Friday, December 30, 2022

New Year's Eve Message from Damián Alvarez


It does not surprise me that most people desire Peace, Love, Health and Happiness for the new year, but I am surprised that they believe that these virtues will come to them from the outside, or that they will be brought to them by the Magi.

Peace, Love, Health and Happiness do not play in the lottery of life, but must be achieved conscientiously, of their own volition, with tenacity, zeal, discipline, perseverance and perseverance.

We must awaken our consciences and realize (once and for all) that Peace is achieved with temperance, that is, without getting angry, without worrying, without stressing. Love is achieved by living without fear, that is, by sending positive thoughts, feelings and emotions to God, to ourselves, to others and to all divine creation. Health and Happiness are achieved with Love and Peace.

For the New Year, then, I do not wish you that the Magi bring you what you ask for, but that you wake up and begin to love the Magi, offering the best of your soul, just as they did with Jesus.
A New Year full of Peace, Love, Health and Happiness for all, are my most fervent wishes.

Damián Alvarez

The Sexuality of the Soul. A work by Damián Alvarez

The Sexuality of the Soul

The Sexuality of the Soul.
Sex is a Sin, ... but when it is not practiced

Do not get confused. We all have sexual desires, and they are a symptom of good health. Letting off steam sexually is the best way to stay healthy. The more sex, the better, as long as it doesn't stop you from doing your daily chores or sapping your strength.

The truth is that we have been deceived since childhood, since for many of our parents sex was taboo. They also associated any carnal contact with sex, which is why many linked kisses, hugs and even saying "I love you" to sex.

Often, when people mature they look for sex because they are confused, what they are really looking for, need and desire is love, but since they were never taught what love was and they did not receive any love, they identify it with sex.

The desire for closeness that was taboo in the past is just a symptom of affective deficiencies. We don't know better (they never taught us), because the only way to get closer to another person and receive a bit of the love we need (caresses, kisses, hugs, affection, nice words, etc.), is through sexual contact.

The soul is wise and always seeks the way and the means to receive what it needs, so "sex is a sin,... but when it is not practised...".

Get the Book  "The Sexuality of the Soul"  by Damián Alvarez
Visit the  Amazon Bookstore  (link)

Thursday, December 29, 2022

Reincarnations and Karma

Loving and being loved as a consequence of immediate Karma. your harvest

With respect to future incarnations in animal bodies, it is logically and scientifically impossible because a being created in the image of God, with a perfect spiritual anatomy, will impossibly be able to incarnate in any type of animal.

Karma, like the Law of Sowing and Harvesting, is something else, and it does not have to be good or bad, it "is".
It is clear that if I plant nettles I do not harvest potatoes or vice versa, but that does not mean that nettles are bad or that potatoes are better than nettles.

Jesus Christ said to love others as ourselves. This is the Law of the Good Harvest. It is completely clear that if we experience something bad we also believe that the same will do the same harm to other people, hence the phrase "Don't do to others what you don't want them to do to you " illustrates what I'm trying to explain.

Karma is wonderful for people who do good, that is, who plant love, because, without a doubt, they will reap love, even if it is only (really a lot), the fruit of joy and happiness that doing good brings: The good conscience, feeling at peace, accomplished, being able to sleep peacefully.

Don't take "nothing for granted." Become aware of the Wonders of Karma

I have written from time to time, that  most people do not live in duality but in a "negative unity" , since they have been educated in a negative way. If we experienced the events of life mostly in a positive rather than a negative way, then we would not get sick, nor would we be unhappy. The "positive unit", living in love over the circumstances would make us very happy, but, despite me, it is not so.

On the other hand, we take the good that happens in our lives for granted. Nobody complains about how well things are going for him. Nobody complains about being completely healthy, happy, and having economic well-being, but being happy, being healthy and having a good economy are also a manifestation of karma, of the seeds that we have planted previously in our lives, so it follows that karma is wonderful for good-hearted people.

When some people talk about their karma as something negative, they are really sentencing themselves, otherwise, for them, karma would also be wonderful.

