Tuesday, February 28, 2023

The Development of Humanity. By Damian Alvarez

Fall in love with God, with Life, with Yourself and Live

According to the dictionary, the word "development" means action of growth or progress of a society, person or thing. The word "progress" means the action of moving forward, moving a person, matter or thing to a better, more advanced, more advanced state. Experience an improvement or advance.
I have quoted the above definitions as the best I could find in the dictionary, but really, although people may not believe it, "develop" does not mean moving towards the better or evolving, it does not mean a change for the better, it could be for the worse. One of the best definitions of evolution are the philosophical ones that emphasize that progress is an indefinite advancement of moral norms and mental capacities.

Truly we can develop forwards and backwards. Most people believe that evolution and development means positive progress, but it is not. Everything that changes, evolves. Everything that changes, develops. Only the word progress means to develop towards the better.

We are dynamic spiritual beings, constantly developing. Our Soul is dynamic. The Soul that does not move dies. Those who do not develop forwards get used to developing backwards, even if they think they are standing still, that they are not moving. In the non-dynamic person there is a retrospective evolution, an involution.
The human being can always develop towards good or towards evil. Not deciding, being still, stopped, means a development towards evil, since non-dynamics is a negative development for our being. The Universe is in constant motion. When you think you are stopped you are moving backwards.

What really interests us is positive development, positive evolution, progress, both of the human being as an individual and of society in general.

Individual Spiritual Development is Progress for Humanity

Spiritual development, although there is no definition in the dictionary, should refer to the progress of our Soul towards God. The progress of our person in an attempt to be better every day. The progress of the planet should be a development, an evolution towards a better world. Much to my regret it is not like that.

The normal human being is deceived by negative spiritual beings into living a conformist life. The human being is satisfied with "his house, his bread, his female and the party in peace" as the song says. In truth, the conformism of the vast majority of human beings is barbaric, hence the definition of man: "Man is born, grows, reproduces and dies" and the "popular" definition: "for four days we are going to be here, the best thing is to eat, drink and have a "quiqui"
Where have we left our constantly developing dynamic Soul? For me, a human being is "a being created in the image and likeness of God in constant development. It is born, it grows, it develops and it should never die."

Society is made up of individuals, if individuals develop towards the good, society also develops towards the better. But where are we? Does the individual and society develop towards the good?

The conformism of the human being, due to the fact that they are used to others "setting the guidelines for what it is to be happy", leaves them paralyzed after having achieved what others offer them, even if they are not happy.

Every day the young are older

If you have a permanent job, house, family, children and you eat certain brand breakfasts, you must already be happy, therefore you stop developing. Get up, have your four drinks after work, lie down on the couch and watch TV. Tomorrow will be another day, another day just like the one before. Totally for what? for four days of the same.
In truth, that for these people, life is "four days" and all the same. Laziness, routine, monotony make them old and fat, and they lose enthusiasm for life. Very easy people to manipulate by propaganda from some companies that offer you happiness without them lifting a finger.
Television also has its important function to stop the dynamic spiritual human being. Watch what others do instead of living life. Watch how others walk through the mountains, make love, go on excursions, save the planet, study, develop, while you are sitting in your chair watching television, that is, "throwing" your life away. You don't study, you don't grow, you don't go out into the field, you don't make love, you don't live. Aren't you going to grow old and die at last, the way you treat your life?
One day you will get to see on television other people watching television. That day you will not be alive, but mummified, dead in life.

Inside us there is a child who must constantly develop towards the good. The inner child wants to get as close to his Heavenly Parent as possible. The inner child never ages, nor is it conformist. This child wants to learn, study, write. He wants to help the planet and all Humanity to progress, so that every day the planet is a better world for everyone.
The inner child, like our physical child from our childhood, has the Kundalini energy in its power. The Kundalini is an infinite potential of creative energy, which used with love works miracles. Kundalini energy is the energy of Passion, the energy of Falling in love.

The Spiritual Development of the Planet depends on all of us

Fall in love with yourself, with life, with God. Study, read, write, contribute your knowledge to Humanity, develop towards good.
You will rejuvenate, you will live better, you will live.

Negative spiritual beings know your infinite potential as a child of God and want you to waste your life, without ever realizing that you are humanity and if you develop towards goodness, all humanity will too.

...and if life is really "four days" why "throw" three of them in the trash?
When you start to value yourself as you should and value the life that God gave you, (a gift full of infinite possibilities), when you fall in love with life and live it with passion, then you will really be living... ...and maybe those
" four days"

...and God will rise and lie down with you...and God will laugh with you
You will see unbelievers grow old and die while they live, and you will live and not grow old or die.

Your life and your Soul will develop towards good and with you all Humanity.

Congratulations Damián Alvarez on your XII Anniversary with the Tinerfe Healing System Blog on the Internet

The contribution of the Creator of the Tinerfe Healing System to Vibrational Medicine, Damian Alvarez, is immense.

Damian Alvarez, Creator of the Tinerfe Healing System.

Anyone who has entered the blog of the Creator of the Tinerfe Natural Healing System, as well as those of us who have had the immense fortune of having studied with him, immediately realize that he is a wealth of Wisdom and Knowledge in this field.

His contribution is exquisite. 

Explains like nobody else, in a scientific way, the how and why of things, of Life, of our Essence, of Illness, of Love, of the Interaction and Energetic Resonance between Human Beings, of Our Spiritual Anatomy (for many unknown until now) of so many topics, which has made Damian Alvarez a key and very important character in Vibrational Medicine. 

Even his definition of Master is correct: "Master is one who masters an art or profession, making it simple in the eyes of others." When you read his books, his classes and his articles, there is no doubt that this is so.

