Thursday, October 13, 2022

People can Extract Energy from other People. Bielfield University. Science finally proves Damián Alvarez right

Interaction and Energetic Resonance. Vampirism or Healing

Finally and after more than 20 years, Science agrees with Damián Alvarez and the Tinerfe Healing System.

In the following article you can read what Science has just "discovered". Precisely what Damián Alvarez has been teaching his students and patients for 32 years and what you yourselves can verify in this blog, since I have been writing on the Internet for 3 years about the Interaction and Energetic Resonance between human beings and human beings and other living beings.

I have students, very good friends of mine, today Grand Masters of the Tinerfe Healing System, who can confirm that I have been teaching what Science has just "discovered" for at least 15 years and that I truly discovered more than 20 years ago.

In addition, another proof that they are my discoveries are the Books: "The Solar Plexus, the Sun of your Life" and "The School of God" published at the beginning of the year 2013, where they talk repeatedly about the Interaction and Energy Resonance, and that I recommend to each and every one of you.

It is totally clear that if in 30,000 therapies carried out by me, the same effects are repeated, it undoubtedly refers to a scientific investigation that has been carried out.

The Solar Plexus, The Sun of your Life. Book on Energy Interaction

On the other hand, it seems that Science and the Energy Healer of such research "have heard bells but they don't know where", so I recommend that if you really want to learn or do real scientific research on the subject we are dealing with go to the Masters and Therapists of the Tinerfe Healing System, or at least (if they haven't already done so, which I suspect) they read the articles I publish on this blog.

What I have always said: "if we are all equal, I couldn't be wrong". Nobel Prize next?

Then follows the article, of which I wish I had deleted its last part (recommendations of the Healer) to "protect" that although they are well directed they are not up to the circumstances.
May all the Masters and Therapists/Healers of the Tinerfe Healing System and the general public enjoy it, to whom I recommend that they share it on Facebook, their own blogs, photocopies, etc.

Damián Alvarez
Creator of the Tinerfe Healing System

Unconscious Energy Extraction is Natural among Living Beings

PEOPLE CAN DRAW ENERGY FROM OTHER PEOPLE IN THE SAME WAY PLANTS GROW.  MAR 11, 2014   A biological research team at Bielefeld University has made a groundbreaking discovery showing that plants can extract an alternative source of energy from other plants. This finding could also have a major impact on the future of bioenergy, ultimately providing the evidence that shows that people draw energy from others, in the same way.

Flowers need water and light to grow and people are no different. Our physical bodies are like sponges, absorbing the environment. “This is exactly why there are certain people who feel uncomfortable in specific groups where there is a mix of energy and emotions,” said psychologist and energy healer Dr. Olivia Bader-Lee. "As energy studies become more advanced in the next few years, we will eventually see this translated to humans as well," Bader-Lee said. "The human organism is very much like a plant, which takes in the energy needed to fuel emotional states and this essence can energize cells or cause an increase in cortisol and catabolize cells depending on the emotional trigger."

Bader-Lee suggests that the field of bio-energy is constantly evolving and that studies of the plant and animal worlds will soon translate and show what energy metaphysicians have known all along – that humans can heal each other simply by through energy transfer just like plants do. “Human can absorb and heal through other human beings, animals and any part of nature. This is why being close to nature is often uplifting and energizing for so many people," she concluded.

The best Energy Protection has always been God's

Being in a state of non-resistance. What resists sticks. If you feel uncomfortable around a certain person or group, don't go into resistance as a way to protect yourself as this will only keep alien energy stuck in your space. Move into a state of non-resistance by imagining that your body is clear and transparent like glass or water. This way, if someone throws any invalidation at you, he will go right through you.

Own your personal aura space. We each have an energetic aura that surrounds our body. If we don't own this personal space we are vulnerable to foreign energy entering it. Become aware of the boundaries of your aura (about an arm's length away from your body all the way around, up and down) as a way of owning your personal space. Give yourself an energy cleanse. The color gold has a high vibration which is helpful in clearing foreign energy. Imagine a gold shower nozzle at the top of your aura (a few feet above your head) and turn it on, allowing light gold energy to flow through your aura and body space and release down your earth. . You will immediately feel cleansed and restored.

Call back your energy. When we have our energy in our own space there is less room for the energy of others to enter. But as we focus on other people and projects we sometimes spread our energy around them. Create an image of a clear gold sun several feet above your head and make it a magnet, drawing all your energy back into it (and purifying it into gold energy). Then lower it through the top of your aura and into your body space, releasing its energy back into your personal space.