Damian Alvarez at

32 Years Healing and Educating the World

Get the Book  "The Great Awakening of Consciousness"  (link),
by Damián Alvarez

Karma is Wonderful: Each one will reap what he sows. A Book by Damian Alvarez

Karma is Wonderful. Each one will reap what
the Perfection of Divine Justice sows. A Book by Damian Alvarez

The human being is incapable of creating his life in a positive and conscientious way because he was born in a deceitful society that values ​​money and power more than expressions of peace, love and solidarity.
It is also believed that life is something that just happens and that we can do little or nothing about it to change it. Words like "fate", "luck" and even "karma" or "reincarnation" are perfect excuses for people who believe they are incapable of directing their own feet.
In truth, karma is the result of our life, but we can also create our life in a conscious and positive way, and therefore also create positive karma, a positive life.
Thanks to the free will that God endowed us with and by choosing to live with love instead of fear, we can always create a wonderful karma, a wonderful life.
Thus, according to what we plant (send to the universe), so we will also reap (receive from the universe).
So, any moderately intelligent person would always choose to live consciously with love because they are supposed to want to be happy.
... and if someone does not want to be happy but to create a negative karma with his life in his life, then do not worry that karma is wise and is law (justice), and will make your wishes come true too.

Get the book  "Karma is Wonderful"  (link),
by Damián Alvarez
Visit his  Author Page on Amazon  (link)

Reiki Attunements and Yawning, Burping, Coughing, Tearing

The Reiki Initiation Ritual is a Deep Energetic Interaction

It is not surprising that reiki masters yawn, burp, cough, and even sneeze during a reiki attunement, since in this energetic ritual as in any other where a teacher/healer and a student/receiver/patient are present, the interaction and energetic resonance between their souls is a fact as or more palpable than in full body therapies.

The reiki master, when connecting to the recipient of the initiation, must, automatically, and almost always unconsciously (except for the teachers of the Tinerfe Healing System who do it consciously), undo the negative energies that the recipient of the initiation has. initiation with yawning.
Yawning is a completely natural release of energy.

Thanks to the laws of interaction and energetic resonance, the Reiki master connects his system of major chakras with the recipient of the initiation, which forces the chakra system of one of them to heal the other, or the other to make the first sick. . It is assumed that the teacher will be the one to heal the student, so he will have to burp imperatively to undo the blockages that the student has in his chakra system, especially the Solar Plexus, if not, the teacher will end the ritual with an inflamed belly and nauseated. Yes, blockages in the chakras are undone by belching, for lack of a better word.

Yawning, Burping, Coughing and Sneezing
are all completely natural energy releases.

Burping therapeutically is a release of negative energies created by the individual himself (traumas, frustrations, sorrows, or infected from other people), which, unconventional as it may seem, is relatively easier, and the one that is becoming more natural. , since more and more reiki teachers and practitioners are belching in their therapies.

Feeling compelled to cough during a reiki attunement implies that blockages in the Throat chakra are being undone. Instead, sneezing drag energy blockages located in various chakras and parts of the Hara Line.

Moments of sighing prove that the energy begins to flow.
Tearing is just a side effect of yawning and has no therapeutic power.

This article is courtesy of the Tinerfe Healing System to all the reiki masters in the world.
Damian Alvarez

by Damian Alvarez
Visit his  Author Page on Amazon  (link)

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Old age does not exist. The Soul Never Retires

Old age does not exist. The soul never retires

The "age crises" are an attempt by negative spiritual beings to retire early, to call us old and therefore useless, a piece of junk, rubbish, waste. According to these negative beings, at a certain age you are no longer worth it, you are not up to the task to carry out certain duties. The reality is that the Soul never retires and that love, youth and beauty are eternal.
Those negative spiritual beings know well that by "filling" our minds and souls with fear, the opposite of love, then we will age. Jesus said: He who believes (live according to conviction) in my (Jesus teachings) will not die, on the contrary he will live ("rivers of water of life will flow through him for all eternity") eternally.

Don't let them fool you anymore. Old age does not exist, it is only a symptom of fear, and even if it did exist, it is nothing to be ashamed of. Old age is a hoax, a lie, a trap that the devil sets for you. No one is older than they are considered.
The Devil and the other negative spiritual beings use the greed of some human beings, so that, due to their desire for wealth, they complex the rest of Humanity.
Most of the multinationals only want your money, they don't care if you are fat and ugly or beautiful and thin or ugly and thin or beautiful and fat. The job of those who create and produce advertising is to convince you that you are not worth the way you are, that you are not worthy of living with your current body, and then "steal" your money, that is, your life.

