Monday, February 24, 2025

Healing and curative properties of the color red

Red Color. Energy, Vitality, Strength, Vigor, Health, Life...

Exaltation of the vital force. Stimulating action at all levels, both physical, emotional, sentimental and even mental. Sometimes, too stimulating, energetic, as when it refers to activating sexuality, will, physical strength.

The Red Color affects the entire Major Chakra System to a greater or lesser degree, therefore it affects the entire Human Energy Body and the entire physical body.

Energy recharge, “inner fire”, “energy bomb”, heat, red-hot metal, liquid steel, blood in our veins.

The Red color, in truth, circulates through our veins like molten steel. The Red color roots our energy body to the physical body and to the molten core of the Red Earth through and thanks to the iron that Red blood contains.

Without the Red color the Soul could never be incarnated. Red is that telluric energy, which although of low frequency, we need it to maintain our physical body in a physical world. Red is the primitive energy of survival, which makes us eat, drink, defend ourselves from dangers.

Red activates blood flow. Lava is the "blood" of the Earth.

Almost all the “external maintenance systems” of the physical body are converted into Red energy, to provide strength, vigor and vitality to the organism, whether it is breathing, eating, etc.

People with serious illnesses become pale, emaciated, and lose the natural Red color that shows good physical health.

Therapeutically, the Red color is used to strengthen people affected by diseases that deplete their energy, such as anemia or circulation problems. It is effective for treating colds, bronchitis, pneumonia, as it strengthens the weakened physical body.
The Red color can also be used to treat all problems, illnesses, and conditions related to the skeleton, muscles, and ligaments, but especially to treat the lower extremities.
In post-operative states, it is usually as helpful or more helpful than the Orange color to help convalescents recover. It
is also used to raise body temperature and treat areas damaged by the cold, as the blood carries that heat to the affected areas.

Red Cheeks. Symptom of Good Health and Physical Strength

Too much Red can distract us and unbalance us, making us aggressive, materialistic and excessively selfish. For example: Too much Red in the Heart chakra makes the affected person unable to “love” without expecting something in return,

and also makes them distrustful of the love of others. Metaphysically, the Red color is blood, the vital force, life itself. Without Red in the body you cannot live, without blood in the body you cannot live. Both the state of the blood and the color of your body show the health you have. A lifeless body is a body without Red color, pale. A dying person progressively loses their Red color, their vital energy, their connection to the earth, their connection to the physical world. Red is the color of good health, joy and strength, which is seen in small children who play, full of life, energy and enthusiasm.

God has given human beings a heavenly star (white) to illuminate their path and an earthly star (red) to provide them with enough vitality to be able to walk that path without any problem. That path is life, yours and mine...

Get the book  "Meaning and Therapeutic Use of Colors in Vibrational Medicine"  (link), by  Damián Alvarez
Visit his  Author Page on the Amazon Editorial  (link)