Sunday, January 31, 2021

The more inner Peace, more Health, more Well-being and better Protection

Don't Let Stress Take Your Life

I do not see relaxation only as the opposite of stress or nervousness, but the opposite of any state of imbalance in which human beings may find themselves.
It is clear that the nervous person due to insecurity, fear or whatever is a weak person and also stress, which is used unconsciously as a method of avoiding their own insecurities. Yes, a stressed person, no matter how active he may seem, is a very weak person. The stressed person may think that with his actions he is a strong person, he speaks fast, he does everything quickly, he never has enough time because he has a lot to do, he appears to be a person full of energy and vitality, but no, the stressed person is one of the weaker than there are, and sooner or later falls ill or depressed. This is because the energy frequency of your body and soul falls to a very low vibratory level, and therefore any negative external energy affects you more strongly and easier.

The cells of the body like peace, that is, they do not like stress at all. My professional experience tells me that diseases like cancer could be largely prevented just by living more peacefully.
Also, the more relaxed you are, the more the energy frequency of your soul rises.

Relaxation will raise the frequency of your energies, it will protect you

But what are we going to do? I speak of relaxation as  the state of peace, stillness, temperance, like a ray of light in a room that is not altered by anything ,  in which the human being can live, in harmony with himself, with others and with himself. environment . In this case, relaxation would be the opposite of any energy imbalance, whether it be mental, emotional, sentimental, physical or spiritual. Anger upsets, unbalances, but also psychic stress, fear, insecurities, afflictions.

If whatever happens around you, you were able to stay balanced, centered, at peace, that is, if you could stay above the circumstances, in a state of relaxation, then you would have a very, very good energy protection own.
A friend once told me "you will never see a stressed lama", and I understand what he was saying, but yes, I have seen stressed lamas. By this I mean that the "habit does not make the monk", but also that you will be able to know at what spiritual level a person is according to the level of relaxation he maintains.

When you can stay relaxed for long periods of time you will notice its lasting benefits, but remember that negative energies will always try to unbalance you, de-center you, that is, lose your state of relaxation.

30 Years Healing and Educating the World

Get the Book  "Negative Energies, Protections and Clean Energy"  (link), by Damián Alvarez
Visit his  Author Page in the Amazon Editorial  (link)

Saturday, January 30, 2021

Damian Alvarez, the Writer of Reality

Damián Alvarez, the Writer of Reality, his Wisdom goes beyond the Intellect

I would like to thank Damian Alvarez for being able to share his wisdom and knowledge regarding a Great Reality that surrounds us on his blog: . The Energetic Interaction, the Energetic Resonance Law, Who we are, Where we come from, Where we are going, The World of Energies and how they affect the Human Being ... and its publication of books that you can purchase at  http: // damianalvarez. and Amazon.
Very few are those who have dared to write about Negative Energies, another reality that many ignore.

 Thank you Damian and may God continue to guide you as He has done so far.

Beatriz Pallés
Teacher in Vibrational Therapies

Friday, January 29, 2021

Tips to stay Strong.

Every day that passes is a gift from God

Nowadays Everything happens faster and Human Energies affect your Energetic body faster, too. Therefore, it is worth remembering phrases that give you strength.

* May your Existence be the proof that God EXISTS.
* Your Soul is Eternal ... why are you going so fast?
* If your thoughts, feelings and emotions are not in accordance with the Divine Will ... CHANGE THEM.
* Enjoy your Life while your Physical Incarnation on Earth lasts.
* Your Happiness resides in: knowing the Truth, working for God and knowing who You are.
* Set goals and let Nothing stop you.

Thursday, January 28, 2021

Nature is Healthy by Nature, and God is Good but not Dumb

Nature Cleanses and Maintains itself since it is Love
and will not allow the Human being to destroy it

It is no wonder that we can blame worldly evils on everyone else since we ourselves are incapable of taking responsibility for anything.

I leave my life in the hands of the doctor, the psychologist, the priest, the healer, the pharmacist, the politician, and God, and if my life is not the way I like it, then I know who to blame.

Why do we ask that God not allow injustice on Earth and at the same time accuse him of being a justice?

The most logical and simple answer is: why, whatever happens, I can blame God, and act as God acts, I will never be happy with his performance because I believe that my unhappiness is his fault, and I will always be unhappy until do not hold me responsible for my own actions.