If you enter his blog, and go into each section, you automatically know what I mean. If you click on each of these statements, it will automatically take you to the breakdown of each topic since it would be impossible to write them one by one in this article.

The most curious thing is that, whoever knows him, knows that every day brings new knowledge. I know that it is a matter of little time for it to be studied in schools as a subject and especially in the corresponding Universities such as Medicine, Psychology, Psychiatry, Humanities, etc.
Sincerely and in my opinion it has revolutionized and continues to revolutionize Vibrational Medicine.

Beatriz Pallés

Sunday, February 26, 2023

Wake up! We can still Save the World!

You only win a battle when you don't start. Save the world

Let's not destroy the human being, let's not destroy the planet.
We are all the human race and so is the planet. 

The planet is destroyed, everything and everyone is destroyed.

We don't need more lies from a "system" that promises you happiness. 

We don't need to be born again. 
We don't need future incarnations. 

Nothing is yet lost...
We just need to "wake up" and start living with love...

... and we will win the "Battle"

The Rights of the Human Being. Love, the only Real Right

You have the Right to be Human like any other Human being

You hear and hear a lot about human rights. It seems that each group of people or each personality has their own rights to demand. Not many people talk about their duties. I am convinced that if a human being lived with love he would not need rights, let alone duties. Let me explain:

we demand rights from other people, entities, governments, from the world as if the others were the ones who had to give us something that we should demand of ourselves, obtain from ourselves.

We have the right to be free but we chain our hearts with taboos and fears. We ask for the right to equality but we are macho or female. We want to live in a world without racism but our prejudices do not allow us to love people of another race. We want all children to have the same rights, but the bread that your child throws away is the hunger suffered by another child. We fight for an "equality" that benefits us, and is that any equality?

Rights of women, rights of children, rights of the elderly, rights of the disabled, rights of people of a certain color, worker's rights. rights of the unemployed, rights of the employer, student rights, rights of the homosexual, rights of..., rights of all those who put certain labels on themselves and on others, really separating themselves from all the others whom they label of equals. Aren't we all the same?

Throwing away Love and Asking for Rights is the same as
Throwing away the Content and Eating the Wrapper

There are foundations, associations, groups, entities, organizations that fight for the rights of people or groups labeled without realizing that they are only treating a symptom in a very superficial way, just like school medicine does. We have been wrong again, or we have been wrong again in another aspect of reality: Why treat the symptom? Why treat so many symptoms and not treat the origin of the "disease"?

We are wrong if we believe that educating couples, men or women, old or young, white or black in a certain way, will end everything that we are not allowed and that we call "rights". In this way we only treat the symptom or symptoms and we will never put an end to those who steal what we call "rights". We are wrong.

All those who fight for human rights are wrong because they are only bandaging wounds. Why not "fight" for love? why not demand love? why not go directly and treat the source of the "disease", the source of the problem?

Those who organize courses on women's rights, worker's rights, gender equality, etc. they are so superficial that they don't even know what love is. Why aren't there courses on the art of loving? Why aren't human beings taught to live with love? Why don't we focus on what is really important instead of defending the rights of a few or a few many? Why do we keep treating the "symptom" instead of the "root of the disease"?

You also have the right to be yourself

I am aware that many people try to do what they can or what they believe is right in a way that they believe is full of love but they are wrong, again, since the only solution would be to educate to love.

Really the only right that the human being should have should be the  Right to Love In this way, the rights of all other human beings would also be resolved. Love, on the contrary, cannot be a duty because love is not an obligation but a disinterested choice, that is, duties would disappear.

Under or within the  Right to Love  everyone equally, all those minor rights that human beings believe today are unique and necessary would be included.

Thus, until man realizes that love is the only right he needs, he will continue to fight and defend his "rights" and many of them complaining about their duties. Nothing will change in the world, since like any disease that is not eradicated from its roots, it will continue to produce new and different symptoms, new and different rights and duties, and little or no love. Nothing will change in the world...

The True Rights of every Human Being

You have the Right to Love God. 
You have the right to think with love,
You have the right to develop yourself with love,
You have the Right to Love all other Human Beings,
You have the right to love yourself
You have the Right to Work with Love and for Love,
You have the Right to Love the rest of Creation,
and besides, you have the right to be yourself.

Damian Alvarez at  http://sistemasanaciontinerfe.blogspot.com.es/

Damián Alvarez's Articles are part of registered books,
so all rights are reserved.

Saturday, February 25, 2023

Conjugation of the verb "to love". By Damian Alvarez

Present perfect simple (past)

(I)  I did not  love
(you NOT you loved
(he)  NOT love
(us NOT we love
(you NOT you loved
(they NOT they loved

...and so is the world...


(uswe love
(youyou love


...because I want a better World, full of Peace, Love and Fraternity...


(II will love
(youyou will love
(hewill love
(uswe will love
(youyou will love
(theythey will love


...and the planet Earth will be a Paradise ...

Article by Damián Alvarez at  http://sistemasanaciontinerfe.blogspot.com.es/

Friday, February 24, 2023

Put love into practice. Verb conjugation to love. Infinitive, Gerund, Passive Participle

Love. Natural Environment of the Human Being


Human's natural energy environment. Elevation to the maximum vibration frequency of your entire Major Chakra System. Creation, base and sustenance of all life. Human gift and divine Essence. Act of being yourself.

loving. Action of being Oneself. Foundation of Happiness and Health


Natural action of the human being to achieve happiness and full health. It must happen constantly to achieve the detailed end.

Loved. Own Right Given by God

passive participle

Own right of every human being regardless of race, religion, sex, age, social, physical status and other lies inculcated in man by "Mother Ignorance".

Damian Alvarez