Monday, August 30, 2021

Theocratic School. Divine School. A Work of Damián Alvarez

Theocratic School. School of Divine Power. Work of Damián Alvarez

Damián Alvarerz, creator of the Tinerfe Healing System, discovered the principle of disease, the root of disease: Fear.

Perhaps, someone, before him, had already discovered it, but until now it had not been heard. Through, and thanks to the Tinerfe Healing System we currently have evidence of such a great discovery for Science, Medicine, Humanity, ...

Damián Alvarez also discovered that it would be easier (and cheaper) to avoid the disease than to cure it. So why not work preventively? That is, not wait to get sick, but avoid getting sick.

Fear is shown (at least by Damián Alvarez), that it is the opposite of love.
So we deduce that living with love, expressing our divine essence, living in our "natural habitat" which is love, consciously and constantly, we would never get sick, and not only this, but we could live forever.

Eternal physical life is not an illusion, fantasy, nor does it have anything to do with your faith in religions. Eternal life depends only on your being able to live as God created you, as a loving being.

Despite ourselves, we try to live like a "fish out of water" and of course, sooner or later we get sick and die.

But who has instilled, taught, "educated" us to live in fear, so we get sick and die?

The answer is found in the "Theocratic School of the Tinerfe Healing System", created by Damián Alvarez.

By understanding who or who have "raised" us with fear and how and why, we will also understand what is making us sick, and better yet, we will know how to avoid that fear and the symptoms and illnesses derived from it.

For many centuries, the churches and governments of the world have "raised" us in fear.

The mission of the "Theocratic School" is not to re-educate (because it was never educated, but was deceived), but to educate as God intended (and never better said), educate with love, educate to love and educate Love.

Get the Book  "Theocratic School of the Tinerfe Healing System"  (link), by Damián Alvarez.
Visit their  Author Page on Amazon Publisher  (link).

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Energetic Protections: The Healer's Cares

Learn to Live Prudently and Smartly, Healthy and Happy



  • Before reaching "anywhere"
  • Before leaving your house
  • When you feel that "something" is wrong
  • When you see "something" that is Shocking / Traumatizing / Frustrating / Distressing
  • When you see "something" that you do not like, change it, visualize it in a positive way
  • Protect your companions
  • Protect your family
  • Protect yourself in the morning when you get out of bed
  • Protection Prayer
  • Protection Bubble
  • Site Protection
  • Negative Energies Cleanse
  • Cross Arms (Solar Plexus Protection)
  • Protect yourself before answering the phone
  • Protect food
  • Have Faith (do as God tells you)
  • Act with Love (the opposite of Fear)
  • Use Obsidians, Hematites and Black Tourmalines
  • Heal your Life with Love
  • Protect yourself from your own negative thoughts
  • Become aware of how the Negative Energies of the Planets affect you
  • Avoid difficult situations
  • Avoid arguments
  • Avoid crowds of people
  • Avoid places where you don't feel "comfortable"
  • Protect yourself from "sins"
  • Don't "open up" to Negative Energies: Drugs, Alcohol, Witchcraft, etc.

Be Yourself and Allow Others to Be Themselves


  • Meets the Reiki Principles
  • Avoid Pride (Symptom of Weakness)
  • Be yourself and allow others to be themselves (children, the elderly, etc.)
  • Have Positive Thoughts
  • Ask God to enlighten your thoughts
  • Become aware of whether your thoughts, emotions and feelings are positive, if not change them
  • Become aware that your thoughts, emotions and feelings if they are not positive are not yours
  • Healing Meditations
  • Heal your Life with Love
  • Weaken your Negative Thoughts by not giving them importance
  • Don't get hung up on "the negative." Obsess over positive thoughts: "God is Great, Life is Wonderful"
  • Do not become obsessed with Negative Spiritual Energies / Beings. Live Life: "Give to God what is God's and to Caesar what is Caesar's"
  • Get Self-Healing Therapies every day
  • Use Quartz Crystals in Self-therapies and Meditations
  • Use Music Therapy and Chromotherapy often
  • Retreat once a week to nature (sea or beach) without contact with other Human Beings and without a telephone, so that your Chakra System can rest and recover
  • Walk, swim, make love
  • Do not let anything stop you. Set Goals and get them
  • "Happy is the one who does what he wants and feels satisfied / fulfilled with it"
  • "Watch and Pray" (Stay "Awake" and close to God)

