Sunday, December 20, 2020

American Indians. Ecological Religion

 Despite the fact that many peoples, cultures and religions (especially Catholic and Protestant) believed that the American Indians had no Religion because they worshiped stones, the sun, trees, mountains, etc. Taking it as profane and absurd, barbaric, the American Indians what they had was a totally Ecological Religion.

It is not that they worshiped Nature but that they knew that they had to live in full harmony with it. When things were going badly for them as well because of droughts, famines, shortage of game animals, they knew that it was due to an imbalance in the Ecosystem that welcomed, protected and nutria them, therefore they were aware that they had to restore balance to Nature herself making offerings to him of what Nature had previously given them.

The American Indians were (unlike the white man) aware or aware that if they treated Nature well, Nature would treat them well. Their songs, dances and rituals were always to restore the natural balance and for the good of the entire community.
The American Indian NEVER killed for pleasure or greed and every time he had to take the life of an animal or a plant, he asked forgiveness of that being and the Great God or Great Spirit that sees everything.

The Metaphysical knowledge of these peoples that everything and everyone form a universal network that maintains the same universe and that should not be abused out of selfishness, greed or "pleasure."
Even when they cut the branch of a tree, they first asked the Great God for protection and permission and forgiveness, full of long explanations to the tree itself.

In the same way when they hunted and had to kill a piece. that perhaps it was their own power animal, they
knew that something inside died with the animal's death.
The white man does not respect the sacredness of the things around him in the least. Likewise, the Indian affirmed: "until the white man finishes with the last fish, the last bird, the last plant, he will not realize that money cannot be eaten."