Friday, September 30, 2022

Women's Cycles and Emotional Imbalances

The pains in the lower abdomen are due to the Imbalanced Sacrum

I was surprised that some women were not aware of the fact that their Sacral Chakra becomes unbalanced during their menstrual cycles, as well as during the pre-menopausal period.

Some told me that menstruation being "something natural" did not unbalance the sacral chakra. But it is the opposite, the Sacral Chakra is naturally unbalanced on those days when the physical body gets rid of the unfertilized eggs, or maybe it is the other way around? Is the Sacral Chakra unbalanced to expel unfertilized eggs?

There are many anecdotes, which had always been believed to be the creation of "dominant machismo", about women who become irritated, unpleasant, aggressive when they have their "period".

Hormonal/Emotional changes do not invite the Sexual Act

We have referred to the causes, let's call them emotional, that unbalance the sacred chakra, such as frustrations and anger, but not to the physical causes, to name them in some way, although they really are energetic.

It is known for a fact that when several women live in the same environment, their menstrual cycles are synchronized, with all the women in the group having menstruation at the same time, and regularly in the following months. This is due to the interaction and energetic resonance between the sacral chakras of women who live together. It is assumed that the woman with the strongest energies in this chakra will be the one to set the guidelines for the "control" of the menses of other women. It is therefore the energies of the Sacral Chakra of a woman that forces the energies of the sacral chakras of other women to vibrate in unison and have their ovulation cycles at the same time.

It's also totally natural for women to feel upset, irritated, etc., on "those" days. Nature is indeed wise, and the increased aggressiveness that comes with an unbalanced Sacral Chakra timely "defends" the female from male sexual harassment. Think of the times of yore, think of times where intimate hygiene was a luxury, or in those countries where water is scarce. The aggressiveness of the woman was (and is) her defense, not only against men but also against possible illnesses and bad times.

"Menstrual irritation" may be a "natural female protection"

Something similar happens during pre-menopause, although the hormonal changes that occur in women are also governed energetically by the chakras, that is, a woman who is in the premenopausal period may have many sexual desires or none, may feeling very vulnerable or very aggressive. The emotional changes in the human being are due to the energetic changes in his sacral chakras.

I know for a fact from my own therapeutic experience that pregnancy also unbalances not only the Sacral Chakra but also the Solar Plexus Chakra as the fetus develops between these two energy centers. Perhaps these energetic imbalances also help the woman to "defend" herself and her future child from male sexual harassment that could contribute to an abortion.

So nature is wise, but nature goes beyond the physical body. The energies are also natural. An energy imbalance at a given moment, created unconsciously/automatically by the soul itself, can prevent greater evils, and the soul knows it, because the soul is wise and because the soul is also natural.

Get the Book
"The Great Encyclopedia of the Major Chakras System"  (link),
by Damián Alvarez
Visit his  Author Page in the Amazon Publishing House  (link)

Learn to Love with the Great Master Damián Alvarez

Love, to love. An Art, a Science. Your Essence
Learns to Love  by Damián Alvarez (link)

When I was a child, I was taught to conjugate the verb to love at school, as an example of a verb that everyone would use, and a verb that everyone should know its meaning: I love, you love, he loves, we we love...

No one ever explained to me the meaning of the verb to love and even less did they teach me to love. Perhaps my parents, my teachers, my church did not know how to love or what love was. The mother mistakes her concern for the son for love. The father believes that "heavy hand" for his son to study, work, earn money and be "someone" in life is love. Friendships are usually out of necessity, interest, and not out of love. Couples who believe that their partner's love has to be his or her exclusive property. 

People who do NOT love God above all things but money, their children, family. The people who say: "my people first", labeling a family nucleus in brothers, sons, fathers, uncles, nephews, grandsons, who only promotes separatism, the division of the world into families, clans, groups, nationalities, wars and poverty, they do NOT know what love is, nor how to love.

Loving has no limits, neither of races, nor of kinships, in truth, nor of differences between species. The same can love a tree, an animal as a human being, because every living being deserves that love that is life, that love of which it is composed.

