Tuesday, December 20, 2022

The Art and Science of Healing What is the Tinerfe Healing System? (Report to Damián Alvarez)

The Art and Science of Healing It

is five in the afternoon. The aroma of sandalwood blends with the aroma of the hundreds of books that rest in the library. Tall, serene and with English punctuality, Dr. Damián Álvarez welcomes me with the sound of relaxing music, inviting me to disconnect from the stressed world in which we live to make way for another real and necessary dimension.
Damián Álvarez, Doctor of Metaphysics, Vibrational Medicine Therapist, Specialist in Crystal Therapy and Spiritual Healing and Grand Master in the Reiki and Karuna Healing systems. Discoverer of the Tinerfe Natural Healing and Therapeutic System, which is believed to be the most complete healing and therapeutic system in the world. He currently resides on the Island of Tenerife where he works, writes and gives courses after twenty-five years living in Sweden where he trained and worked.

1. What is Vibrational Medicine?

-Based on the fact that we are not a physical body but a conglomerate of superimposed bodies that constitute our soul, these energetic bodies are treated before the disease manifests itself physically or the root of the physical disease is treated, which is always found in the soul that is, in those energetic bodies. The energetic bodies are treated with the energy of quartz crystals, essential oils, healing systems such as reiki and Karuna, etc. Those healing energies are vibrational frequencies like sound waves or colors. That is Vibrational Medicine trying to balance our vibrations with energetic healing vibrations.

2. Why is your system (The Tinerfe Natural Healing and Therapeutic System) the most complete?

-The Tinerfe Healing System is not only mine, but that of all my students, many Grand Masters right now.
Because I have been able to introduce about 150 energies from about 10 different healing and therapeutic systems. Each one in its determined "site" to be able to clean, balance and heal specific parts of the body, mind and soul.

3. What does Heal mean?

-To heal means to make a whole person. Holistic medicine does not treat the symptom or specific part of the body but treats the root of the symptom to the whole person, body mind and soul. Vibrational Medicine, contrary to allopathic medicine, says that we are healthy when we are happy. Healing does not mean removing a symptom or a disease but making a whole person.

4. When is a person happy?

-A happy person is the one who has inner peace, well-being, understanding the latter when they feel comfortable with themselves, here and now, because they know where they come from, where they are, where they are going and feel fulfilled with it.

3. Could you tell me some steps to Happiness?

-My personal key to happiness has three points:
-First: Be yourself free of prejudices, ideas, taboos, fears, shame and preconceived ideas.
-Second: Act with love to never make a mistake, not worry about what you have done is right or wrong.
-Third: Let nothing stop you from acting, of course, with love. Fear is what stops us forever.

4. Why is Healing an Art?

-Because like any art it requires perseverance, patience, sacrifice and a lot of energy. Art is a dynamic development with which, using our experience, we try to make it better every day. Anyone who orders what is messy, makes what is ugly beautiful is an artist. Walking through the soul of a human being cleaning it, balancing it and healing it is an art and talent and vocation are needed.

6. What is the difference between heal and cure?

-As we said before, healing is making a person complete or happy. Curing means removing a symptom or disease regardless of whether it is happy or not.

7. Why do we get sick?

-We get sick because we stop being ourselves, beings created in the image and likeness of God, the first point of my key to happiness. We try to be something we are not. We believe that we are our money, our physical body, studies, work, etc. When we lose what we think we are, we get sad, traumatized and frustrated because of fear and then we get sick. It is as if a fish wanted to live out of water, sooner or later it would die. That is what the human being tries to do and that is why he gets sick and dies.

8. Why does modern Medicine treat the physical body and not the Energetic? I agree when once in a conference you said: "if medicine had listened to Einstein instead of Newton... we would be light years from where we are now".

-Newton said “that the human being was a complicated machine like the mechanism of a clock”. Modern medicine is Newtonian, it treats the human being as a machine with tubes, motor cables and therefore said machine treats the physical body, forgetting the energy that maintains everything, the primary root of physical symptoms, emotions, the mind, feelings, spirituality in short of everything that makes up our soul. We are energetic bodies in interaction with each other. Physical disease is just a manifestation of how the energy bodies are. These energetic bodies elude modern medicine, which is why it is difficult for it to control and treat. In plain words, that science cannot measure, weigh, or see the soul under a microscope, that is why it “gets out of hand”.

9. If Metaphysics goes above Physics, how is it that it has not been given the importance it deserves?

-Because energy cannot be sold in a bottle at the pharmacy and because our soul does not fit in a test tube in a laboratory.

10. Where is the Love, Damien?

-Love is our essence and the essence of the Universe, which sustains everything. It is the reflection of the Universe in a puddle of water. We remove the puddle of water and the entire Universe reflected in it disappears. This is Love. That is God.

11. How can we heal ourselves?

-Being ourselves, acting with love and let nothing stop us in order to obtain peace of mind, inner peace and well-being.

12. The concept of healing is much broader than people imagine. Is it true that if we heal ourselves we can also heal the planet?

-Being energetic bodies in interaction with each other and energy being contagious, in the same way that stress or nervousness is spread, we could be infected with peace, love, health and happiness. On the other hand, most people do not see the significance of their actions. Example: if we cut down 10 trees here it can cause a great drought in Africa. If we are healed, Tenerife is healed because we are Tenerife, Europe is healed because we are Europe, the world is healed because we are the world and the Universe is healed because we are the Universe.

13. Why are these natural therapies always labeled as Alternatives when Nature is millions of years older than current medicine?

-There is no doubt that current medicine is effective in surgery, in terms of treating emergencies, accidents, etc. Also penicillin in case of acute infections. In so-called chronic or misnamed terminal diseases, Vibrational Medicine is more effective, free of contraindications and negative side effects. If Humanity were treated preventively with Vibrational Medicine, not only would it never get physically sick, but it would also develop personally and spiritually. Each one should take responsibility for their own health, but sadly we leave the responsibility for our health in the hands of others, which is only ours, and that is where psychologists, psychiatrists and doctors come in. Vibrational Medicine requires that the patient do something of his part in healing and take responsibility for his health. The Vibrational Doctor is not just a doctor but a teacher who teaches the patient to treat himself.

14. How could we learn to heal our lives?

-The only person responsible for your health is yourself. In fact, when you go to the doctor, he is based 75% on what the patient tells him. We are the best we know and if we are aware of it we can change what is bad for us. It is always good to have a teacher until one becomes a teacher because after all we are all teachers and healers, artists in the art of healing.

15. We live in a world of energies and that science knows. Why hasn't more emphasis been placed on this field? Perhaps it is because the energies are not seen but they affect us. How do they affect us, doctor?

-Regarding the first question, a healthy patient is one less customer and does not matter. In the second, as we are energetic bodies in interaction with each other, our energies affect those of others and that of others affects us through fear, anger, envy, jealousy, rage, negative thoughts... Just like peace, patience and love are energetically contagious.

Let's hope that Tenerife becomes a center of wisdom and well-being, that it is not only a tourist destination, with a good climate, but that they know that here, on our islands, there are good therapists worldwide who give a New and Fresh Air to our islands. Undoubtedly, Healing is an Art that should be introduced in hospitals, clinics, residences and even practiced by oneself to obtain a healthier, happier and more balanced life.