Stress. Source of Mood Imbalances and Diseases |
Our Soul cannot move so fast, it really should move slower than time so that it does not become unbalanced.
An accelerated Soul is an unbalanced Soul with infinite possibilities of becoming seriously ill.
The Human Soul is formed by the superposition of the seven Energetic bodies, the Major Chakra System and the four Transpersonal Energetic Centers that are: The Soul Star, The Core Star, the Earth Star and the Casual Chakra. The Hara Line that crosses the System of Major Chakras uniting them, a System of Minor Chakras, about four thousand among them the Acupuncture points, a System of Meridians (maintenance structure) of the physical body and a System of Nadis, which communicates the Chakras with the Meridian System. Everything together forms the Human Soul.
Both Body and Soul need Peace, Calm and Harmony |
What is happening today? It is enough that a stressed or nervous person approaches you so that you can feel at the speed that your Soul is going. You feel in your energetic body that your soul goes so fast that it makes you want to run to someone who knows where. No wonder people break their hearts or cells go "crazy." As most people do not know that they have a Soul and it is precisely the Soul that goes at such great speed, they take pills to relax but their Soul continues to accelerate internally.
Certain Healers of the Tinerfe Natural System have discovered that one of the causes of cancer is due to daily stress. The cells that should live in Peace and Quiet, go crazy and begin to grow in an exorbitant and uncontrolled way.
Daily stress is felt in people, in workplaces, in homes, on the street and even in each city or country ... even affecting people who can be relaxed since stress produces a certain vibration that EVERY SOUL FEELS consciously or unconsciously.