Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Belching, Yawning, Coughing, Sighing, etc. during Reiki Therapies and other Healing Systems. Release of Energy Blockages and other Negative Energies

Tinerfe Healing Therapies. Releasing Energy Blockages

I imagine that it will be clear to all Reiki Practitioners and Masters and other Healing Systems (the Tinerfe Healing System Therapists have it completely clear and assimilated) and that they are aware that Healing Therapies are aimed at balancing the energy body receiver of Healing.

What energies then unbalance the body and soul of people, leading them to imbalances and illnesses? There are two well differentiated types: One, its own energy blocks caused by frustrations, traumas, sorrows, etc. The other would be the energies outside the person's energy field, even if they are negative thoughts, emotions and feelings of other people, such as jealousy, resentment, envy and even witchcraft, not to mention possessions and other attacks from negative spirit beings.

Following is a list and short explanation of how the Tinerfe Healing System Therapists / Healers consciously release negative energies and energy blocks.

Belching: They have nothing to do with digestion, it is the release of blockages through breathing and it does not have to smell bad, if they are not very old blockages. By "belching" we release stagnant energies in the Major Chakra System and other parts of the patient's body, such as the head, heart, lungs, etc. The chakra from which most energy blocks are released through "burps" during Therapies is always the Solar Plexus.

Yawning: Release of external negative energies, even negative thoughts, the so-called "bad air", "evil eye" and even witchcraft and attacks by negative spiritual beings. Therapeutic "yawns" have nothing to do with tiredness, sleepiness, or boredom and are usually "yawns" accompanied by tears (but not grief or sadness). If negative energies are consciously directed towards the chakras of a person, during Therapies we also undo those blockages caused by external energies with "yawns".

Cough: Release of energy blockages mainly of the throat chakra, lungs and even heart. They also undo strong external negative energies many times such as witchcraft and not only directed towards the Throat chakra, but to any chakra or body and soul in general.

Sighs:  Release of negative energies and blockages especially from the Hara Line of the Receiver of Therapy. It is also usually sigh when energy begins to flow through channels that had been blocked for a long time, not allowing vital energy to reach certain parts of the body and / or soul. I usually call them "spiritual orgasms", since the liberation and the energetic flow produces a very deep pleasure.

Anal Winds or Farts: They have nothing to do with daily winds, most of the time they do not produce a bad smell, if it is not the case that the recipient of the Therapy has gastrointestinal problems. The "anal gags" usually release the energetic blockages of the sacral chakra, although these blockages can also be undone with "belching" and "yawning" by an experienced therapist like myself. The problem is that the path of negative energy from the sacral chakra to the throat through which it would be expelled is very long and Therapists / Healers usually release these negative energies via the anal. The most prone cases of wind winds occur with patients who have pre-menstrual, menstrual, pre-menopausal, peritoneum and prostate problems.

Screams: They do not usually happen, but can accompany strong releases of negative energies accompanying both "burps", yawns "and" sighs ".

Crying and Laughter:  They tend to release energy blocks in the Solar Plexus and secondary blocks (to call them in some way) in the Sacral chakra (disappointments) and Heart chakra (sorrows and heartbreak) associated with the first blocks (to call them in some way too ) in the Solar Plexus.

Sneezing:  Uncommon, but has nothing to do with viruses or allergies, but rather releases energy and blockages in the heart, lungs, or Hara Line. In the latter case, the sneeze "drags" many energy blocks from the Solar Plexus to the Third Eye and all the chakras that lie between them.

Tinerfe Healing System. Mastery of Healing Energies

There can be many variants and combinations of the energy releases discussed above during a Therapy.

The energy releases will be explained one by one in future articles.

This article has been written in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, on December 10, 2013, by the undersigned, for the record wherever it is required and for the good of Humanity.

Damián Alvarez
Creator of the Tinerfe Healing System Article by Damián Alvarez at:  http://sistemasanaciontinerfe.blogspot.com.es/