Tuesday, October 18, 2022

The Soul is not born sick. We make it sick from the moment we are born until we die.

Human Spiritual Anatomy Chart. By Damian Alvarez

Human anatomy

Just as the physical body needs the Physical Anatomy to sustain itself, the Spiritual Anatomy that precedes it, too.

The first is purely physical, "cut to see". The second is purely Energetic "feel and experience". As physics is included within Energetics, we can say that it is also included.

All those who have knowledge about the Human Spiritual Anatomy, know that the Soul develops into an Energy Body with the purpose of sustaining the physical body, that is to say that apart from our Soul, which is PURE TANTIEN, PURE DIVINE ENERGY (inherent to everything else) we have a perfect Spiritual Anatomy that maintains it.

The Soul is this. A spark of Divinity in the always.

 The Soul is sustained, it develops, it is sustained, so to speak, thanks to our system of Major Chackras, Our Transpersonal Chackras, the Nadis, our Nervous System until it reaches the physical body.
 With Our System of Chackras, we will perceive Life, the "Reality" in which we live, so as Our System of Chackras is, so will we be.

The Soul of course is what We Are (a divine spark in the always and forever).
Since we are born, we begin to "disfigure" our Own and Only Reality... that of our purpose for which we were created... giving way to a reality that little by little will unbalance us and make us sick.

The Soul wants to manifest itself through Our System of Chackas in order to live and experience our physical incarnation, but unfortunately, man, ignorant and asleep, "turns his back" on it, beginning to live from birth with fear (instilled from outside) in all their derivations, believing that they are their preconceived ideas, taboos, prejudices, worries, emotions, feelings, thoughts, illnesses, a race, a religion, a culture, a family, a job, symptoms, the separation from the other...


The Soul, in order to develop perfectly and be itself, encounters many obstacles along the way. The main one, as we have mentioned in hundreds of articles, is fear.

Fear carries a fairly strong negative charge capable of unbalancing an entire Chackra System and making us sick. If this is so, the beginnings of the disease are Energetic, since imbalances will manifest first in our chakras and then in our physical body.

The Soul feels another Soul...always

We cannot forget that our Soul (drops of water from the same ocean) through our Chackra System, feels energy imbalances from other souls, that is why we can feel anguish, dizziness, tachycardia, thoughts, emotions, feelings, pain in the heart, head, liver, kidney, nervousness, pain in the pit of the stomach, in the sacrum, etc, etc, etc in our own soul, which will affect us equally from the moment we are born until we die .

Any unbalanced Energetic Body will unbalance and make another energetic body sick, whether it is a child or an adult. Children especially are more likely to get sick due to contact between other unbalanced bodies.

The solution to the disease is not to prolong it artificially, with medications, but with a broad and deep knowledge of our Human Spiritual Anatomy (origin of all disease) so that each human being can live naturally, healthy, balanced, happy , in harmony, in peace, with Love.

The Human Soul is Love, then they will see to it that we are not


An important step to achieve this is to realize that:
-worries, annoyances, frights are enough to unbalance the Solar Plexus Chakra (mouth of the stomach) and therefore the Third Eye Chakra since these two chakras are related.
-Sorrows unbalance the Heart Chakcra.
-The frustrations unbalance the Sacral Chackra and therefore the Chacko de la Gaganta...it would be a step to start living without fear, and at least keep the chakras healthier.

The positive of the above would be:

-in the face of worries...deal positively, think and act positively...think that everything is resolved and if not...why do you worry...as Jesus Christ said" Therefore I tell you: do not worry about your life, what you have to eat or what you have to drink; nor for your body, what you have to wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of the sky, they do not sow, nor reap, nor gather in barns; and your heavenly Father feeds them. Aren't you worth much more than they? And which of you by worrying can add a cubit to his stature? And for the dress, why do you bother? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; but I tell you, not even Solomon with all his glory was dressed like one of them. And if the grass of the field that is today, and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, God dresses it like this, will he not do much more to you, men of little faith? Do not worry, then, saying, What shall we eat, or what shall we drink, or what will we wear? Because the Gentiles seek all these things; but your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first the kingdom of God and its righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.
 So, don't worry about tomorrow, because tomorrow will bring its eagerness. It is enough for each day its own evil.

-in the face of sorrows, as Jesus Christ said "what is born of human parents is human...what is born of the Spirit is spirit", "You will love God above all things"

-in the face of frustrations "You will love your enemy "","The Spirit is the one who gives life... and the things that I tell you are Spirit and life". These words make you understand that for your Soul nothing is impossible.