Monday, July 26, 2021

The Day After Has Arrived !!!

The Day After Has Arrived

About 20 years ago, when I returned from Sweden to Spain, I was in a hurry to teach my students the very important philosophy of life that God had blessed me with, but one night, a voice told me "don't be in a hurry, this is not for now but for after what is to come comes ". Since then, I always told my students (everyone can corroborate it), that "the teachings of the Tinerfe Healing System were not for now but for after what is to come, come on", that is, for "The Day After ".

Here I am now, after 20 years, recommending the books for "The Day After." We must rebuild the world and ourselves in a dignified way, based on love. The conscious re-connection with nature, with ourselves, with other human beings and, above all, with God, is no longer just an uncertain utopia but a patent and necessary reality (really mandatory).

Love: Key to the Re-connection of the Human Being
with himself, with Creation and with God

"The Day After" is already looming on the near horizon. Understanding the meaning of our existence and living in our natural habitat will give us back the paradise where we were created and that we deserve by divine mandate and our own right.

We must not wait any longer, we are still on time, to, (not only) save the planet, but to save ourselves as well. The future is ours, the world is in our hands. Life is Wonderful and God is Great and Good.

Enjoy the Books and may they be of great benefit to you!

Get the book  "Karma is Wonderful"  (link),
by Damián Alvarez
Visit his  Author Page on Amazon  (link)

Get the Book  "The Great Power in the Commandments of the Law of God"  (link),  by Damián Alvarez
Visit their  Author Page at Amazon Publisher  (link)

Get the Book  "Learn to Live"  (link), by Damián Alvarez
Visit  their  Author Page at Amazon Publisher  (link)

Get the Book "The Virtues of the Heart" (link), by Damián Alvarez  
Visit their  Author Page at Amazon Publisher  (link)

Get the Book  "The Art of Healing your Relationships"  (link), by Damián Alvarez
Visit his  Author's Page in the Amazon Editorial  (link)

Get the Book  "The True Key to Happiness"  (link),
by Damián Alvarez
Visit the  Author Page of Damián Alvarez  (link), in the Amazon Editorial

Get the Book  "The Great Awakening of Consciousness"  (link), by Damián Alvarez
Visit their  Author Page at Amazon Publisher  (link)

Get the Book  "Learn to Love. The Grammar of Love"
by Damián Alvarez in the  Amazon Store  (link)

... and many, but many more, ...

Much courage, World in our Fight against the Corona Virus!
... there is less left for "The Day After!
Damien Alvarez
31 Years Educating and Healing the World