Get the Book  "Learn to Love. The Grammar of Love"  (link)
by Damián Alvarez in the Amazon Store  

Emotional Balance is Achieved with Temperance

Emotional Balance is called Temperance. virtue of love

Emotional illnesses are always due to imbalances in the Sacral Chakra. By understanding what unbalances the sacred chakra and acting accordingly, any emotional imbalance could be avoided. The sacral chakra becomes unbalanced due to frustrations. Frustrations lead to anger that further unbalances the energy center we are dealing with.

But why do we get frustrated? We get frustrated because we don't live with love. Let me explain: All interested "love" frustrates. True love, unconditional love, selfless love, love that does not expect anything in return, "can never be frustrated".

So, we easily deduce that the frustration, disappointment and corresponding anger are our own fault (although we usually blame others for our own frustrations when they do not act as we believe/expect (according to preconceived ideas), that they should act).

Frustration, disappointment, anger, with the different variations of symptoms/emotional imbalances (grudge, hatred, anger, etc.) are our fault alone. Just by living with love (true love) we would easily avoid them.

Sexual Satisfaction depends on the Love you put into the Act

A trick to never get frustrated is to never expect anything from anyone or expect anything, and above all, never expect others to act as we would act in the same situation.

Sexual frustrations are also due to expectations, limitations, own taboos, preconceived ideas, negative teachings, complexes, fears, insecurities, etc. But, even if (supposedly) they were the fault of our partner, or the fault of not having a partner, we could also avoid them with love. Sex is very nice, very pleasurable, but when it is not a need (interest) but a way of expressing love consciously and without conditions to other people and to ourselves. Masturbation alone or with a partner also releases many emotional charges that could become negative energies. No, no, masturbation is not a bad thing. You can do with your body what you want, as long as you don't disrespect God, yourself, or other people.

Do not plan anything that you are not sure you can carry out. Many times we forget when treating the sacral chakra of the times that we get frustrated and angry with ourselves because we do not get what we want. If you are not one hundred percent sure that you can fulfill your plans, then don't expect anything of yourself either.

Keep in mind that emotional balance is often referred to as Temperance, and Temperance is a Love Virtue that demonstrates Justice and Fortitude. Be fair to yourself and strong in your heart.

Get the Book
"The Great Encyclopedia of the Major Chakras System"  (link),
by Damián Alvarez
Visit his  Author Page in the Amazon Publishing House  (link)

Thursday, September 29, 2022

Learn to Control your Negative Emotions

Temperance. Capacity of Soul and Body to Live in Harmony together

Temperance is the Temple where Body and Soul live in Peace.

Religions try to make us believe that Temperance is the Virtue of controlling our basic passions/instincts as if they were "something" that does not belong to the Spirit but to the physical body, since, according to certain religions, only "good" feelings can come from the spirit. .

In truth, religion is right that we must control certain passions,
but they are not passions of the physical body but of the Soul. It is the Spirit that "pushes" the physical body.

Religion also affirms that the body is the temple of the Soul and that we must control it so that it does not get carried away by those instincts that they believe come from
of the body and have a pure temple for a pure Soul. The Reality is that we must make our Soul a Temple since it is this Soul that guides the physical body and not the other way around.

Having the above clear, we will define Temperance in a real and non-religious logical way:
Temperance is the self-control capacity of an individual to remain balanced, centered and relaxed thanks to Love.

Temperance is the self-control capacity of an individual to stay balanced, centered and relaxed thanks to Love.

Temperance. Keeping the Soul Balanced in Imbalance

There are two aspects of Life or our Soul that can make us lose control, that is, our ability to stay tempered. The two aspects are overcome with Love.

The first aspect is interior. Our most basic or survival feelings, passions and instincts that make us overflow viciously in sex, in gluttony, in aggressiveness, as if we were animals. In this case we use the lowest level of our Major Chakra System.

Temperance, emotional, mental and sentimental balance.