The Soul is eternal as we saw earlier, and the Soul is dynamic as well. The Soul wants to constantly develop, therefore never stop. The people who stop do get old.
We always develop, we are always in motion even if we are stationary because the Soul is dynamic, and when we believe that we are stationary, we are "developing" backwards and then we do age. Our soul ages.

"Never throw in the towel." It is never too late to start over. It is never too late to regain youth, also in one year you can do more than in all your previous life and the next year you can do even more than in all your life and the next year even more.
Your Soul is what "fills" your physical body with energy. By keeping a young and active Soul you will also have a young and active mind and body.

Damian Alvarez

Get the Book  "Learn to Live"  (link), by Damián Alvarez

The Great Secret in the Our Father Prayer. Unpublished work by Damián Alvarez

Our father". The Perfect Prayer of Jesus Christ

There is no doubt that Jesus of Nazareth, Jesus, the son of Joseph and Mary, Jesus, called the Christ, was a privileged mind, and even more so in those times (more than 2,000 years ago.

Jesus Christ knew the laws of interaction and energetic resonance between human beings. He also knew that energy follows thought, that only with thought, emotions, feelings, we can cause harm to others and to ourselves. Jesus Christ also knew all the discoveries currently revealed by Damián Alvarez, such as that life is not something that happens around us, but that it flows through each human being at the speed of feeling, emotion, thought and action.

But Jesus Christ knew much more. Jesus Christ knew the keys to eternal life, the keys to peace and happiness. Only a few people have really listened to Jesus Christ in a period of more than 2,000 years. Even fewer have understood his teachings, but as today, many people begin to say out loud: "This cannot continue like this, this has to change", that is, really saying those popular phrases of the "Our Father" such as " Your Kingdom come" or "Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven", I feel obliged to reveal the great secrets of the great prayer, the great secrets of the "Our Father", in this way, we all can understand and introduce into our lives consciously, to change internally and change the future of humanity.

Get the Book  "The Great Secret of the Our Father Prayer"  (link) by Damián Alvarez
Visit his  Author Page in the Amazon Editorial  (link)

Teachings of Jesus Christ before his Birth: Mary's visit to her cousin Elizabeth

Mother. The Universe of the Unborn Baby. life in life

When Maria was pregnant, she visited her cousin Elizabeth, who was also pregnant. The future children would be Jesus Christ (by Mary), and John the Baptist (by Elizabeth). What happened when these two women met  shows that life  (although it is obvious to us, and we think it is obvious to everyone in general, nowadays pro-abortion people try to prove otherwise),  exists before the physical birth.

To a sane mind, the growth of a fetus in its mother's womb demonstrates life in development (scientists can corroborate this though politics clamps their tongues and directs their brains, you will never find a scientist who can say that the fetus is not a living human being), even though the habitat of the unborn child is not the external physical world but its mother's womb.

Communication Between the Unborn Baby and the Universe Demonstrated

In addition, and also according to the Bible, there is a communication between the fetus and (not only) its mother, but also the outside world, whether they are animals, plants or other human beings.

Although today, it is used more in babies already born, I remember that about 20 years ago there was a lot of talk about the "Mozart Effect", that is, that babies, even in their mother's womb, reacted positively when they heard music. of Mozart and there was a lot of talk about how to develop the baby's intellect if his mother listened to classical music.

It was not a fashion, it is a reality, no matter how much some people say that until the baby is born it has no life. For me, the truth, a position that is not only ignorant but also aberrational...

... to be continue

Jesus Christ and the Laws of Interaction and Energetic Resonance. New Post by Damián Alvarez

Jesus Christ and the Laws of Interaction and Resonance
A Book of Deep Soul Science

Why does no one dare to question the "Teachings of Jesus Christ", but if they question, judge, criticize their physical life? Simply because you can't. Perfect teachings cannot be questioned, and whoever did so would be ridiculous. Because who could question  "love your neighbor as yourself"  or  "he who gives food and drink to his neighbor is giving me food and drink" , or this phrase that I love  "so that all may be one as I, Father, in You, may they also be one in us.

