Tuesday, June 30, 2020

The Healing Power of Physical Contact

Hugs of Life, Hugs of Healing, Hugs of Love

Children who receive lots of hugs from their parents have been scientifically proven to be smarter and healthier and happier than those who don't.
In addition, it is customary that the only physical contact that children have who do not receive hugs and caresses from their parents is abuse.

The good healer loves every body equally, hugs and caresses every body all equally. For love he makes that "sacrifice", and therefore it ceases to be a sacrifice and becomes only an act of love.

I personally love to touch and hug my students and patients, especially those who do not allow themselves to be hugged, because those are the ones who need hugs the most.

I once wrote that "arms are not required to give a hug with love."
A good Healer / Therapist or Master Healer does not really embrace the physical body of a man or a woman, but embraces beings created in the image and likeness of God, embraces their Souls.

I am a Master Healer, I am a Therapist, and right now I have a male physical body. I enjoy hugging women, men, children, animals and plants. Sometimes I caress the stones and the water, and when I caress the Creation I feel that I caress the Creator.

Monday, June 29, 2020

Erroneous Symbology of Happiness

Happiness does not depend on how much you have
but on how much you give

What is happiness? For me, happiness is experiencing inner peace, that is, mental, emotional, sentimental and spiritual peace. Happiness is well-being, feeling good inside, feeling fulfilled.

Everyone really knows and talks, when they talk about happiness, about an inner state, so I don't understand that effort to associate happiness with material things, possessions, and even relationships.

The symbology of happiness, instilled in the mind and soul, yes, soul of the human being, by a commercial system, which tries to sell us a bottled, packaged happiness, is not that it is totally wrong, but also that it condemns unhappiness to the less graceful.

Once, a student / friend of mine told me: "It doesn't matter to me, but I cry better on a porch than on a seat 600." I completely agree with my friend because God promised abundance to all of us, and of course neither wealth nor poverty are synonyms of happiness, but what they have led us to believe is the highest (material) wealth is , of course, the lowest wealth, and does not bring any happiness.

Personal Realization is a basic Pillar of Happiness

You can give millions to an unhappy, depressed, emotionally poor person and not by getting that money will he regain happiness, health, well-being.

There are many types of wealth, and material wealth is the lowest (as I said before), and the most absurd, because it is wealth that contaminates, destroys, impoverishes the human being as a worthy, ethical, moral, spiritual being, solidary.

There are people who are capable of killing for money, and in fact they do it, if not directly, by polluting the environment, destroying nature, at the cost of the health of human beings and other beings.

The wealth of feeling fulfilled, for example, is a higher wealth than physical wealth, and it does bring happiness.

Love is not Buy or Sell but fill the Heart of Happiness

The wealth of knowing how to love, do it, and feel, allow yourself, be loved, is still a superior wealth, and also brings happiness.

The wealth of knowing God is the most precious asset and absolute happiness.

What is the use of obtaining wealth if it is at the cost of the happiness of others? What use are the riches that kill the birds that sing, and the children that sing? What are your riches worth if you are unable to contribute anything good to the planet that was your cradle and your playground? What is your wealth worth to you if nobody loves you, nor are you incapable of loving anyone? What is your wealth worth to you if your unhappiness gnaws at your soul and you are unable to sleep a single night with peace in your soul?

Life, happy life, is more than all those possessions that if they are not used for the good of all, they are only garbage, and if they are not considered garbage now, they will be garbage in a few years. Mountains of junk, gases and poisonous liquids, that your children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren will eat, breathe and drink. Your legacy to Earth, your legacy to future generations.

Happy is everyone who leaves the planet better than found it

I know, for sure, that your soul will not heal it nor the latest model of yacht, car or dress. Don't be so absurd or absurd, to believe that you are going to feel better, that you will be happier the more money you have. With what is necessary is more than enough to be happy, because it is the only thing you need to keep your physical body alive. Spiritual food, that food that your soul needs so that you can become happy, does not come bottled or packaged, it is not bought in department stores, but it comes from you and transcends you, reaching the entire universe, and therefore to yourself too.

Let us try to symbolize happiness in a serious, mature, true, conscious way. The rains of banknotes do not make anyone happy but they rude and complex our children, and ourselves.
To symbolize happiness with material goods is to psychically mistreat every person less materially graceful, and quite the opposite of what solidarity and charity refers to.

Let's be smart, let's be happy, ...

Article by Damián Alvarez at  http://sistemasanaciontinerfe.blogspot.com.es/

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Treatment of the Solar Plexus, Sacral Chakra and Heart Chakra with the Massage of the Fluid of the Chakras

The Massage of the Solar Plexus with its corresponding Oils is Effective

You can try balancing your entire Major Chakras System with Aromatherapy. There is no special oil for all chakras, but there is one oil for each chakra. I recommend the Chakras Fluid Massage, with the oil corresponding to each chakra.

The Chakras Fluid Massage is applied Frontal and Dorsal

I describe the Chakras Fluid Massage:

The Massage is given on each chakra (Minor Foot and Leg Chakras and Major Chakras) following the Clockwise Movement. The Massage is given with the Right Hand and the Left Hand is placed on the next Chakra.