The second aspect is external. This aspect also makes us react with a survival instinct, and that is when we feel attacked by the inner aspect of imbalance of other beings towards us. We give some examples:
If someone tries to rob, rape, take away our food or kill us, we react with our own unbalanced system of feelings, emotions and instincts, that is,
we will get angry, we will fight and we will try to defend what we believe to be ours tooth and nail, as if we were animals, with a total disharmony.

The two aspects of distemper are caused by fear and both are overcome with Love. Yes, Love is the Force that keeps us tempered.

No one can take anything/something away from us, because nothing is ours. "Do not be afraid of those who can kill your body but not your Soul" "What good is it to gain the world if you lose yourself" or "Turn the other cheek" are just a few quotes from the Bible that illustrate that not we have to live in fear or believe that we have "something". Everything is from God.

Temperance. Emotional Balance is achieved thanks to Love

Living raising our Chakra System to the level of Love will keep us in Temperance. We will not need to get angry, fight, get nervous, worry, get upset, desire the other's or the other's. Nor do we get euphoric or altered in bacchanals of supposed "joys" because that would be a symptom of intemperance.

No actions or reactions with "short fuse" (lowest level of the Sacral), raise the energy that tries to unbalance you up to the Heart chakra and react with Love, react with Temperance.

Negative energies love unbalanced people, so they can act through them as channels of energy imbalance for the destruction
of the planet and humanity.

Temperance has its literary root in the word Temple.

Let's make our Soul a Temple where our body can live in Harmony and not the other way around as religions say.

A strong Temple, with foundations of Love, Faith, Hope and Temperance. A Temple where our Soul and body can live in Peace, because Temperance is, neither more nor less, Peace.

Damian Alvarez at

Get the Book "Chakra Sacro, Pasión de Vida" (link) ,  
by Damián Alvarez
Visit his Author Page in the Amazon Publishing House (link)  

Give Health. Give Books of Natural Therapies (Gifts for the Soul)

Natural Therapies are in Fashion

This autumn
Don't forget to Give Health.
They will thank you infinitely.

Titles such as "The Magic of Quartz Crystals", "Interaction and Energetic Resonance between Human Beings", "Meaning and Therapeutic Use of Colors in Vibrational Medicine", " The Science of Healing ", "Metaphysics of Diseases" , "I, Healer", Deep Spiritual Anatomy ", "The Solar Plexus, the Sun of your Life", "Sacral Chakra, Passion of Life",  are just a small selection on the subject of the 154 Books published by Damián Alvarez in only 9 years old.

Get the Books of Damián Alvarez in his

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

The Most Powerful Mantra in the Universe

The Mantra LOVE, and the Symbol "Perfection in Love",
Healing Energies channeled by Damián Alvarez

The mantra "Love" has been used by the Tinerfe Healing System since its creator, Damián Alvarez, channeled the "Perfection in Love" energies. The symbol and mantra "Perfection in Love" can be used with great benefit, especially to heal the double "organs" such as ovaries, thyroid, kidneys, breasts, lungs, eyes, cerebral hemispheres, and of course the physical heart. .

In reference to the chakras, and although the symbol and mantra "Love" can be used in each and every one of them, therapeutic practice shows that it works best on the Heart chakra and the Sacral chakra.

LOVE, the Universal Healing Energies par Excellence

The symbol and mantra "Love" can also be used on any extremely serious organ or body part that needs extra energy or urgent healing.
The "relaxation bubbles" charged with "Love" energies are very pleasant and increase peace and temperance.

The symbol and mantra "Love" works much better associated with the energies of light of color "Pink".

For more information about the symbol "Perfection in Love" visit the Tinerfe Healing System blog or get the book "Perfection in Love, Healing Energies for Excellence" by Damián Alvarez.

Damian Alvarez at

Get the Book  "Teachings for the Day After"  (link), by Damián Alvarez
Visit his  Author Page on Amazon Publisher  (link)

A Healing Book: Perfection in Love

Perfection in Love.
Healing Energies by Excellence
Get it at:
Damián Alvarez's Author Page

"LOVE" are energies channeled directly by Damián Alvarez, they mean "Perfection in Love" and in these are included the healing energies of each of the Virtues of the Heart.

