We, the connoisseurs of the "Laws of Interaction and Energetic Resonance between Human Beings", know that Jesus Christ knew them for more than 2,000 years, and we understand their teachings. Mind and soul wise that of Jesus of Nazareth.
Perhaps, researchers, know that Jesus Christ was always right and will be right, and that not a single word can be refuted. Perhaps the researchers are so stupid that "they have eyes and do not see, and they have ears but do not hear." That is why they have always criticized the physical life of Jesus Christ but not his spiritual teachings, his spiritual life.
I do not consider myself an enlightened mind (far from it), but a person who has studied in a logical and totally objective way the "Teachings of Jesus Christ", so as not to make the mistake of making mistakes like everyone else has done so far, investigating subjectively, that is, full of prejudices.
What difference does it make if Jesus Christ got angry, what difference does it make if Jesus Christ was harsh with people, what difference does it make if Jesus Christ hung out with drinkers and criminals, what difference does it make if Jesus Christ was or was not the lover of Mary Magdalene, what difference did it make if Jesus Christ was or he was not homosexual. Perhaps you are not homosexual, you do not have lovers, you do not drink, you do not get angry, and that is why you think you are better than Jesus Christ?
I present the above to illustrate how biblical researchers have only been able to judge Jesus Christ according to their prejudices, taboos, and preconceptions, and only in a physical way, a very, very superficial way. Yes, that's how superficial are the investigations of those believed to be the brilliant minds of humanity. Nobody (except myself), has tried to investigate deeply the "true life of Christ", his life and teachings, always spiritual, soulful, energetic, deep.
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