This is not Divine Punishment but the Fruit of General Ignorance

I, you, we are humanity. God does not punish. In any case, God warns us not to fall into self-destruction, but we never pay attention to him, and that's how it goes for all of us.

God is not going to live your life for you. You ask God for what you yourself do not dare to carry out, being your vital mission. God does not destroy the world, God does not allow people to get sick, starve and die. It is you and I who are allowing the aforementioned to happen on the face of the Earth. You and I have become irresponsible of our life, we have lost the helm of our vital mission.

So it was in biblical times, so it is in our day, God has always allowed us to choose, choose, evil or love, of our own free will. So don't ask God for anything that you should do yourself, let alone blame Him for your own fear and cowardice, not to mention your own sins. If you want to change the world then go ahead, you have the power to do so. God has already done enough to create you, maintain you, and support you.

30 Years Healing and Educating the World

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Yawning, Burping, Coughing, Sneezing, Sighing and Reiki

The Reiki Initiation Ritual is a Deep Energetic Interaction

It is not surprising that reiki masters yawn, burp, cough and even sneeze during a reiki initiation, since in this energy ritual as in any other where a teacher / healer and a student / receiver / patient are present, the interaction and energetic resonance between their souls is a fact as or more palpable than in full body therapies.

The reiki master, when connecting to the initiation receptor, must, automatically, and almost always unconsciously (except for the Tinerfe Healing System masters who do so consciously), undo the negative energies that the receptor of the reiki has. initiation with yawning.
Yawns are completely natural energy releases.

Thanks to the laws of interaction and energetic resonance, the Reiki master connects his major chakra system with the receptor of initiation, forcing the chakra system of one of them to heal the other, or the other to make the first one sick. . It is assumed that the teacher will be the one who heals the student so he will have to burp imperatively to undo the blockages that the student has in his chakra system, especially the Solar Plexus, if not, the teacher will end the ritual with a swollen belly and with nausea. Yes, the blockages in the chakras are undone by burping, for not having a better word.

Both Yawning, Burping, Coughing and Sneezing
are completely natural energy releases

Burping in a therapeutic way is a release of negative energies created by the individual himself (traumas, frustrations, sorrows, or transmitted from other people), which as unconventional as it may seem, the relatively easier, and the one that is becoming more natural. , as more and more Reiki teachers and practitioners are burping in their therapies.

Feeling compelled to cough during a reiki initiation implies that blockages in the Throat chakra are being undone. Instead, sneezing carries energetic blocks located in various chakras and parts of the Hara Line.

Sighing moments prove that energy begins to flow.
Lacrimation is just a side effect of yawning and it has no therapeutic power.

* This article is a courtesy of the Tinerfe Healing System to all reiki masters in the world.
Damien Alvarez

Get the Book of Damián Alvarez

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Pain in the Solar Plexus? (Damian Alvarez's Discoveries About the Solar Plexus)

Pain in the Solar Plexus?

No one has written so much and so wisely about the Solar Plexus as the Discoverer of the Tinerfe Natural and Therapeutic System, Damian Alvarez.

Why does our stomach ache? What effects do traumas, scares and dislikes cause on this Chakra? Why does it hurt when we are in contact with other people ...?

Symptoms and Diseases associated with the Solar Plexus. Relationship between the Solar Plexus and the Third Eye, or what would be equivalent and for people to understand it, it would be like saying that there is a relationship between the pit of the stomach and our thoughts, how they affect us and why.

It was time for someone to discover how the Energies of other people affect us on our Energetic Body. What can we do about it?

 Damian Alvarez has also written several books on this subject including "The Solar Plexus. The Sun of your Life".
I hope that Modern Medicine really finds out why the Mouth of the Stomach hurts and why we get sick from the Liver, Pancreas, Stomach ... this Energy Center being the origin of All Diseases.

Congratulations and may soon come the Recognition that you deserve so much for your work.
I invite you to visit his blog .

Beatriz Pallés

Monday, January 25, 2021

Your Nature is Divine

    Of course the Power of God is not subject to Time and Space.

Everything comes from God

Everyone, if they had enough faith in the Power of God and that this Power is manifested through us, we can materialize, heal, heal without any doubt.
Is it so hard to understand? Well, for many it seems so. They remain determined that they are a Physical Body and nothing more. It is a shame to waste a wonderful Incarnation bent on being something you are not.

