Saturday, October 2, 2021

A Book of Healing: Perfection in Love

Perfection in Love.
Healing Energies for Excellence
Get it at:
Damián Alvarez's Author Page

"LOVE" are energies channeled directly by Damián Alvarez, they mean "Perfection in Love" and these include the healing energies of each of the Virtues of the Heart.

These energies do not need previous initiations and can be used (among other uses) to heal all the double organs such as the cerebral hemispheres, the lungs, the eyes, the kidneys, the breasts, the ovaries, etc.

Damián Alvarez has not discovered why they are so effective on the Heart chakra and on the Sacral chakra, but he imagines that it will be due to the capacity of the organs associated with the aforementioned chakras to conceive and maintain life, love.

The healing energies LOVE have an infinite number of relaxing, balancing, therapeutic, etc. uses. They can be drawn for example on the entire body of the recipient of the healing, they can be visualized in the same way during meditations, while repeating their Mantra: LOVE, LOVE, LOVE ...

There is no doubt that there is no remedy for human ills if it is not the heart of another human being, or as I used to say: "Only a soul can heal another soul." 

Only with love can the absence of love (root of all disease) be solved.

So, be clear that love is the best medicine.

The universal medicine (love), has no contraindications, negative side effects and it is impossible to die from an overdose.

Damián Alvarez at
31 Years by Your Side