Thursday, November 30, 2017

Reiki and Protections. Energy Interaction between Healers and other Living Creatures

Healing is life, and  "wherever a Healer goes, He heals

Many of my students did not understand, at the beginning, when I said to them, "A Healer must charge for the mere fact of existing" or "where a Healer goes healing".

Are you a Practitioner or Master of Reiki ?, then do not believe that healing is "laying hands." Healing is life, and I repeat: "wherever a Healer goes, He heals."

Some people, (we have to understand their ignorance, of course) also do not understand that healing starts from the phone call to make an appointment and continues in the preliminary talk to therapy and perhaps also after therapy.

We Healers, we should charge for transmitting information, for explaining, for answering the phone, emails, sms, messages whatsapps, etc., since at any and all times we are healing the interested party.

For the one who has not yet learned, he explains that when two energetic bodies meet the tendency is that the energies of the energy body with the highest frequency predominate. In the case of the energy body of the Healer and another person, it is assumed that the energies of the Healer would prevail, but it is hard for the soul of the Healer to balance the energies of the person or persons encountered. If the Healer does not balance those energies, healing the people with whom he interrelates, then he will inevitably fall ill. Those are the Laws of Interaction and Energy Resonance.

Formerly, when the Tinerfe Healing System did not exist, we often heard our parents and grandparents say: "Healers always get sick, Healers are always sick because they pick up the diseases of others." Our ancestors knew the Laws of Interaction and Energetic Resonance, although they could not explain them.

So, if you are a Practitioner or Master of Reiki, I recommend that you avoid crowds of people, department stores, meetings, as much as you can. I also recommend to all Reiki Masters that they do not do group courses but rather personalized ones.

Become aware that if you are a Healer, anyone who comes to you is a recipient of the healing energies that you channel, which does not happen only during healing sessions, but at any time and place. Healing happens during life.

You can never close to channel healing energies because you heal with your energy body, your system of chakras and if you close your chakras, you close to life and you die.

If you know how to protect, protect yourself as much as you can. Protect yourself before answering the phone, because you do not know how to find the one on the other side of the telephone line. Protect yourself before opening an email or a message. Protect yourself before you open the door to anyone or enter any place. Do not answer the phone or read a message before going to bed, because it will surely make you sleepy. Do not obsess, just protect yourself, you do not know what awaits you ...

... and if you do not know how to protect yourself, then go and teach you how to protect yourself.

Damián Alvarez

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Reiki Healers and True Healers

Are you a true Healer, then live as a true Healer

It is often heard (referring to the Reiki Healing System) that "everything that is done with love is good and works".
If we really lived with love we would not need healing systems and if we have healing systems it is because we do not know how to channel love in any other way, and it is not our fault, it is that we were never taught to live with love.

If healing is a channeling of divine energies, that is, love, why limit it to an hour of therapy? Why not introduce that divine energy, that love, in all aspects of our life 24 hours a day?

Healing is not "laying hands on another person", healing is life, therefore, live with love and you will be channeling divine energy constantly, you will be healing your life and that of everyone else always.

Do not make the same mistake as some religions: "go to Mass on Sundays and everything is arranged for the rest of the week."

If you want to consider yourself a true Healer, then live as a true Healer, channel divine energy every day, every hour, every minute and every second of your life:

Live with love!
Damián Alvarez

Sunday, November 26, 2017

The Healer and His Solar Plexus or Solar Plexus of Reiki Healers

the Solar Plexus of the Healer help others to be happy

The Healing Solar Plexus is the main healing energy tool you have.

With the Solar Plexus chakra, the Diagnostic Therapist Healer, undoes energy blocks through "Energetic Resonance", "Esoteric Breath" and "Alignment with Light." In addition, the Solar Plexus of the Healer is the one that "pushes" him, brings him the will to heal, to help others to be happy.

Many people believe that being a Healer is an easy way to "make money". The profession of Healer is, although the most beautiful since you work for God, the most difficult. Only through love can you become a good Healer, only out of love you make the sacrifice of feeling the evil and the illness of other human beings and only for love the Healer offers your soul, so that through it you heal the physical and mental illnesses of another human being.

Any fraudster who believes that he can become rich as a Healer and to whom he does not move another interest than the economic one will not last in the profession more than two years. He will end up inflamed, swollen, physically and mentally ill, twisted with pain.

Healing is love and love is the only thing that really heals, protects and brings strength to both Healer and Healer.

Without love there is no cure for many therapeutic techniques that you know and apply in your therapies.

Every good Healer must imperatively have a Healthy Solar Plexus, balanced, strong, well protected.

