is true that  healing  works from the inside out and giving us  healing  we also change personally and spiritually, but it would be better if we consciously  put  something on our part to introduce the principles in our lives and try to be better people every  day .

Your Life is in your Hands, Choose to be Happy

"Just for today do not worry"
Worry weakens us physically and mentally in the face of future "problems", takes us off sleep and traumatizes us.
In all the history of humanity, no one has solved anything by  worrying , and we continue to worry. When we worry we send negative energy into our future and it is a symptom of little  faith  and little hope (virtues of the heart / love). When we worry we act with fear and not with love. Fear is the beginning of all diseases.

Just for today do not be angry"
Anger, aggressiveness, anger, unbalance the  sacral chakra  ,  causing us kidney problems, reproductive and urinary tract diseases. They also raise blood pressure and speed up the heart rate. With anger we create negative energies that can do a lot of harm to us and others as well.

"Just for today live in gratitude"
When we live in  gratitude  we are telling the whole universe, ourselves and God, that we are satisfied with life. If we are satisfied with life, then we are happy.
No complaint suffers most, but the  complainer Those who complain look down on and make a complex of themselves and all other people who  are "worse" than them. When we complain we also send negative energy into life and that life will be our life. Whoever complains insults God and nature, life after all. The complaint traumatizing wounding us our Solar Plexus and  getting sick  pancreas,  liver , spleen and stomach. It also takes away our self-confidence and self-esteem.

"Just for today live honestly"
Be  mainly  honest with yourself and also be honest with others, so you will not have to live with a bad conscience and suffer. Be honest, do not deceive  you , or others. Look to you In the mirror with your eyes open and see if you've been honored with yourself. "Poor those who have to hide their lies behind a physical body on the  day  of their death."
Is your life the one you would wish for your loved one?

"Just for today respect every living being"
Respect yourself , respect others and respect nature. You cannot love the Creator if you do not love creation. We are the creation, and if we harm the created we also harm ourselves. Creation will return what you  send it , be it good or bad. Don't dig your own grave and that of your children. Respect all living things.

My own principle is:
"Never promise what you are not sure you can deliver"
Article by Damian Alvarez at

Damien Alvarez
Reiki Grand Master/Teacher

Monday, February 22, 2021

The fact that many people feel the Energy Body of others ... they do not have to be wrong

All Energetic Body, resonates in contact with other Energies.

We all have an energy body. All those who have studied the Human Spiritual Anatomy know well what I am talking about.
Sometimes I ask myself: How is it that doctors, nurses, lawyers, teachers, people who work in supermarkets, psychologists, psychiatrists, scientists, actors, ... in short, everyone will have to feel something, I say?
Well of course I do. Every day more and more people wonder why when their daughter's boyfriend comes home, their head hurts, or their heart or solar plexus, or why they visit a friend and end up with an acceleration of ".... "Or because they are with a patient and it ends up hurting the same thing, or having the same symptoms, or why shooting an advertising spot they end up anxious, nervous, with pain in their stomach, believing that they are when they have felt it from others.

Energetic Interaction happens daily.

 We all have children, women, fathers, mothers ... in short, people we know around us and who feel bad precisely because they feel about others. Many turn to antidepressant drugs, because they do not know how to explain a very simple law which is "that every energetic body, and the human being, is, resonates with other Energies".
For this reason, many people turn to drugs precisely to escape from what (apart from what they carry inside), not to feel the energies.
It is not about lulling the human being, or making them confused, or giving them medication as if they were taking away what they are going to feel. No matter how much they take anxiolytics, they will feel the same or worse. Mistaking is not a solution.
 Sooner or later, this inevitable reality will occupy the covers of magazines, congresses, television programs ... because it is incredible that at this point they do not realize the energetic interaction between humans.
This Interaction is happening faster and faster. They do not believe them when they tell their doctor, their psychiatrist, or their partner or psychologist, or their boyfriend, friend, father, mother.
Perhaps it is that many Institutions have remained silent because they must change an entire System, studies, ideas. They would crumble a reality that they took for real when it is not. Healing should be approached from another perspective, science would declare a Truth like a temple, Everything ... would change.

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Jesus Christ and the Laws of Interaction and Energetic Resonance. New Publication of Damián Alvarez (already Available in "Amazon" for the whole world)

Jesus Christ and the Laws of Interaction and Resonance
A Book of Deep Soul Science

Why does no one dare to question the "Teachings of Jesus Christ", but if they question, judge, criticize his physical life? Simply because you can't. Perfect teachings cannot be questioned, and whoever did so would be ridiculed. Because who could question  "love your neighbor as yourself"  or  "he who gives food and drink to his neighbor is giving me food and drink" , or this phrase that I love  "so that they are all one as I, Father, in You, may they also be one in us.

We, the connoisseurs of the "Laws of Interaction and Energetic Resonance between Human Beings", know that Jesus Christ knew them for more than 2,000 years, and we understand their teachings. Mind and soul wise that of Jesus of Nazareth.

Perhaps, researchers, know that Jesus Christ was always right and will be right, and that not a single word can be refuted. Perhaps the researchers are so stupid that  "they have eyes and do not see, and they have ears but do not hear."  That is why they have always criticized the physical life of Jesus Christ but not his spiritual teachings, his spiritual life.

I do not consider myself an enlightened mind (far from it), but a person who has studied in a logical and totally objective way the "Teachings of Jesus Christ", so as not to make the mistake of making mistakes like everyone else has done so far, investigating subjectively, that is, full of prejudices.