Your potential is infinite, for this God created you in his image and likeness. Your Nature is Divine and if you act accordingly you will perform Miracles.

                               WE ARE CREATORS AND THAT'S WHY WE CREATE.

God is Love, He is Pure Energy that Vibrates in Love. His Immeasurable Love has no limits, and neither does His Power. So if this is so ... you also have power since you are a being created in the image and likeness ... it is more GIVEN YOU POWER OVER ALL THE ENERGIES OF THE UNIVERSE and as Everything is Energy you can modify, direct, undo, channel and by you can materialize what you want. This would be normal for any Human being since We are All Equal, the difference between one and the other is made by LOVE. The more Love an individual has, the more Consciousness He has.

We still strive to see Love as a Physical experience. This is a mistake. We are not separated from each other, love unifies everyone equally because it is our essence ... the rest is a lie. EVERYTHING THAT IS NOT LOVE, does not exist, it is simply an illusion since if All that encompasses is Divine, there is no space or time for what is not.
We are all Divine and our presence on Earth is too. What has happened is that the Negative Energies have tricked you into believing otherwise.

God and His Creation

The pains that make us sick are from the Soul for over time ... if they are not healed, they become physical. What man seeks is to Heal the Soul, but again they have fallen into healing the physical and abandoning the Soul.
The man has stopped Feeling, since the Soul as well as the Energy and its effect on the physical world are not seen because they simply do not believe in them. But the physical body is seen, therefore, it is the only thing they believe in.

  As Sai Baba said "Those who deny the existence of God are those who are full of themselves and do nothing but affirm their egoism" or "Stop imagining that you are individuals subject to limitations. This is the myth that must be done! destroy so that divine life can begin! or "The only great truth is this" there is no other "God is All that Exists!

Saturday, January 23, 2021

Diagnosis of Modern Medicine versus Vibrational Medicine

Energetic imbalance in the Heart Chakras
affecting the physical heart

I will give an example and how the same person is treated differently.
Patient who comes to the consultation after spending almost several months between doctors, psychologists, psychiatrists, and blood tests. The symptoms are distress and anxiety.
Modern Medicine makes you an Electrocardiogram and an analytical and perfect. He goes to the psychiatrist and prescribes sedatives and antidepressants. They do not find anything relevant, according to Modern Medicine.

The patient attends a consultation of Vibrational Medicine of the Tinerfe Healing and Therapeutic System. I felt everything. Energetic imbalance in the Heart Chakras affecting the physical heart, with an energetic acceleration that seemed to make the heart come out of the mouth .. Pains in the sacrum, specifically in the ovaries, an inner nervousness that took me three quarters of an hour to relax. Headache, pain in the kidneys and tension in the whole body, in the legs, arms, jaw ...
 Totally blocked Solar Plexus root of why the patient felt anguish and anxiety. Having the blocked Solar Plexus affected the pancreas by not mentioning things such as anger, resentment, rage, little self-confidence, no intention to do things ... Traumas associated with sorrows and frustrations, etc, etc.

And for Modern Medicine the person has nothing, he is perfect. My God, how can such a person be perfect?

When are they going to realize that they are all energy imbalances that later trigger the symptoms.

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Human Energetic Interaction

Potential Healer.

 Energetic imbalances happen inside the mother's womb. As the mother is, the child will be. If the mother is stressed, nervous, with anguish, chest pressure, anxiety, ..... your child will feel the same energy body as his mother, up to seven years. The child as a potential healer can physically manifest the energetic imbalances of his mother.
In other words, the mother should be treated so that her child heals.
For example:
If a mother has an unbalanced Heart Chakra (due to sorrows, fears, loss of loved ones, with pressure on the chest, whether conscious or not), it will negatively affect the heart chakra of her child. If this chakra is not healed, balanced, cleansed and charged it will ultimately affect the lungs and heart.                           

 As you grow, the Energetic Interaction occurs consciously or unconsciously. With your parents, with your family, at school, with your friends, at work, with your partner ..... You are only aware when you feel it.

Another example:
When a friend of my son comes home, automatically, I feel the energy imbalances he has. Pressure on the heart, severe headaches, the unbalanced sacrum and the solar plexus I don't even tell you.
Of course I am a Therapist, Healer and Great Teacher. I have been feeling from others for years without making mistakes.