Every good Healer must imperatively know how to clean, balance, heal, load and protect your Solar Plexus energetically.

The energetic interaction between the Healer and the "recipient of Therapy" means that the Therapist exposes his Chakra System (especially his Solar Plexus, since the root of all illness is in that chakra) to the Chakra System of the patient in direct connection. If the Healer does not know how to protect from the negative energies that unbalance, block, sick the Chakras System of the patient, then it will irremediably be the patient that unbalances the Healer by making him ill.

If the Healer does not know how to undo the energy blockages that make the patient's Chakra System sick, then he will absorb them into his own Chakra System, also getting sick sooner or later, his belly and perhaps his whole body. End the therapies with nausea and vomiting.

In the long run the "Untrained Healer" will make his patients sick that will heal them no matter how much he says he is just a "channel of universal healing energies." How can a "locked channel" function as a channel? Apart from the healing energies, the energies of their Major Chakra Systems are always transmitted among human beings by the so-called "Energy Interaction". This is why so many people feel bad, worse or better according to the "Healer" who does the Therapy.

As we have seen in other articles on the Solar Plexus, the connection between the Solar Plexus of humans always happens and could not be different between Healer Therapist and patient, but rather the interaction is accentuated.

Only one soul can heal another soul because healing is love and only one soul can channel love. The healer's soul, his Aura, his System of Major and Minor Chakras are the "healing tools" that the therapist uses to channel the healing energies, the energies of love, the divine energies.

The balanced Chakra System of the good Healer demonstrates the balance of your Solar Plexus, the degree of love you have, and at what level of spiritual development you find yourself. Of all is known that according to the degree of spirituality of the individual so will be the degree of health and happiness of the same.

If you are a Healer (for much goodwill you have in helping others) but you feel bad during the therapies or if you feel bad in contact with other people without being Healer, then go to that you are educated in the beautiful "Art of Healing "And above all that you are educated in the" Art of Love ".

If you are Healer and only the glory, power and money moves you can also come to learn to be a good healer, if not sooner or later you will become ill and neither glory, nor power, nor money but "a king dead king put." Few will remember you ...

Really God is just: "Poor of him who touches a hair the smallest of them," "he who loses has forgiveness but not that which causes another to be lost."

Damián Alvarez

Saturday, November 25, 2017

A Reiki Practitioner Therapy

Feel the Reiki Therapy Benefits

Keep in mind that in the courses of Reiki does not teach Spiritual Anatomy or Spiritual Healing. Also note that the Reiki taught by the Teachers belonging to the Tinerfe Healing System is a Reiki developed by its creator Damián Alvarez.

Damián Alvarez, realized that the Reiki Healing System, as well as coming to the West, as well as being taught, was very simple, very little. The "Healing of the Chakras" (positions of the "special" hands to heal the chakras), "Healing Meditations", "First and Last Steps", "Protections", etc., etc. are discoveries of the above, which are an advance over the Reiki Therapist of "weekend."

When you are going to receive a patient you only need to do the following steps:

1.- Ten minutes before the appointment, you sit down and "Align with the Light" to relax and ask God to protect you and also protect the person who is on the way home to do the Reiki Therapy .

2.- You can receive the person in question with relaxing music and the aroma of some incense you want. When the person arrives, you allow him to tell you about the problems, diseases and dysfunctions he has. You can already make a preliminary diagnosis with your knowledge about the Major Chakra System and associated diseases and di-functions. You can tell the person to whom his illnesses and problems are due, and give him a life guide.

3.- Do a Reiki Therapy. A Reiki Therapy only requires you to put your hands on the other person according to the "hands positions" you have learned, for 3 or 4 minutes position. The important thing is the "First Steps". In the Prayer of Healing you will introduce what the person wishes to heal, the rest is God's thing. Do not forget the "Last Steps" either, never let yourself go to an off-center person, uprooted, that is, dizzy.

4. After the Therapy offers a glass of water to the patient and tell him what you "felt", "saw" during the Therapy, if you had felt anything. Keep in mind that the goal with a Reiki Therapy is not to feel but to transmit healing energies.

5. Burn a sandalwood incense stick in the room to cleanse it of the negative energies that might have been released during the Therapy, "Close the Energies" (after the patient has left your home or consult), and that's it.

Damián Alvarez

Friday, November 24, 2017

What does it mean to be a Reiki Master? Master of the Love of God

A Reiki Master, a Master of Love

Master is one who masters a technique, profession or art to such a degree that it makes it seem simple in the eyes of others.

Teacher is one who teaches a technique, profession or art.