What difference does it make if Jesus Christ got angry, what difference does it make if Jesus Christ was harsh with people, what difference does it make if Jesus Christ hung out with drinkers and criminals, what difference does it make if Jesus Christ was or was not the lover of Mary Magdalene, what difference did it make if Jesus Christ was or he was not homosexual. Perhaps you are not homosexual, you do not have lovers, you do not drink, you do not get angry, and that is why you think you are better than Jesus Christ?

I present the above to illustrate how biblical researchers have only been able to judge Jesus Christ according to their prejudices, taboos, and preconceptions, and only in a physical way, a very, very superficial way. Yes, that's how superficial are the investigations of those believed to be the brilliant minds of humanity. Nobody (except myself), has tried to investigate deeply the "true life of Christ", his life and teachings, always spiritual, soulful, energetic, deep.

Get the Book  "Jesus Christ and the Laws of Interaction and Energetic Resonance"  (link), by Damián Alvarez

Visit their  Author Page at Amazon Publisher  (link)

Saturday, February 20, 2021

Creation, Evolution or Involution. The Bible and the Theory of Evolution

... and God created Man in His Image and Likeness: Spiritual Being

How can we explain and combine the Bible with the scientific account? For example with the theory of the evolution of species, although I already know that it is only a theory, or with the theory of the creation of the universe. I know that God is great and that he does everything in a natural miraculous way, but I am very interested in what you think.

I used to say that "one thing never takes away the other." I don't know why some people believe that the biblical account of creation is at odds with the creation hypothesis. God created the world, and of course there must have been a process.

The bible explains this process in a linear, logical way for the human being, rather in a symbolic way as the creation happened in 7 days. Who knows how long 7 days are for God?

I know for sure that the human being can develop, can evolve (or regress), and not only spiritually, mentally, emotionally, sentimentally but also on a physical level.

Development of the Human Being with a Blocked Solar Plexus

For example, it is known for a fact that about 50 years ago human beings were shorter in height and had smaller foot sizes. 50 years ago no one had feet that fit size 45-46, and today you see a lot of young boys wearing those shoe sizes.

I also do not remember seeing in my childhood those huge, huge bellies, of men who rather seem to be pregnant in the ninth month, and that today seems to be normal. In the latter case, I see it as involution.

Think that it is only a few years, imagine how the human being could have changed in a period of thousands of years. This is something completely normal that does not contradict in any way that "God created man in his image and likeness." Note that we are talking about the image and likeness of God, his Energy, Light of Light and not a physical aspect that can change with the passing of time.

I myself, in a period of 10-20 years, have seen the physical appearance of my students and patients change. What I tell you is something normal. The physical body is sustained on a spiritual, emotional, mental and sentimental energy plane that affects the etheric plane which in turn affects the physical body. If we change the energy bodies of the human being, then with time the physical aspect will also change.

Human being. Spiritual Image of God, regardless
of the Canon of Beauty of different Epochs and according to Fashions

I give you some examples based on my experience:
  • The thighs of people who practice or receive healing are elongated. Metaphysically it means that their distant futures are lengthened, that is, that the more healing, the longer their lives will be, the more energy blocks are undone, the longer they will live, and it is logical, because it is the energy blocks that interrupt the flow of energy. vital energy.
  • The path between the Solar Plexus and the Sacred (path of personal fulfillment), shortens and the person deflates, the "beer belly" disappears. I have had cases where both my hands no longer fit between the patient's ribs and hips because of how small the waist has become. Metaphysically it means that the person in question will achieve their proposed goals quickly, easily because there are no more or no blockages that obstruct the path between "what I want to do and do it.
  • Another example is that people who dedicate themselves to healing have an enlarged thorax, chest. I put it down to the greater amount of love they channel. Some have floating ribs almost pink on the hips.
  • On the other hand, I have seen petite, stooped, small people who have grown, straightened up, and their breastplate has disappeared. I cannot give you any other explanation than the physical development caused by energy development.
  • I also know that there are human beings whose perversion, degeneration, criminality, change their physical appearance until they become almost monkeys (respecting such sweet animals, of course). What could explain (that Science has not even imagined), "retarded" human beings in a specific time of some branch of humanity ("Theory of Involution" by Damián Alvarez).

Primitive Human Beings? although not for that less Human

There it is. I only tell you my experiences based on reality but you can draw your own conclusions.

I have known for a long time, for sure, that a change in the energetic structure of the human being, over time will also produce a change in his physical appearance.

To summarize: The hypothesis of the evolution of species does not mean that God was the creator of these, in fact, science has never been able, can, and will never create and maintain life out of nothing as the Creator does.

Also say that the biblical explanation of the creation of the human physical body with clay (earth, water, air and heat), can be scientifically demonstrated that it is actually so. The human being contains in his physical body all metals, minerals, salts, water, gases, etc. that make up the planet Earth, but of course, God breathed the "breath of life" into that body of clay, that cannot be done by science.

Science has already shown that Man was created from Clay

On the other hand, we know that human beings, like all other species, live in dynamic development, otherwise they would regress or die, so it is completely normal for human beings to develop. We tend to believe that if God created us, it would have to be with the physical aspect that we have now, but the man of 2,000 years ago is no less "human" than the present man.

Regarding the creation of the universe, well, I'm not interested, I already have enough to learn and understand down here. The truth is that I don't care if the universe was created like this or like that. For me, the important thing is the human being on planet Earth and, of course, his relationship with God and other living beings, whether they are spiritual or not.

Anyway, be it because of the big bang or whatever, the creation and maintenance of the universe requires a higher consciousness, a very powerful force, after that miracle, and I know that this higher consciousness is God, who else?

Damien Alvarez

Get the Book  "Theocratic School of the Tinerfe Healing System"  (link), by Damián Alvarez.
Visit their  Author Page on Amazon Publisher  (link).