Get the Teaching Book  "A Healing Session of the Tinerfe Healing System"  (link), by Damián Alvarez.
Visit their  Author Page at Amazon Publisher  (link)

Saturday, August 28, 2021

Philosophy of the Tinerfe Healing System. Basic Vital Dynamics Philosophy of the Tinerfe Healing System

Tinerfe Healing System: Philosophy of Practical and Simple Life

Many people spend half their lives trying to find their place in life, that is, to know what their life mission is. These people go to gurus, mediums, supposed spiritual guides, fortune-tellers, and a long etcetera, to be told what their mission is in this incarnation.

These people can find themselves empty, feeling out of context, with thoughts like "and everything for what? What is the meaning of life? What is the meaning with my life? What am I doing here, what for? I was born ?, and the worst ... if we are all going to die after all, ... "

No matter what you do or don't do, as long as you do it with love, it will be well done, and with it, you will feel satisfied and fulfilled. Your whole life will make sense.

Whatever you do, if you relate to others with generosity, kindness, justice, honesty, solidarity, charity, sincerity, well, everything will be fine for you. Do not measure your success by the money, approval, or glory that you receive or do not receive, but by how comfortable, accomplished, happy you feel doing your job. You will have found your place in life, your life mission.

I once wrote that " everyone who leaves the world has fulfilled his mission in life better than he found it." Understand that you are the salt of the Earth and the light of the world, and you are on the planet to conserve it, protect it, heal it, and also guide and teach anyone who also wants it.

Get the Book  "Tinerfe Healing System (5 More Years of Philosophy)"  (link)  by Damián Alvarez
Visit his  Author Page in the Amazon Editorial  (link)

Friday, August 27, 2021

The Bible, the Least Read Book in the World

The Bible. The Least Read Book in the World

Yes that's how it is. Perhaps due to laziness (most likely), perhaps due to ignorance, perhaps because we have associated this Holy Book with some religion that has let us down, well, the vast majority of human beings have not read two chapters in a row of this wonderful book: The Bible.

It is often said that the Bible is the most widely read book in the world but it is not true. The Bible may be the best-selling and most-bought book in the world, but not the most widely read.

Do you have a Bible at home? Good! Have you read the Bible you have at home? Well, that's good too, but the vast majority of those who have a Bible in their house have it like it collects dust and have never opened it. The vast majority of people have not even read the first book that makes up the Bible, if not, another rooster would have sung to us, and the world would be a better world.

The Bible. A Complex Life Manual for the Perfect Man

Hopefully, this article can encourage all those kind-hearted people who want to read and learn to be better beings and dare to open the Bible. Hopefully the people of the world can oppose this article because the Bible is the most read book in the world.

There are also Bibles in hospitals, clinics, hotels, residences, libraries, etc., but who reads those Bibles? Maybe no one.
Religions and sects based on the Bible distribute these books everywhere. Much to my regret, many of them end up in a dumpster.

Many people, throughout my career, have told me that you do not come to Earth, that you are not born with a life manual, but yes, the Bible is a life manual. When I remind them of the Life Manual that is the Bible, those same people have always answered me the same thing: "But he is very fat." Let's see if we understand each other, first we want a life manual but we want it with two pages. A life manual for a perfect and complex human being is not written in two pages.

The Bible, a Fat Book What did you expect from God, four pages?

Desiring, wanting, but without putting anything on their part, is a classic when it comes to human beings in general, and shows how little self-responsibility they are willing to put into their lives. Better that others read the Bible, read it aloud to me, make a movie for me, or make a recording, so, perhaps, sitting on the armchair in my living room, it may be that I dedicate a little time to the Word of God .

Most of the people who have read, studied, researched the Bible, have been scientists, writers, researchers, and also, they have done it in a negative way, that is, to look for errors, failures, to demonstrate in a "scientific way" that the Bible is not the Word of God. Little is concerned with biblical teachings those who look for errors in the book, logically and scientifically, instead of looking for love, reading the book with the heart, with the feelings.