Master of life is one who directs his life in such a way as to make it seem simple in the eyes of others.
Master of life is one who controls his life completely. In his life happens what he wants, gets all his goals, acts with love and nothing stops him. The "life", the energies no longer control the Master, but it is he who controls the life and the energies. The Master is no longer a puppet, but dominates his life with his power and free will.

A Master of Healing, according to some Grand Masters in Martial Arts, is the one who manages to create a school of his own, to have worked for at least 3 years and to have Initiated at least 50 Pupils.

A Master Healer can never be created on a weekend, since to be a Teacher requires years of learning, years of experience and years of wisdom.

Reiki means divine energy, so a Reiki Master would be the one who perfectly controls the divine energies for his good and that of humanity. A Reiki Master is a Master of life, of himself and healing energies, with great wisdom and long experience.

In other words, and on the basis that the divine energies are love, then a Reiki Master would be a Master in Love, a Master of Love.

My personal advice is that if you want to become a good Healing Master, whether it be Reiki or another healing system, you should first take care of yourself, second of yourself and third of yourself, then you can take care of all the rest. Understand that until you are not well you will not be able to make others well and if you do not take care of yourself, you will eventually become ill, and that would never be a good Master Healer.

Damián Alvarez

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Ethics and Morals of the Reiki Master. The Reiki Master works for God

The Reiki Master should never act for exclusively selfish

A Reiki Master will initiate whoever he sees fit. Being a Reiki Master is not an obligation, but a pleasure. The Reiki Master has no obligation with respect to other people, on the contrary, the Reiki Master has the right to deny an initiation or therapy to any person who deprecates or disrespects him or the Reiki Healing System . I am aware that some associations have in their "statutes" as follows: "A Reiki Master or Therapist cannot deny healing or initiations to anyone who asks for it." I have more than 20 years of experience in the field of Alternative Medicine and Healing, and many times over the course of a year I have until I expel patients or students that I have disrespected. To consider that Reiki Masters and Therapists often come aggressive people, skeptics, people with psychic problems and even people with bipolar disorders or people who do not care about common sense, respect and consideration. In any case, repeat that a Reiki Master is not bound to anything, nor owes anything to anyone, for the mere fact of being Reiki Master.

The Reiki Master will use his experience and common sense to choose his students.
The Reiki Master will choose students based on common sense and professional experience. The "Story" that the student / disciple chooses / finds the Master when prepared is only a myth. I would say that the Master chooses the disciple when the Master considers that the disciple is prepared.

The Reiki Master must maintain professional secrecy or a vow of silence with absolute discretion.

The Reiki Master will maintain decorum, same in therapies as in initiations. There are a lot of "stories" about Reiki masters who ask their students or patients to remove their clothes (stripping), based on the healing energies being channeled better through naked bodies. Never again far from the reality, think that if healing energy crosses mountains, seas, continents, steel walls and concrete (such as during remote healing), because then you would not go through a few millimeters of cloth. My own view in this respect is that the so-called "Masters" ask their students or patients to remove their clothes does not say anything about the effectiveness of therapies or initiations Reiki, but if it says much about the sickly and depraved state of mind of those supposed "Masters". Reiki therapies and initiations are done with the clothes on. Reiki therapies and initiations are not intrusive therapies. The patient should only remove his shoes, and has nothing to do with the effectiveness of therapy, but simply for hygiene.

The Reiki Master will not prescribe but recommend.

The Reiki Master will not send healing to third parties for seconds, but will always respect the free will of every human being.

The Reiki Master must fulfill what he promises in his advertisements for courses and therapies, so that he does not have any problem with "Consumer Rights". To be honest.

It would be very well for the Reiki Master (if he really is) to try to comply with the "Reiki Principles" and "preach by example" ("by their fruits you will know the tree").

A Reiki Master is not a doctor and will refrain from making diagnoses (if they are not metaphysical) and will never interrupt the medication of his patients in case they take it.

The Reiki Master should take good care of himself (see "The Therapist's Care" in this blog), and think first of himself, second in himself and third in himself, then he can take care of all the others ("what is it worth the world to you if you lose yourself? "Jesus).

The Reiki Master should never act for exclusively selfish purposes, but work for the good of himself, the good of humanity, the good of the planet and the good of the universe. After all, a Reiki Master (divine energy) works for God.

Damián Alvarez

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

The Reiki Principles ... and I will be completely Happy

Reiki Principles, ... and you will be completely Happy

Just for today I will not get angry
Just for today I will not worry
Just for today I will live in gratitude
I will live honestly today
Only for today I will respect every living thing

That every day is a "just for today I will comply with the Reiki Principles" and I will be completely happy.

