Thursday, March 30, 2023

Is the Tinerfe Healing System the Resurgence of Ancient Atlantis?

Tinerfe Healing System, a way of Living

The Most Complete Healing System in the World

Majestic Teide. Natural Pyramid on the Triangular Island of Tenerife

Canary Islands. Ancient enclave of the Atlantean Civilization

Vibrational Medicine. The Most Effective and Affordable of All

Healing Tenerife. Scientific Work of Professional Healers

The Virtues of the Heart. Faith, Hope, Charity, Justice, Temperance

What is happening in Tenerife? What happens in the World?

Island of Tenerife, Canary Islands. Planetary Power and Healing Center

Tinerfe Healing System. The Science and Art of Healing

Tinerfe Healing System. We work for the Good of Humanity

Healing and Spiritual Development within Everyone's Reach

Quartz Crystals, Source of Healing Vibrational Energy

We are Pioneers in many Aspects. From Forever to Forever

Healing Tenerife. Sustainable ecology. The planet needs us

The Healing. A Gift from God to Every Human Being

Tinerfe Healing System. The Popular Interest becomes Patent

Nature. A Good of All. World Heritage

Tinerfe Healing System. We heal Tenerife, we heal the world

Healers belonging to the Tinerfe Healing System

Publications. Only those who drink from the Fountain quench their Thirst

We are all planet Earth and Humanity too

School of God. Sacred Metaphysics and Healing Energies

Advanced Therapies and Development of Healing Systems

Teaching Centers and Vibrational Therapies
Reality. The only truth about the disease and its healing

Worldwide Healing Projects

... and above all Love

The Elixir of Eternal Youth, Perfect Health and Happiness

The Elixir of Eternal Youth. Healthy Man in Healthy Planet

  • 2 drops of Spirituality
  • 2 drops of Positive Thoughts
  • 2 Drops of Entertainment
  • 2 Drops of Satisfaction
  • 2 Drops of Creativity
  • 2 Drops of Sexuality
  • 2 Drops of Nature
  • 1dl. of love
Mix well all the ingredients. 
Take a Teaspoon Morning and Afternoon in a Glass full of Joy.
Be careful, do not abuse, the preparation is very strong!

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

The Negative Transcendence of our Negative Acts

Who is Aware of the Transcendence of their Acts?
Almost all of us are Destroying the World

How do these Commandments play out in today's world? The same negative beings can confuse us, and we really are not doing things right. Hardly anyone kills, thank God, but our actions or inactions can lead to the same outcome.

That's right, neither more nor less. In fact, when Jesus Christ was asked "what we should do to obtain eternal life", Jesus Christ answered: Comply with the Commandments of the Law of God. In this teaching we can see two very clear things: that by complying with the Commandments we would live forever, but also, that no one, to date, has complied with the Commandments, otherwise they would have lived forever, and that is not the case.

We believe that we do not kill but very few people remember those 6,000 children who die of hunger on the planet every day. We believe that we are supportive, but many times we forget to share, help, even the neighbor. That we remember the children who die in that war of almost a decade now, in Syria, not many people.

Do you want to save the planet? Don't Demonstrate but Plant a Tree

I see a lot of people demonstrating against climate change but I don't see anyone planting a tree . I alone do much more for the planet than all those millions of people who demonstrate every time I plant a tree. And I plant trees every week.

That through social networks they get in touch to meet and demonstrate, great!, or not. They do not realize that their computers, tablets and mobile phones are what are destroying the Earth.

Who, nowadays, dares to change the motorcycle or the car for a donkey? Since, it is those cars, motorcycles, the fuel they use and the asphalt where they circulate that is polluting the universe and poisoning the human being.

The current wars where many people die, almost always have a basic interest: maintaining control, some safe places on Earth where the oil that will be used as fuel for the vehicles of the vast majority of people who live in countries can circulate. rich and not so rich. Yes, "poor" people also want to be as "rich" as people in "rich" countries.

... to be continue

Get the Book  "The Great Power in the Commandments of the Law of God"  (link),  by Damián Alvarez.

Who Loves God?

First Commandment of the Law of God:
"You shall love God above all things"

How do these Commandments play out in today's world? The same negative beings can confuse us, and we really are not doing things right. Hardly anyone kills, thank God, but our actions or inactions can lead to the same outcome.