  1. Left foot
  2. Right foot
  3. Left Groin
  4. Right Groin
  5. Sacrum
  6. Solar plexus
  7. Heart
  8. Throat
  9. Third Eye
  1. Right foot
  2. Left foot
  3. Rear Right Knee
  4. Rear Left Knee
  5. Lower Right Buttock
  6. Lower Left Buttock
  7. Sacrum
  8. Solar plexus
  9. Heart
  10. Throat
  11. Third Eye
  12. Balanced (Beginning and End of the Spine)
3-4 Minutes / Position
30 Minutes Front-30 Minutes Back / 1 Hour of Therapy
* Use the Corresponding Oil of each Chakra. For the Chakras of the Lower Extremities, the Oil Corresponding to the Base Chakra is used, since the Base Chakra is not Treated by Decorum. Dry Hands Whenever we go to Change Chakra / Oil. 

You can also apply the massage yourself but only frontally for practical reasons. Have the oil ready for each chakra. Sit down and start with the foot chakras and go up your chakras to the third Eye. Balance at the end of therapy (one hand on the Third Eye and the other on the pubic bone) for a few minutes.

To treat yourself start with the Foot Chakras
and continue up each front / back Chakra whenever possible

Here I quote the Oils corresponding to each chakra:


  • 1/2 Deciliter of Base Oil
  • 4-5 drops of essential oil
The Chakras Oils are usually made in a battery of 6 different Oil cans, one for each Chakra. I use olive oil as base oil.

The Chakras and the Corresponding Essential Oils:

Crown Chakra: Sandalwood and Myrrh (not covered in this Massage)

Third Eye Chakra: Sandalwood and Myrrh

Throat Chakra: Citronella and Citronmelisa

Heart Chakra: Rose and Jasmine. Although Eucalyptus is also used to treat physical diseases associated with this Chakra.

Solar Plexus Chakra: Rosemary and Lemon

Sacral Chakra: Orange and Ylang-Ylang

Base Chakra: Patchouli and Lavender

Damián Alvarez
(30 Years Healing and Educating the World)

from Damián Alvarez
Visit the  Amazon Bookstore  (link)

Saturday, June 27, 2020

The Day After is Now Coming (In Times of the Corona Virus)

The Day After is Already Coming

About 20 years ago, when I returned from Sweden to Spain, I was in a great hurry to teach my students the important philosophy of life with which God had blessed me, but one night, a voice told me "don't be in a hurry this is not for now but for what is to come, come. " Since then, I have always told my students (everyone can corroborate it), that "the teachings of the Tinerfe Healing System were not for now but for what is to come, come on", that is, for "The Day After "

Here I am now, after 20 years, recommending the books for "The Day After". We must rebuild the world and ourselves with dignity, based on love. Conscious reconnection with nature, with ourselves, with other human beings and, above all, with God, is no longer just an uncertain utopia but a patent and necessary (really obligatory) reality.

Love: Key to the Re-connection of the Human Being
with himself, with Creation and with God

This year, in which the XXX Anniversary of the creation of the Tinerfe Healing System is celebrated, how by divine work, "The Day After" is already looming on the near horizon. Understanding the meaning of our existence and living in our natural habitat will give us back the paradise where we were created and that we deserve by divine mandate and in our own right.

We should not wait any longer, we are still in time, to (not only) save the planet, but to save ourselves too. The future is ours, the world is in our hands. Life is Wonderful and God is Great and Good.

Enjoy the Books and they will be of great benefit to you!

Get the book  "Karma is Wonderful"  (link),
by Damián Alvarez
Visit his  Author Page on Amazon  (link)

Get the Book  "The Great Power in the Commandments of the Law of God"  (link),  by Damián Alvarez
Visit their  Author Page in the Amazon Editorial  (link)

Get the Book  "Learn to Live"  (link), by Damián Alvarez
Visit  their  Author Page in the Amazon Editorial  (link)

Get the Book "The Virtues of the Heart" (link), by Damián Alvarez  
Visit their  Author Page in the Amazon Editorial  (link)

Get the Book "Tinerfe Healing System School of Love" (link)  

Get the Book  "The Art of Healing Your Relationships"  (link), by Damián Alvarez
Visit his  Author Page in the Amazon Editorial  (link)

Get the Book  "The True Key to Happiness"  (link),
by Damián Alvarez
Visit the  Author Page of Damián Alvarez  (link), at the Amazon Editorial

Get the Book  "The Great Awakening of Consciousness"  (link), by Damián Alvarez
Visit their  Author Page in the Amazon Editorial  (link)

Get the Book  "Learn to Love. The Grammar of Love"
by Damián Alvarez in the  Amazon Store  (link)

... and many, but, many more ...

Lots of Courage in our Fight against the Corona Virus!
... that The Day After is already coming
Damián Alvarez
30 Years Educating and Healing the World

Friday, June 26, 2020

Why the People do Things so Fast?

If people are stressed ... imagine the food

Really, that the Society and some individuals are wrong, I have no doubt. When they go to the supermarket, whether they are sales or department stores ... they do it all quickly, stressed out, overwhelmed, as if their lives were running out of it.

The worst thing is not that, but if you enter these places you start to feel the nervousness and stress of people. Of course they don't realize it because they always carry that exorbitant internal and external rhythm.
The pity is that those who enter, as they do not know, leave nervous, overwhelmed, stressed and think that it is they .... most likely they will have to go to the doctor because they feel nervous. The grace does not end there but they will have to take an antidepressant or sedative for something they felt from others, and that's the way it is in everything.

When you go to pay it seems that you have to get the wallet out of the bag in record time and more or less "throw" the money in the face of the cashier.
I ask myself: So much publicity for Health and they do not even invest in the attitude and significance of the individual's actions in so far as they can affect others.

When will humanity awaken and realize that we are all one and that everyone affects everyone?

Beatriz Pallés