The Reiki Principles were selected by Dr Mikao Usui from about 2,000 living standards of the Japanese emperors.

These principles are a "spiritual medicine" that if you "take" it cures 85% of all diseases.

The Reiki Healing System consists of two parts: The one would consist of 15% of the system and would be the channeling of healing energy by imposition of hands (although it can be sent remotely, through breathing, with the power of the mind , gaze and other techniques as well), the remaining 85% would consist of the fulfillment of The Reiki Principles.
As much healing as you can, if you continue to be angry, worrying, complaining and treating yourself and your neighbor, then you will never be healed.

Principles are not an obligation, but rather a guide, a path, a council and perhaps also a warning. Let us not deceive ourselves, it is not a good healer who does not even know how to heal himself.

Less Reiki courses should be given (hand imposition and healing remotely) and more courses on the Reiki Principles (none exist). What happens is that we like things easier and compliance with principles is an arduous task.

I must note that if it is true that healing works from the inside out and giving us healing we also change personally and spiritually, but it would be better if we consciously put something on our part to introduce the principles into our life and try to be better people every day.

"Just for today do not worry"
Concern physically and mentally weakens us in the face of future "problems", it makes us sleepy and traumatizes us.
In the whole history of humanity nobody has solved anything worrying, and we continue worrying. When we worry we send negative energy to our future and it is a symptom of little faith and little hope (virtues of the heart / love). When we worry we act with fear and not with love. Fear is the beginning of all diseases.

"Just for today do not get angry"
Anger, aggression, anger, unbalance the Sacral chakra, causing us kidney problems, diseases of the reproductive and urinary system. They also raise blood pressure and speed up heart rate. With anger we create negative energies that can do us much harm and also to others.

"Only for today lives in gratitude"
When we live in gratitude we are telling the whole universe, ourselves and God, that we are satisfied with life. If we are satisfied with life, then we are happy.
He does not complain the one who suffers the most, but the most complain. Those who complain despise and complex their person and all other people who are "worse" than them. When we complain we also send negative energy to life and that life will be our life. The one who complains insults God and nature, life after all. The complaint traumatizes us hurting our solar plexus and making us sick the pancreas, liver, baso and stomach. It also takes away self-assurance and self-esteem.

"Only live today with honesty"
Be especially honest with yourself and be honest with others too, so you will not have to live in bad conscience and suffer. Be sincere, do not deceive yourself or others. Look in the mirror with your eyes open and see if you have been honored with yourself. "Poor of those who have to hide their lies behind a physical body on the day of their death."
Is it your life that you would wish your loved one?

"Only for today respects all living beings"
Respect yourself, respect others and respect nature. You cannot love the Creator, if you do not love creation. We are the creation, and if we hurt the created we also hurt ourselves. The creation will return what you send, whether good or bad. Do not cave your own pit and your children's. Respect every living thing.

My own principle is:

"Never promise what you are not sure you can fulfill".

Damián Alvarez

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Vocabulary Reiki. Spiritual Dictionary

This little dictionary will help the future Reiki Master 

There are not many spiritual vocabularies in the world, perhaps none. You as the Master of the Reiki Healing System should make it a task for your students (future Masters) to make a List of the words (and meaning) most used in Reiki terminology. This little dictionary will help the future Reiki Master not to forget certain words (and meaning) that are not used in the common language. The List does not have to be sorted in alphabetical order. Try to define the words short and in a language you understand. Here is a small example:

CHAKRA: From the Sanskrit: Wheel. Energy Vortex. Energy "bomb" that absorbs and releases life energy from the Universal Energy Body to the Human Energetic Bodies and Physical Body.

HARA LINE: Main energy tube that crosses the center line of the human body joining The Star of the Soul with the Star of the Earth and where the history of life accumulates.

CHAKRAS SENIOR SYSTEM: Group of seven chakras located on the plexus or endocrine glands of the human body. Its function is to nourish the Physical Body and the Energetic Bodies with life energy. Each chakra has its specific function. Connected to the Hara Line, each chakra has its front and back aspect. The name of the major chakras is as follows: Overhead: Chakra Crown, in the eyebrows: Third Eye, between the Clavicles: Throat Chakra, Middle of the Chest: Heart Chakra, in the Solar Plexus: Solar Plexus, between the hips: the Sacrum and between the anus and the genitals: the Base Chakra or Root.

CHAKRAS MINORS SYSTEM: Located in the Palm of the Hands, in the English and under the Feet.

SOUL STAR: Energetic center located 15 cm. above the Crown chakra. It connects our soul to God and universal energies.