With regard to the first Commandment of the Law of God, it is not necessary to look for "three feet to the cat" because transcendence simply does not exist, but rather, we directly do not  love God . It is not that we believe that we love God and we do it wrong out of ignorance, but (and I repeat),  we do not love God , on the contrary, many hate him, blame him, hold a grudge against him, "blame" him, insult him , they despise it, they do not believe in Its Existence, etc., etc., etc.

Who loves God? When the human being doesn't even love himself, "fixing" everything with antidepressants, alcohol or drugs. They deny God, trying, once again, to "love" the new god "nature", when they are unable to get their nails dirty planting a seed, and, just in case they don't get their brand clothes dirty or they drop their mobile phone hands.

Who loves God? When already, neither is respected, not the sanctuaries and churches, but the faith and love to those sacred places that many people maintain.

People who paint "God is shit" on one breast and "the virgin is a whore" on the other shows (regardless of the faith of each one, who is supposedly entitled to it), that many people who They say they are going to save the world, in truth, they are destroying it.

... to be continue

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

The Commandments of the Law of God are 100% Ecological)

The Commandments of the Law of God are 100% Ecological:
What is Natural is the Healthiest, Normal, Natural and Cheapest, like Love

How do these Commandments play out in today's world? The same negative beings can confuse us, and we really are not doing things right. Hardly anyone kills, thank God, but our actions or inactions can lead to the same outcome.

There is a lot of talk about not going back to the "black and white era". Surely we should go back to those times where people sat on a stone and ate their food on logs. What used to be called poverty now seems to be a luxury, such as eating a vegetable stew every day.

Life, history, science, medicine, and the future are proving us right. The natural is the most natural (recently discovered science (laughing)). So why work, fight (for many), all your life for nothing, as is often heard out there. Live to have a car, a computer, a television, and what else. We should live to maintain the planet and keep ourselves healthy and happy, right? It would be logical, natural.

With these examples, and thinking only of a couple of Commandments, well, I agree with you that negative spiritual beings have clouded the vision of human beings, so that they separate from God and self-destruct.

It is not only the multinationals or some very rich and powerful men or women, but all of us (me, less and less) who are destroying ourselves and others, without realizing the importance of our thoughts, feelings, emotions and acts. All believing that the fault of everything is everyone else's without including themselves in the equation of life.

... to be continue

*Damián Alvarez's Articles are parts of Copyrighted Books, so all Rights Reserved

No Human Being has ever Fulfilled the 10 Commandments of the Law of God

How are you "Killing" the Planet?

How do these Commandments play out in today's world? The same negative beings can confuse us, and we really are not doing things right. Hardly anyone kills, thank God, but our actions or inactions can lead to the same outcome.

I also agree with you about killing indirectly. That's right, neither more nor less. Of course, when we think of the word "kill" we imagine ourselves with a knife or a gun in our hands, and we don't do that, but it can be killed in many ways: Every time we start our car we are killing a native in the Amazon, for example.

Jesus Christ, a very wise boy, explained to us the importance of our actions for or against other human beings, but very few listened to him: "I knocked on your door and you didn't open it, I was thirsty and you didn't give me to drink, I was hungry and you did not give me to eat", and you will ask me: when did that happen?, and I will answer you (continued Jesus Christ): any human being, they denied it to me.

They will tell me that they performed miracles and exorcisms in my name, and I will tell them: "I don't know them."
The true children of God (humans worthy of that description) will not be recognized for what they boast about what they have done or have not done in favor of God, themselves, the planet and humanity, but they will be recognized for the inner love they have, ... love also transcends.

Sometimes, people do not commit atrocities, not because they are "punished" to death by God, but out of fear of human justice, that, although human beings are not murderers by nature, almost everyone has stolen in some way or another. otherwise, or have thought of doing so.

You will honor your Father and your Mother. You shall honor your Son and your Daughter

The same thing happens with the other Commandments but, in these examples, there is no two ways about it, rather we sin directly, even though we are not aware of it: who glorifies the Name of God? who sanctifies the holidays? who loves God above all things? Who has not ever had an impure thought or desire?, etc.

But, one of the most tragic things (in my opinion), that makes us wonder (again), if we should go back to the black and white era, is "that we no longer honor our parents".

The human being has become so selfish that he despises those who dedicated their lives, sustenance, support, education, affection, warmth, love, and then they are going to demonstrate against climate change, .. .becoming great heroes who, as Jesus Christ also said, "strain the gnat and swallow the camel". Pathetic!