These energies do not need previous initiations and can be used (among other uses) to heal all the double organs such as the cerebral hemispheres, the lungs, the eyes, the kidneys, the breasts, the ovaries, etc.

Damián Alvarez has not discovered why they are so effective on the Heart chakra and on the Sacral chakra, but he imagines that it will be due to the ability of the organs associated with the aforementioned chakras to conceive and maintain life, love.

LOVE healing energies have countless relaxing, balancing, therapeutic uses, etc. They can be drawn, for example, on the entire body of the recipient of the healing, they can be visualized in the same way during meditations, while repeating their Mantra: LOVE, LOVE, LOVE...

There is no doubt that there is no remedy for human ills if it is not the heart of another human being, or as I usually say: "Only one soul can heal another soul." 

Only with love can the absence of love be solved (the root of all illness).

So let it be clear that love is the best medicine.

The universal medicine (love), has no contraindications, negative side effects and it is impossible to die from an overdose.

Damian Alvarez at
32 years by your side

The Money

the money cannot be eaten

The "delirium" for money, "delirium" being understood as a disturbance or state of excitement that does not obey reason or one's own will. In this case, money comes before reason and its antonym, which would be sanity. There are very few people who, having a lot of money, do not lose their sanity, and show off their generosity among those who really need it. There are also many who, with money and based on honest work, move towards achieving their goals, their projects, their ideas, later helping others to achieve them. And if not, what is the money for? Money in generous hands can work miracles. But what happens when it is not? We know that we cannot hide it because it is a harsh reality, that money, among other things, is the cause of all evil in the world.
Not to mention those who are all day saying that they have no money when their coffers or their mattresses are rotten with money and on top of that they complain. This bad quality and the desire that money generates has developed in the human race all the rest of the bad qualities such as pride, envy, greed, hatred, exploitation, lies, deception, perversion, the desire that someone close to you die to "keep" something that in principle you think belongs to you, greed, selfishness, waste, wars, the sale of minors, to name a few because the list would be endless. With all these bad qualities that surround money, it has still become a "symbol of worship."
This System that is manipulated and controlled by negative energies, has wanted to dazzle us with a metal that has been given too much power and it seems that many have been trapped as if it were a drug. It accumulates in many different ways, furniture, shoes, mobile phones, computers, televisions, cars,
food, clothing, jewelry,... contaminating the planet along the way.
 Jesus Christ said: "that all the treasures that you store on earth moth-eaten, deteriorate with time, even gold and silver". It seems that many are above this truth.
The wealth that most of humanity is unaware of, that they really need is the wealth of God's Grace and the treasure of Divine Love that will last forever.
It is not surprising that a System based on money (in the way it has been used) and to which so much faith has been placed, enters a deep crisis. It is not based on reality, nor on real values, nor on compassion, nor on love of neighbor. That is why sooner or later it will disappear and as the American Indians used to say: "when practically everything has been destroyed and they see that the money cannot be eaten......"

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

The Books of Damián Alvarez also in English Language

The Eroticism of the Chakras

Breathe Reiki. All the Truth about Reiki

The Solar Plexus, the Sun of Yoiur Life

All these books and many more can be found at

Monday, September 26, 2022

The Spiritual Nature of the Human Being: Wonder of Divine Perfection

If your current life is not wonderful, do not wish for a next one

Although God gave us only one opportunity, one life, why believe that God will give us another life if we do not take advantage of the current one?
Also, how could we improve in the next life if we would already have the karma of one more life to correct. How many lives does the human being need to develop/destroy if in each life it gets worse? Why didn't I develop in the past life if I had less karma than in this one?

We did not incarnate on Earth to develop ourselves but to give glory to our Creator, for that we are beings created in his image and likeness, that is, we incarnate to manifest the Will of God on Earth.

We do not need to develop but simply "be ourselves" (beings created in the image of God). What are we going to develop if we are already perfect? We have potential, opportunities too. What is called "spiritual development" should be natural, shouldn't it?