Monday, December 18, 2017

Reiki Master Therapy through Esoteric Breathing. Breathe Reiki

Blow / channel the reiki energy through the mouth to the chakra

1. "Alignment with the Light" (See: First Level of the Spiritual Healing System of the same author)
2. Change frequency to the reiki energies that you wish to channel in the "Core Star"
3. Blow / channel the reiki energy through the mouth to the chakra or part of the body to be treated.
4. Repeat the process as many times as necessary (minimum three times in each chakra or part of the body).
5. The Reiki Healing Session with Esoteric Breath should be terminated with DAI-KO-MYO "Bubbles" or with the "Final Reiki Blessing" (CHO-KU-REI, SEI-HE-KI, HON -SHA-ZE-SHO-NEN and DAI-KO-MYO) to balance the patient's system.
6. Balance (Imposition of Hands) with DAI_KO_MYO (Third Eye and Base Chakra)
7. Rooting with CHO-KU-REI on the feet as usual
In "Esoteric Breath" we should approach our mouth to a few centimeters of the chakra to be treated, so it is not recommended to use this therapy in cases of contagious diseases.

It should never be inspired from the patient's chakra not to collect negative energies from it, but we must raise ourselves to lower / inspire the light again from the "Soul Star" to the "Core Star" and so throughout the therapy .

When you blow / channel / spiral the reiki energy into the chakra or specific part of the body that you want, then you should bring your mouth to that particular place.

There are two ways to direct energy through the breath (breath): One would be cold and strong to clean and charge energetically and would be carried out with the mouth only half open. The other would be a soft, warm exhalation with the mouth wide open, to heal.

Therapy can be performed front and back.

Reiki Healing Energies and Major Chakra System:
Chakra Corona: It is not treated in Therapies, only in Initiations
Chakra Third Eye: DAI-KO-MYO
Chakra Throat: DAI-KO-MIO
Heart Chakra: DAI-KO-MYO
Solar Plexus Chakra: SEI-HE-KI
Sacred Chakra: SEI-HE-KI

Base Chakra: This is not about "Esoteric Breathing". Eventually treat the "Centers of Abundance" (chakras located in the English) with the energies CHO-KU-REI.

Damián Alvarez

Get the book "Breathe Reiki. All the Truth about Reiki"(link)
by Damián Alvarez.
Visit his Author Page on Amazon (link)