Friday, February 7, 2025

Love yourself for who you are and because yes

For You Nothing is Impossible. Love yourself for who you are and because yes

Loving yourself is putting yourself first, second, and third. Valuing yourself for who you are and not for what you have or don't have. No one is better than you, or everyone is the same, or if not, you are the best. Look at everything you have, how wonderful you are. Loving yourself is sending positive thoughts, feelings, and emotions to yourself.

You use your higher self when you are yourself, when your thoughts, feelings, emotions and actions transcend you for the good of humanity, and you do not live selfishly. That is all, that is your "higher self", there is nothing more. Your higher self is you, free of fears, prejudices, taboos, erroneous teachings, etc., that is, love, as God created you.

A List of Goals Can Be the Beginning of Personal Fulfillment

If you want guidance, my advice is to just let your life flow for the moment until you feel better, then make a list of goals with things you want to achieve in life, no fantasies, no illusions, nothing that could depend on other people but things that you must achieve for yourself. The list of goals will let you know where to go, do not let anything stop you and you will achieve everything you set out to do, but be careful, you will have to achieve it with love, then you will be happy. And don't tell me now, how do you love? You love by being yourself. How do you become yourself? Well, by freeing yourself from everything that has been instilled in you, from all those prejudices, preconceived ideas of how this and that has to be. Exist, just like a little bird, be happy. Nothing and no one will bring you happiness, only living with love, achieving your goals and feeling fulfilled.

Do as I tell you, sit down, make a list of goals but without limitations, impediments. You can achieve everything in life, your potential is infinite. Make the list as when you were a child, when you believed you could achieve anything, ... and go ahead. Live, the rest will come with the flow of life, or as Jesus Christ said "seek first the Kingdom of Heaven, everything else will be given to you as well"...

Damian Alvarez

Get the book  "All the Truth about Healing and Spiritual Development"  (link), by Damián Alvarez.
Visit his  Author Page on Amazon Publishing  (link)