Friday, December 1, 2017

The Protections and Care of the Healer and Master of Reiki

Protect yourself when you feel that "something" is wrong

Before you get to "any place".
Before you leave your house.
When you feel that "something" is wrong.
When you see "something" that is shocking / traumatizing / frustrating / painful.
When you see "something" that you do not like, change it, visualize it in a positive way.
Protect your companions.
Protect your family.
Protect yourself in the morning when you get out of bed.
Prayer of Protection.
Protection Bubble.
Protection of the place.
Negative energy cleaning.
Cross your arms (Solar Plexus Protection).
Protect yourself before answering the phone.
Protect food.
Have faith (do as God tells you).
Act with love (the opposite of fear).
Use Obsidian, Hematite and Black Tourmalines.
Heal your life with love.
Protect yourself from your own negative thoughts.
Become aware of how the negative energies of the planets affect you.
Avoid difficult situations.
Avoid the discussions.
Avoid crowds of people.
Avoid places where you do not feel "at ease".
Protect yourself from the "sins".
Do not "open" to the negative energies: Drugs, alcohol, anger, fear, mistrust, witchcraft, etc.

Other Care:
Complies with the Reiki Principles.
Avoid pride (symptom of weakness).
Be yourself and allow others to be themselves (children, the elderly, etc.).
Have positive thoughts.
Ask God to light up your thoughts.
Become aware of whether your thoughts, emotions and feelings are positive, if not change them.
Become aware that your thoughts, emotions and feelings if they are not positive are not yours.
Healing Meditations.
Heal your life with love.
Weaken your negative thoughts by not giving them importance.
Do not obsess about "the negative". Obsess yourself with positive thoughts: "God is Great, Life is Wonderful".
Do not obsess with negative spiritual energies / beings. Live life: "Give to God what is of God and to Caesar what is Caesar's".
Become Self-Healing Therapies every day.
Uses Quartz Crystals in Self-Therapies and Meditations.
Uses Music Therapy and Chromotherapy often.
Retreat once a week to nature (sea or beach) without contact with other humans and without telephone, so that your Chakras System rests and recovers.
Walk, nothing, make love.
Do not let anything stop you. Set goals and get them.
"Happy is he who does what he wants and feels satisfied / fulfilled with it".

"Watch and pray" (Keep "awake").

Damián Alvarez