We, the connoisseurs of the "Laws of Interaction and Energetic Resonance between Human Beings", know that Jesus Christ knew them more than 2,000 years ago, and we understand his teachings. Wise mind and soul that of Jesus of Nazareth.

Perhaps the researchers know that Jesus Christ was always and will always be right, and that not a single one of his words can be refuted. Perhaps the researchers are so foolish that  "they have eyes and do not see, and they have ears but do not hear."  That is why they have always made criticism judging the physical life of Jesus Christ but not his spiritual teachings, his spiritual life.

I do not consider myself an enlightened mind (far from it), but a person who has logically and totally objectively studied the "Teachings of Jesus Christ", in order not to make the mistake of making mistakes like everyone else has done up to now, investigating subjectively, that is, full of prejudices.

What does it matter if Jesus Christ was angry, what does it matter if Jesus Christ was harsh with people, what does it matter if Jesus Christ hung out with drinkers and criminals, what does it matter if Jesus Christ was or was not a lover of Mary Magdalene, what does it matter if Jesus Christ was or he was not gay. Maybe you're not homosexual, you don't have lovers, you don't drink, you don't get angry, and that's why you think you're better than Jesus Christ?

I expose the above to illustrate how biblical researchers have only been able to judge Jesus Christ according to their prejudices, taboos, and preconceived ideas, and only in a physical way, a very, very superficial way. Yes, that's how superficial the investigations of those who believe themselves to be the brilliant minds of humanity are. No one (except myself) has tried to investigate in a profound way the "true life of Christ", his life and his teachings, always spiritual, psychic, energetic, profound.

Get the Book  "Jesus Christ and the Laws of Interaction and Energy Resonance"  (link), by Damián Alvarez

Visit his  Author Page in the Amazon Editorial  (link)

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Easy or Difficult. Positive or negative. Tests? It always depends on you

You are not alone. We are all the same. we all have a soul

Nothing is easy or everything really is very easy, it just depends on how you take it, everything happens woman. For example, I have been married 5 times and separated as many times, I have always had to start from scratch after the separations, any other person would take it very negatively, but since I do not see the negative as an alternative, well " everything is good". What I mean is don't see, don't have the negative as an alternative. When the negative disappears from your life, only positive things remain. Let's see, how do you measure good or bad things, positive or negative things, what do you have as a reference to say this is good and this is bad? You only have as a reference what you have been instilled in, and believing in what you have been instilled in is a "trap". You were always raised in fear, the "system" It keeps doing it even if you don't realize it. The "system" says that if you're not like this or roasted or if you don't have this or that, or if you don't feel this way or that way, you can't be happy, and all of that is lies. You could very easily be above circumstances and negative energies, simply not "playing along", ignoring it, that there is no alternative for you: this is bad, I'm bad, I feel bad. Being yourself is that: "you are only" neither more nor less. I use myself as an example: I've seen myself wallowing in pain on the ground, alone, sick and helpless, but I never thought it was a bad thing, it just was, it just happened. When you are above circumstances, sensations, feelings, etc., etc.,

Don't get carried away by deceit, traps either. Become aware, if you have to be aware of something, that everyone has experienced and is currently experiencing the same thing that you are going through. Disillusion yourself, no one (apart from those who introduce the teachings of the Tinerfe Healing System into their lives and perhaps some others in the World who are on the same path and have realized the Truth) is happy. What you see in people is illusion, dreams, fantasies (which are not reality), giggles and more giggles (which is just hypocrisy), displays of happiness (which are just masks) and methods of evasion (not just alcohol, medicines and drugs) such as stress, overwhelm, fantasies, sex, abuse at work, etc. What do you think people are running from, what do you think people are hiding from, what do you think people want to hide? Well, their unhappiness, their discomforts, worries, frustrations, traumas, sorrows, disappointments,...