Who tells his mother how I feel about his son? Most of the people don't believe. If this child does not heal one day he will scare his mother.
If I tell him, he will take him to the doctor, he will find nothing for him, because Medicine does not treat energy imbalances, nor the Chakras.

Being in contact with my son, my son has the same as him. It ends with a headache, pressure in the chest, pain in the heart, pain in the solar plexus ...
The difference is that I can feel it for my son, I can heal him (undo everything that is energetically affecting) Meanwhile, the child's mother due to ignorance, or because she does not believe, will have a bad time.

When I met the mother ... why do I tell them. This child is healing his mother. How do I tell the mother, hey, I am sorry, this, the other ...?
 The most I can do is give her a card, in case one day she realizes how bad she is and comes to my office.

With this article, what I want to tell you is that: "We all feel about everyone, including illnesses, symptoms, pain ... because we are all one and we all come from the same source

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

What is and what is not the Depression? Second part

Depression is a trauma associated with a grief that takes away your will to live

Burden is a method of evasion caused by frustrations, it is a form of unconscious evasion. Imbalance in the Sacral Chakra. Overwhelm does not mean that you have many things to do but it is a symptom derived from trauma and frustration because things do not happen as fast as you want.

Stress is another method of evasion, it is external restlessness due to blockages in the Solar Plexus that cause insecurity, little self-esteem ... that is, a pain that perhaps by staying passively you WOULDN'T BE ABLE because you don't want to stop and feel. While Nervousness is interior, Stress is Exterior.

Depression is grief, caused by a sentimental loss that takes away the individual's will to live and that lasts for more than a week. A grief is always associated with Trauma, which is why, apart from the Heart Chakra, the Solar Plexus is unbalanced.

In the first article and in this second article, it is clear that isolated symptoms should not be included under the therapeutic framework of Depression, if they are not directly related to a trauma associated with a sentimental loss (emotional miscalled).

(These definitions are from the Doctor in Metaphysics Damian Alvarez

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

If you know how to love you can heal. If you know how to heal, you can really love

Children know how to love naturally

You are your own Healer and if you don't love yourself you will never heal. Accept yourself as you are, try to improve, but do not set impossible goals, be practical. Love yourself unconditionally. You are Unique, you are the best you have. Don't hate yourself for who you are or who you are not. Don't hate yourself because you are not like others want you to be. Do not try to be special to defend your dignity and try to be "a unique disfigured, a lie, a hoax" that does not exist. Be yourself and you will be a "True One" with a value that only corresponds to the "Unique and Original Works of Art", with an incalculable value. Love yourself for who you are.

Follow your Mission in Life and do not judge yourself negatively, learn from your "mistakes and failures" that never are while you are acting with Love and enjoying your Life.

You have the right to be Loved for who you are, you do not need to buy Love by pretending to be "someone" that you are not. Don't follow "fads," or outside traditions or beliefs that just make you self-conscious and want your money.
Let no one try to convince you of how it should or should not be. People who think they are their clothes, their money, their possessions will never be happy. So no one tries to convince you that it has to be one way or another to be happy. "A blind man cannot guide a blind man"

Do, Act, Live as you wish, with Love, a lot of Self-Love. Trust your Inner Child, yourself and He will guide you, because He is the best who knows you.

Relate to others in a positive way, Love others. Our relationships must be based on Love, be they relationships as a couple, parental, friendly, work, social.

Loving relationships are healthy relationships. Relationships based on Fear, Interest, Convenience, Use, Control, Intimidation, etc. They are not healthy relationships because they take away our Free Will and do not allow us to be Ourselves.

Love others as Yourself and if they do not Love You, it will not bother you at all, it will not make you suffer, it will not make you sick, because your Love is Unconditional and Selfless. Love that is not reciprocal returns to the one who "sends" it and Heals it. Selfless Love is "above" Sorrows, Heartbreak, Bad Conscience, Feelings of Guilt, Worries and a long etcetera.

But how to realize that relationships in our life are Loving and Positive and which ones are not?
Simple. In every relationship in which you have to play "a role" as if it were in a play it is not a loving relationship, on the other hand, in any relationship where you can be Yourself if it is a loving and positive relationship.
Change, be Yourself in all your relationships, Love (Be Yourself) or eliminate that negative relationship from your Life. Do not be afraid of losing "friends" or "loved ones" who are neither your friends nor your loved ones. Love Heals, Fear (in all its aspects) makes you sick.