Almost no one likes the Commandments of the Law of God, in fact, many people make fun of them and belittle them. The explanation for such forms of behavior is due to the fact that there are no arguments against the Commandments of the Law of God. Not a single one of them can be refuted. They also betray all those supposed saviors of the world, imposters all of them. It couldn't be any other way, God, he's never wrong...

Isn't it strange that those who say they are going to save the world are against the only thing and the Only One that can really do it?

To think, ...

Get the Book  "The Great Power in the Commandments of God's Law"  (link),  by Damián Alvarez.

Monday, March 27, 2023

Heal Humanity and Heal the Planet. The Life Mission of the Healer

The Healer works out of Love and not out of necessity or obligation.

Healing is a Gift from God, a blessing and not a curse.

A Healer does not get sick if he does not give Healing to other people because Healing is not "laying hands" on another person, but Healing is life, and a Healer lives.

A Healer (supposedly) practices Healing with other people because he likes to help others, because it is his vocation and he does it out of love, not out of interest, as the ridiculous claim in the title of this article.

It is clear that if the vocation of a person, their vital mission in the terrestrial incarnation is to help others with the practice of Healing, then the best way that person feels is healing, because carrying out the mission of his life makes that a person be happy, both as a healer and in any other profession of helping others or the planet.

In any case, a Healer heals with the mere presence of him. The healing energy overflows him reaching out to everyone else and the planet.

In previous articles I wrote that "wherever a Healer goes, he heals" and it is true. All human beings come from the same Source, and all human beings are connected through our Souls (energy bodies). Thus, what affects one person affects all human beings to a greater or lesser degree, depending on the connection we have with the first person affected.

Healing is Life. to live is to heal

Humanity is all of us, Humanity is you and me, therefore what affects Humanity affects each one of us and all the rest.

A Healer can impossibly meet a sick, unbalanced person and not heal them, because that is the nature of the Healer. The nature of the Healer is to heal, and that Healing does not always have to happen through a Therapy, but it happens in all areas and moments of life.

On the contrary, many times a Healer needs retirement, he needs to withdraw from society to recover, so as not to feel continually "energetic bombarded" by other human beings and then fall ill (see "Therapist's care" in this blog).

So if a Healer retires, he doesn't get sick, he recovers, to then continue healing, because if the vital mission of a Healer is to heal, he wants and wants to heal.

But if a Healer decided not to practice professionally, just healing (living) their family and friends would be enough spiritual work.

Healing is an Art and a Science, a Vocation of Love

The Art and Science of Healing is not an obligation, but a choice. All people can heal, so only some really have a special vocation for this task, just as other people want to be carpenters or hostesses, but not all human beings are carpenters or hostesses.

On the other hand, we know that the one who heals is not the Healer, he is only a mere channel of Divine Healing Energies, of Love. God is the one who heals. Love can impossibly make a Healer sick if he loves him, even if he does not practice, because to love is to heal.

We are all loving spiritual beings, we all get sick if we do not transmit love to others, we all get sick and die because of not living with love, of living in fear, not only the Healer, because we are all the same, we are all healers, we are all love We are all children of God.

Both being a Healer and a Gardener if you do not follow your divine vital mission with love, you will get sick and die.

In any case, every day there are more Healers on the face of the earth and they are getting sick because they have not learned to take care of themselves and they dedicate too much time (life) to others and forget to take care of themselves.
I teach my students. "First you, second you and third you, then the others."
It is classic to hear people say "it is that I give everything for others" or this other "all my life giving without receiving anything in return" or the one that says "it is that I love others more than myself".

We are all Healers and together we will Heal the World

Some people ask me if "it's not selfish to put yourself first than others", I answer that "it's not selfish, it's intelligent". If I am well I can help a lot of people, however if I am bad not only that I cannot help anyone, but I also need help.
In addition, my life has the same value as that of others, or not?

In order not to get off topic and to finish I can tell you that a Healer who does not heal is not a Healer, and it is totally clear. Also that a Healer, even if he does not practice, heals, and that if a Healer retires it is not to get sick, but to recover and be able to continue working as a Healer.

God is Good and not stupid and a Gift from God like the one received by the Healer can impossibly make him sick. But if all of us, being equal, do not channel Love, which is also a Gift of God to all Humanity, by the same "rule of three" it is totally demonstrated that Humanity gets sick because it lives without Love. The Myth of the title will surely

be it was invented by those who want to scare future Healers and without any basis.

So let's not "throw stones on our own roof" because what really makes us sick is living without Love, which is also a Gift of God (we repeat it) and few put it into practice.

Article by Damián Alvarez at