EARTH STAR: Energy center located 15 cm. below our feet. It connects our soul to the fused core of the Earth so that it can live in a physical body.

NUCLEUS STAR: Also called Tan-tien. Energy center behind belly button. Our true self. The divinity in us.

DOOR OF THE STARS: Energy center common to all Humanity located 15 cm. above the Soul Star.

NADIS: Energy tubes by which the chakras send vital energy to the System of Meridians, vital organs and other parts of the body.

ENERGY LOCK: Negative energy concentration on specific organs and parts of the human body, Major Chakras System, minor chakras, nadis, meridians, Linea Hara and Aura.

AURA: A conglomerate of seven energetic bodies placed one above the other in mutual interrelation. Together they make up the Anatomy of the Spirit.

HU-YIN POINT: Located between the anus and the genitals, at the entrance of the base chakra. The two most important meridians begin and end.

REIKI: Japanese word of two syllables. Rei: Divine, Ki: Energy. It means "Divine Energy."

REIKI HEALING SYSTEM: Natural Technique of Channeling Healing Energies through the imposition of hands, at a distance, through esoteric breathing, etc. ,. Rediscovered by the Japanese subject Dr. Mikao Usui.

DR. MIKAO USUI: Reiki Masters are treated as Doctors in Japan. Japanese subject, re-discoverer of the Reiki Healing System.

REIKI USUI SHIKI RYOHO: Dr. Usui's Natural Reiki Healing System.

HAYASHI: Military friend of Mikao Usui and his student. Grand Master of the Reiki Healing System.

TAKATA: Hawaiian student, patient and student of Hayashi. Grandmother of Furumoto. Great Reiki Master.

FURUMOTO: Takata's granddaughter. Creator of Reiki International Alliance. Great Reiki Master.

SENSEI: Master (in Japanese)

INITIATION: Ritual where the "Reiki Powers" are passed so that an apprentice can begin to channel healing energy.

ESOTERIC BREATHING: Technique of channeling healing energy through the inspiration and exhalation of air charged with this healing energy.

MUDRA: Symbol of power made with hands.

MANTRA: Word of Power

ASANA: Symbol of power made with the physical body in full.

INTONATION: In Healing Systems: Song of healing and protective mantras.

ENERGY RESONANCE: Diagnostic system based on the echo between the energies of the patient and the healing energies of a Therapist.

The list can be made almost infinite ...

Damián Alvarez

Monday, November 20, 2017

Reiki Healing System Master Energy Scanners

send the healing energies of the Reiki to do the scanner

• Simply send the healing energies of the Reiki Mastery (Symbol) represented by the DAI-KO-MYO mantra and repeat the mantra three times over the body of the energy scanner container. The symbol has to be drawn (mentally) of such a size as to cover the entire body of the vessel. The DAI-KO-MYO will be light that covers the physical shape of the scanner receiver.
• Expect healing energies to "hit" the patient's body and Aura and "bounce" toward you (Energy Resonance Act)
• Feel with your own body and soul and diagnose

Repeat as many times as necessary.

The energy scanner can be done while the patient tells the Master the reasons for their visit, so that the Master / Therapist can make a preliminary diagnosis to the patient without even the patient realizes it.

Practical and simple

* The Technique "Energetic Scanner of the Master of Reiki" is a discovery of the Great Master Damián Alvarez.

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Reiki Initiation through the Hands

very practical when we should initiate sick people in bed

The Master of Reiki must place his Hands on the chakras of the hands of the vessel of Initiation (hands of the vessel "palms up").
•      Sentence
• Open to Energies (mentally)
• Protect the Place (mentally)
• Load the Place (mentally)
• The Master will send the Reiki energies from his hands through the hands of the Initiation vessel to his Heart chakra, then he will move them up the Hara Line to the Soul Star (Visualization method).
• Beginning of the Soul Star will be done through the Visualization Method.
• Repeat the previous process of sending the Reiki energies through the hands at each step of the Initiation.
• The affirmations will be said so that he hears the vessel but in a low voice
• Separate from Energies (mentally)
• Close to Energies

Effective and very practical when we should initiate sick people in bed, terminally ill, in hospitals or handicapped who cannot sit in a chair.
Also Perfect method when you want to maintain discretion, whether in a Hospital, Psychiatric Center or another place where many people are.

* The technique of "Reiki Initiation through the Hands" is a discovery of Grand Master Damian Alvarez.

Saturday, November 18, 2017

The Bestsellers of the Tinerfe Healing System, now in English in the E-book Kindle version

Breathe Reiki: All The Truth About Reiki (English Edition) Versión Kindle de Damián Alvarez (Autor)