Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Develop the Heart Chakra and Heal your Life

The Best Way to Develop the Heart Chakra is by Loving

Do you want to develop your Heart chakra? Forget about crystals, oils, healing or meditations. The best way to develop the Heart chakra is through the virtues of love. Put them  into practice and your heart will grow so large that it will not fit in your chest. I assure.

Bless every living being with your positive feelings, thoughts, emotions, and actions. Send around you, and consciously, your peace, temperance, compassion, hope, faith and love. Let all living beings enjoy your great soul, your great heart.

It is always good to "be blessed". This means that there are people who send us feelings, thoughts, positive emotions, that is, they send us love. These energies affect our soul and therefore also our physical body in a positive way.

The Virtues of Love. A Practical Way of Loving

It is always good that there are people who wish you "good", because that "good" will  counteract  the negative energies that many other people send you. The  blessings  and good wishes of other people positively affect your life thanks to the Law of Interaction and Energetic Resonance.

Love. Love is the most powerful energy in the universe, and you have felt it many times. I am not referring to falling in love, but to the energies sent to you by that old lady who you helped to cross the street or perhaps it was your own energies (selfless love). You remember that you felt  full , full of peace, completely fulfilled, without fatigue, pain or problems, inside a bubble of happiness, as if you had taken some kind of special drug. Those are the energies of true love, and you experienced them with your Heart chakra, and thanks to the Law of Interaction and Energetic Resonance.

Only Equality shows true Charity and Compassion

Compassion, as a feeling of equality between human beings, totally absent of  selfishness (totally absent of fear) , is also a powerful energy, which although it is rarely experienced (much to my regret) it is a joy to be able to feel it. Feeling compassion is like feeling the warmth of the sun that warms you in a comforting way, as if it were a tender hug. Compassion is only felt through true friends, who even if it does not come from a "known friend" may be our only friend. The energies of compassion are also experienced by the Law of Interaction and Energetic Resonance  This time also,  through , like love, the Heart Chakra. It is the same with the virtue of charity.

Also explain that human energies move without difficulty in space and time, so it is indifferent if we want to send positive energies to a person who is in a country other than ours or if we want to send those energies to the past or future . The person or people who receive their good wishes, love, compassion, etc., will enjoy it in the same way, This is how Healing works, the conscious channeling of love towards other people, animals, vegetables, etc., with the purpose of feel better, it is achieved thanks to the Law of Interaction and Energetic Resonance.

Get the Book  "The Virtues of the Heart"  (link), by Damián Alvarez
Visit their  Author Page on Amazon Publisher  (link)