Anyway, one day I realized that all the books that deserve their name were based on or cited the Bible, its teachings, its characters. Perhaps, in our deep ignorance we have forgotten the Finger of God that he has made without realizing that the Bible is the most widely read book in the world, even indirectly ...

... to be continue

Damián Alvarez at

Get the Book  "Theocratic School of the Tinerfe Healing System"  (link), by Damián Alvarez.
Visit their  Author Page on Amazon Publisher  (link).

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Prayer to Heal All Aspects of Your Life (Part One: Healing is Life)

The first step of all well done Therapy is the Healing Prayer

Yes, Healing is life. Healing is not "putting your hands on" another person or yourself, as I have said so many times, that is why any healing system worth its name must necessarily have a philosophy of life that supports it.

Most people are used to everything coming from outside, so they don't have to do anything on their part, and therefore, they want someone outside of them to heal their lives.

A Healer-Therapist can heal, cure symptoms, undo blockages, give recommendations, but life has to be lived by the recipient of the therapies, hence the importance of a practical and modern life guide.

But what are we going to do? Yes, Healing is not only eliminating symptoms, pains, negative sentimental, emotional, mental states, etc., but with the healing energies you can treat any aspect of your life.

Healing is Life. Healing is Philosophy too

He thinks that Healing, after all, is "opening paths" in the human energy body so that life can flow through his soul in the easiest, most agile, possible way. If a person has a problem in his life, it is that somewhere in his energy body there is a blockage.

These blockages can be due to their own, fears, insecurities, etc., symptoms caused by other blocks (traumas, sorrows, frustrations), but also, the human soul can be blocked from the outside, for example with the sending of negative energies from second people.

If you want to heal any aspect of your life, such as the economy, well, in general, it is easy to achieve. The energy follows our thought, therefore, it is only to give the specific, concrete, necessary instructions to the healing energies to work according to our desires.

It is at this time that we can talk about the "importance of prayer". Many people say that the healing energies are intelligent, that God knows what we have to heal, etc., but, although Jesus Christ said that God knew about our needs before we communicated them, He also said that we ask God for what we need , that if we asked him for bread, he would not give us a stone ...

... to be continue

31 Years Healing and Educating the World

Get the Teaching Book  "A Healing Session of the Tinerfe Healing System"  (link), by Damián Alvarez.
Visit their  Author Page on Amazon Publisher  (link)

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Anatomy of the Spirit. The Great Encyclopedia of Damián Alvarez

The Great Encyclopedia of the Human Soul. Work of Damián Alvarez






Get the  Great Encyclopedia of the Anatomy of the Spirit  (link), by Damián Alvarez.
Visit their  Author Page at Amazon Publisher  (link)

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Prayer for Healing and Protection and Spiritual Password

Prayer of Healing and Protection. Opening of Healing

Every Healer should have a prayer of healing and protection to use at the beginning of healing sessions, before self-healing or any other energy work that involves healing energies.

You can have a “sample” sentence that you learn by heart and that you can change according to the needs of the moment, the situation, the patient, etc.

You can put a “title” to the healing prayer, such as: “Universal Love”, “God is Love”, “God Heals”, “God's Will Happen”, “God's Love”, “Peace of God ”, etc. This "title" will be your "Opening Phrase" or "Spiritual Password".

At any time you can Activate the Healing and Protection

"Love of God" (as a title),
 "God sends healing to (name of the person, yourself, animal, place, etc.), so that it is well, happy, healthy, balanced (etc.), and protect it from all negative energies, all negative people and all negative beings on all planes, all levels and all dimensions ”(as“ prayer for healing and protection ”).

Your mind, your soul will match the title of the sentence with your complete sentence. So, when you need to kick-start the healing and protective energies quickly at a certain moment when you do not have peace and physical time to say / think the entire sentence and you have to act as a healer (for example: accident, psychic attack, discussion, fainting of a person, etc.), you only need to say its title, that is, your "Opening Phrase", your "Healing Password".

The Healing and all the Protections will go into effect automatically.

31 Years Healing and Educating the World

Get the Teaching Book  "A Healing Session of the Tinerfe Healing System"  (link), by Damián Alvarez.
Visit their  Author Page at Amazon Publisher  (link)