Love Creation as Yourself and Love God because You are Creation and without Divine Creation and without God you will find yourself alone and ill. Love is neither Created nor Destroyed, Love flows through the Beings of Good Heart towards Beings of Good Heart as Springs of the Water of Life, Healing Bodies and Souls.

Monday, January 18, 2021

The speed of the soul, the stress

Stress. Source of Mood Imbalances and Diseases

Our Soul cannot move so fast, it really should move slower than time so that it does not become unbalanced.
An accelerated Soul is an unbalanced Soul with infinite possibilities of becoming seriously ill. 

The Human Soul is formed by the superposition of the seven Energetic bodies, the Major Chakra System and the four Transpersonal Energetic Centers that are: The Soul Star, The Core Star, the Earth Star and the Casual Chakra. The Hara Line that crosses the System of Major Chakras uniting them, a System of Minor Chakras, about four thousand among them the Acupuncture points, a System of Meridians (maintenance structure) of the physical body and a System of Nadis, which communicates the Chakras with the Meridian System. Everything together forms the Human Soul.

Both Body and Soul need Peace, Calm and Harmony 

 What is happening today? 
 It is enough that a stressed or nervous person approaches you so that you can feel at the speed that your Soul is going. You feel in your energetic body that your soul goes so fast that it makes you want to run to someone who knows where. No wonder people break their hearts or cells go "crazy." As most people do not know that they have a Soul and it is precisely the Soul that goes at such great speed, they take pills to relax but their Soul continues to accelerate internally.

Certain Healers of the Tinerfe Natural System have discovered that one of the causes of cancer is due to daily stress. The cells that should live in Peace and Quiet, go crazy and begin to grow in an exorbitant and uncontrolled way. 
Daily stress is felt in people, in workplaces, in homes, on the street and even in each city or country ... even affecting people who can be relaxed since stress produces a certain vibration that EVERY SOUL FEELS consciously or unconsciously.

                             THE NATURAL HABITAT OF THE HUMAN BEING IS LOVE.

Sunday, January 17, 2021

Spiritual Healing. Healing for your Soul. 1st part

God is Love, you are too

The word "Spiritual" has been misinterpreted for centuries. Most confuse Spirituality with Spirits and that is not the case.
To be clear, Our Essence is Spiritual. God is Spirit and I will explain in this article and later why we are?

We have a Spiritual Anatomy, although many, if not the vast majority, are unaware of it.
We are an Incarnate Spirit in a physical body, experiencing a Physical Life. When we die, we disincarnate ourselves to be a Spirit again.
Jesus Christ said: "What is born of human parents is human" ... "What is born of Spirit is Spirit"

Starting from this point, we should ask ourselves: Who am I? although we would know if we discard Who am I?
                                                                          I am not...

My prejudices
My fears
My Diseases
My problems
My possessions
My money
My Physical Body
My religion
My race
My studies
My job
My gender
My family
My taboos
My nationality
My culture
My language
My Social Category
My age
    ... I am much more than all that

    So who am I?

    Well, what you have always been and will be ... a Spiritual Being Created in the Image and Likeness of God and as nothing is impossible for God, neither is it for you. As God is Spirit, your essence is also.

    What has happened is that when the Negative Energies exist, they have made you separate from yourself, from your Creator ... lying to you to believe that you are something else.

    The Negative Energies have lied to you to believe that you are something else
                                                                                                                                                                      Your Own Negative Thoughts
    Physical, Emotional, Mental, Sentimental and Spiritual Contamination
    The Body and Sick Soul of Other People
    Las Brujerias (Negative Energy directed towards You Consciously)
    Jealousy, Envy, Rancor, Hate, Rage, Anger, etc.
    The Negative Energy of the Planets
    The Energies of the Unbalanced Earth Elements
    Negative Spiritual Beings
    Psychic Attacks

    If God is Love, Unlimited, Unconditional, YOU are too.

    Well, if we start from the basis that We Are All Love, we were never taught how we can live with Love, how we can introduce it into our lives.
    If a person thinks negative, speaks negatively, acts negatively, does not Love himself, does not Love others and does not Love Creation ... DOES NOT LIVE WITH LOVE.
    To live with Love, you must Love God, think with Love, speak with Love, Love yourself as others, Act with Love and Create with Love.
    Who lives like this? Well, very few people.

                   to be continue....