Happiness is Interior and is above Circumstances

You, at least you are aware of what is happening to you, the others are not. Most people realize that they have led a life of lies, of shit, when they end up in the Intensive Care Unit, "plugged in" through every hole in their bodies. You are aware of reality, you can do something about it, but of course, without obsessing, but realizing that you have been lucky. Pain, whether physical, emotional, emotional or psychological, we measure it with our weaknesses, weaknesses that are not real. Why do you remember who you are? TRUE? There is no weakness in a being created in the image and likeness of God, there is no fear in a being that is love. It is clear that the "system" wants you to believe that fear exists, that it can tell you: suffer that you are wrong, the others are fine but you are not, the others are happy and you are not. But the "system" or negative energies tell the same lies to each of the human beings. I will give you an example: You think that you want to tell me something or you feel the most miserable of all the people in the world, you feel that you need love, a lot of love, a hug, words of affection but you do not come and approach me because the Negative "negative energies" can tell you: how are you going to say that to Damián, Damián is going to think you're stupid, besides, Damián has a lot of work and he's going to think you're annoying. They can also tell you: Don't say anything to Damián because he's going to think you're stupid or that you're going crazy, plus you have to pretend that you're fine, that you're strong, that you don't need anyone. Do you recognize how negative energies play with people? but make no mistake, what I explained to you previously happens to everyone. You are not alone, we are all the same, we all have a soul and we have all suffered traumas, sorrows and frustrations, and we have suffered them because we have been tricked into suffering them.

It is not bad to be alone, it is not bad not to have money, it is not bad not to have a partner, it is not bad not to have your own home, it is not bad not to have children, it is not bad not to have enough to eat. What is really bad is to believe all those lies that the "system" instills in you so that you suffer when you do not have those things. You came to earth alone and you will leave alone, you can be yourself, that is, happy or believe the "lies of the system" and always be unhappy.

It depends only on you what color you want to see the rainbow

Also, think, you are here to teach the world, what you know you could take advantage of for your own good and that of others. Write, speak, give therapies, take courses, share with us, come closer to us because we are all the same. Do not be afraid, do not be ashamed, get rid of unfounded prejudices and taboos (which is really a taboo, just a taboo and not a reality). Go through everything, live life, and the more they attack you, think that it is because you are on the "right path", that you are getting closer to the truth, that you have a very important mission in life. The greater the tests (which are to be overcome otherwise they would not be tests) the stronger you become and the stronger your faith becomes (God allows it to test your "free will" and your ability to use love).

Even if you look "sunk" as you tell me, think "well something good is on the way", and the bigger the attacks the better what is on the way. Years of bliss, fulfillment, satisfaction, well-being await you.

Nor can you complain that you have not been educated with love, it is your responsibility. Put your batteries on and start educating others with love, you are not alone as I have told you and when they try to stop you you can say "fuck the negative energies of the balls" but they don't stop me. When they don't stop you in one circumstance, they will stop trying to stop you in that aspect of your life, but if they stop you, they will continue your whole life because they know that it works, that they can stop you.

Love is the only important thing. Recover your inner child

One day someone came up to me and, speaking of negative energies and how they work, it occurred to me to say "they won't stop me even if they leave me in a wheelchair", because a week later I had an accident with the car and I was left in a chair. wheelchair, diagnosis: "total paraplegia" that would worsen over the years due to the ailments of old age. Well, they didn't stop me, the day after the diagnosis I was at work, a year later I was fully recovered.

That you pass the tests, that you get up after falling, that you don't know where your renewed strength comes from. God is good but not stupid, be aware that God will never allow you to be put to a test that you cannot overcome. Also when you say that strength comes to you and you don't know where,

Do not have illusions, dreams, fantasies, expectations, hopes, they are not reality and negative beings will use them against you. Do not expect anything from anyone, not even from yourself, get it. Set goals and not illusions, and if you don't want to get frustrated, you don't expect anything from anyone or anything. Get what you want, move, don't wait. Hope is not sitting around waiting for God to solve your life, Hope is thinking that you can solve everything in your life. It is your life, you have free will to use the greatest power in the Universe: Love for your own benefit and for all Humanity.

We love you heart and we are here for everything you want, so don't tell God ever again that he doesn't send you help. Take advantage of it, sweetie, here we are, truly, and for us it is a great pleasure to have you as a friend (you don't know how great a help you already are to humanity, even if you don't know it yet).

Damian Alvarez