Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Healing and curative properties of the color white (Part One)

Rainbow. Natural Chromotherapy. Light reflects all colors

The color White does not really exist. Shocking, isn't it? If colors are the separation of Light and the color White contains all colors, then is it White Light? Is White a Color?
Most people visualize white energy as almost transparent and it is very difficult for them to visualize it as White.
Light permeates the entire physical world, Light is transparent, so we can see the physical world illuminated by that Light. If Light were white we would see everything else white, since it would cover the other colors.
It is the Light that when reflected in matter causes the chromatic spectrum, that is, the colors of the physical world that we can see.
It is the Light that when reflected in a transparent prism decomposes forming a rainbow, it is not the color White that when reflected in a prism causes the miracle mentioned above: the rainbow.
But assuming that the Light is White. White would be the mother of all colors. White is the beginning and the end. The color White is the primary color, the true pure energy, and much more...

White Color. Divine Light. Primary Energy. High Vibration

God is Light, the color White would represent, then, divinity, God himself, the most powerful energy in the Universe. The primary, conscious, creative energy of all things. The color White is the color of the Holy Spirit, the color of the White dove that represents the energy of God. The main healing and curative Light is also the color White and God is the one who heals. The color White is the most spiritual color that exists, it is the impulse of the human being to live as a being created in the image and likeness of God. The color White is the color of good people, with an energetic vibrational frequency in their Aura that makes them shine like Light. Light is the energy closest to the frequency of the golden color. Light is the human heart turned into a diamond that reflects the Light of God without any impediment.

White Color. Healthy Joy, Sincerity, Purity and Childlike Innocence

The color White denotes purity, innocence, hygiene. You can eat on the color White, sleep on it, you can bring it close to your intimate areas and feel safe, protected and totally clean.

The color White does not deceive, it is innocence, virginity, peace, light, brightness, sincerity, transparency.

The color White is the color of birth and early childhood, it is the color of babies. It is the color that is reflected in the eyes of happy, optimistic, affectionate, hopeful people, clean of heart, clean of body, mind and soul, of people who are as innocent as children, as innocent as the Kingdom of Heaven.

White Color. Pure Transparency in Motion. Total Health

Water is like light, the more transparent it is, the cleaner it is, and transparent water is what reflects all the colors of transparent light, of White light.
Transparent water and light are what clean. Water cleanses the physical body, emotions and feelings. Light cleanses our mind and soul.
White cleans the dirt of all other colors, removing their darkness and giving them new light and brightness.
White cleans the soul, forgiving all its sins and bringing clarity to the most pessimistic mind.
White, with its mere presence, eliminates all possible bodily residues that could exist, whether they be sweat, odors, etc., etc.

White color cleanses body and soul. New beginning in life

White also cleanses sins, taboos, fears, prejudices, lies, deceit, insecurities, shame, resentment, jealousy, worries, guilty conscience, etc., opening up to the couple of new lovers a White world, a free world, full of infinite possibilities and pure but at the same time overflowing fantasies. The White color is the spiritual climax, a sensation that goes far beyond the physical climax, a sensation and a pleasure that comes down a little from heaven to earth to experience the sexual act in a heavenly way and fill the lovers' bedroom with the sparkle of a diamond, the sparkle of the light of dawn reflected in the curtains, sheets, white underwear and happy eyes of the new married couple after their first wedding night, their "first night of sex" after the marriage ritual.

to be continued, ...