Friday, April 29, 2022

Your Life is your own Creation

Your Life is your own Creation: Let Nothing and Nobody Stop You


Let nothing stop you, because excuses do not exist. Every time you want an excuse not to do something (the devil) will come, with a bag full of excuses of all sizes, all sizes, all colors, so you can choose the one that interests you most at that precise moment. We look for excuses not to do what we think we can't do. You don't need excuses, you can do anything and everything you want.

If nothing stops you in life, you will achieve everything, but as long as you act with love. When you achieve your goals you will feel fulfilled and a fulfilled person is a happy person. Personal fulfillment fulfills the Universe, gives you new energy to move forward and achieve more goals, it is supposed to be for your own good, that of humanity and the good of the planet and the Universe.

It is not nonsense, but every time you try to do something they will always try to stop you, perhaps your own prejudices, fears, shame. Perhaps your own friends, family, etc. Very rarely do we receive selfless support for our future plans from others, as they continue to act and think in fear.

The (You), Personal Realization Realizes Humanity and the Universe

Every time you try to do something important in your life, then they will try to stop you harder, they will make it more difficult for you. Think that everything is an attempt to stop you, to show you that you have no power over your life, that you are incapable of using the "free will" with which God blessed you.

But why and who is really trying to stop us?
The people around us are not really to blame for their way of acting against us and our wishes, but rather they are just puppets, who have been educated in a certain way, to be manipulated, according to the wishes of certain negative forces. I call them the "negative spirit beings."

They try to stop us to show us that we are incapable of directing our own feet, to take away our "free will". Remember that God created you in his image and likeness with unlimited potential. You are great and powerful, and negative spirit beings know it. They also know that if they allowed you to live at ease, you would do great things for Humanity, they could not with you.

You were born to succeed. You were born to be happy

Negative spiritual beings will always use "what we are not and what we think we are" to stop us, manipulate us, control us, force us. Examples would be being called old, young, sick, female, married, single, Christian, etc., etc. Your friends may tell you: "where are you going now with your age, don't you think you're a little older?, or perhaps: "you've never been good at studies" or "that's a long time" or They will fill you with fear.

Think about the past of your life and almost always they have tried to stop you or make things impossible for you every time you wanted to do something important in life. Just be aware of the deception and of course don't let anything stop you. There is a myth that "if something has to happen to you in life, it happens easily, or it just 'comes'". It is just a myth, life does not come from anywhere, you create life with love or with fear, succeeding or failing, they are your choices (of course they are influenced by others until you become the Master of your Life).

Now you know better, excuses don't exist, your life is your own creation. You are great and powerful, for you nothing is impossible. You will get everything you set out to do.

Damian Alvarez at

Get the Book  "Manual del Maestro en Sanación Espiritual"  (link), by Damián Alvarez
Visit his  Author Page in the Amazon Publisher  (link)

Thursday, April 28, 2022

Depression, Anxiety, Tachycardias, Dizziness...

We are all one

Today's Medicine is missing too many things.
When a patient comes to a consultation with these symptoms, they immediately prescribe Tranquimazin, Valium, Prosac... among the most recommended. No one can "get away from what they are really feeling", in reality what we should do is learn to heal those symptoms.
Everyone should know that there is Vibrational Medicine, specifically Healing, to be able to heal your Life, pain, dizziness, depression, anxiety, tachycardia without the need to go to a doctor or ingest substances with harmful side effects for the health of the patient. People do not want medicine, but to be healed. If only 5% of the publicity given to School Medicine had been dedicated to Healing, doctors would not have the slightest chance compared to Therapists-Healers.
When you have an accident, a surgical intervention, or a broken bone, Modern Medicine has a solution for it because the diagnosis is physical, but when it is not, we should go to Healing as the best solution to the problem.

For example: A patient goes to a doctor's office because she feels strong pressure in her chest. The doctor will do an Electrocardiogram and at first he will tell her that she has nothing in her heart but she will prescribe something for that pressure that the patient feels.
It is not better to learn how to remove that pressure in the chest due to a blockage of energies than to leave it there, until it is already too late.

We are all the Universe

Healing is within everyone's reach and should be for everyone since we are all healers and we all feel for everyone because we are all one.
The Tinerfe Natural and Therapeutic System publishes hundreds of articles related to the aforementioned. Moreover, hundreds of articles where we affirm as Therapists and Professionals of the World of Vibrational Medicine that we are Energetic Bodies in Interaction with each other, that we all feel discomfort, pain, emotions, feelings, thoughts of others and not be our own.

For example: If I meet someone on the street and we talk, I can feel a headache, or chest pressure, anguish and not be mine but the other person's. It's already many years of work and many years of experience and of course totally convinced that it's really true.
This is a big step for Humanity. I would dare to say, one of the greatest. Knowing that even the symptoms, the diseases do not have to be from our origin but rather that we feel it from other unbalanced Energetic Bodies, and therefore ours unbalances us. This is where the Healing would be used to be able to remove, balance and heal that disease, and those symptoms such as pain, dizziness, tachycardia, depression, anxiety, psychic tension, insomnia, restlessness, panic, fear, etc, etc.

Do not think that your symptoms are yours because if you do not have a trauma, a sorrow, a frustration and you lead a balanced life you should not get sick because diseases do not come alone nor are they a punishment from God, so get well and learn to heal.
With the Healing you will also fill your life with Peace, Harmony and Happiness.

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

The Solar Plexus. The Sun of your Life

The Solar Plexus. the sun of your life

The Solar Plexus is your Ego, your "I" here and now. If this chakra becomes unbalanced, your entire chakra system becomes unbalanced. The ultimate root of all diseases and dysfunctions can be associated with this  energy center Therefore the Solar Plexus is the Sun of your life. 

The Solar Plexus is unbalanced by traumas (scares and upsets), the "sick" Solar Plexuses of the people who connect to you and  witchcraft 

All trauma is associated with sorrow (Heart chakra) or frustration (Sacral chakra). By blocking the energy in the Solar Plexus,   the Heart is also unbalanced due to too much energy and the Sacrum due to energy deficiency. 

The unbalanced Sacrum does not create and unbalances the Throat that does not obtain changes/development in life and the Solar Plexus by itself directly unbalances the Third Eye, to which it is directly connected, which then cannot think well. 

The Crown gets stuck with too much spiritual energy and the Base gets stuck with too much physical energy and they both get cut off from the rest of the Chakra System. This is how diseases and dysfunctions associated with the entire  Chakra System are produced.

Article by Damián Alvarez

Get the book "The Solar Plexus. The Sun of your Life" by Damián Alvarez
Visit:  Página de Autor de Damián Alvarez en Amazon (link)

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Diseases, Dysfunctions and Diagnoses of the Solar Plexus Chakra

The Solar Plexus is the Center of Vital Energy and Mental Health

The Solar Plexus is the most important energetic center of the Human Spiritual Anatomy. If the Solar Plexus is blocked, the individual in question loses not only physical strength, especially in the arms and legs, but also the psychic, mental, emotional, sentimental forces, so it is not surprising that this energy center is the " target" most preferred for sorcerers. We have the example of classic witchcraft "Mooring the Solar Plexus" which is precisely aimed at reducing the vital energy and self-confidence of the victim of such an atrocity.
For more information see:

It is also true that a deep mental trauma (all traumas are mental), can cause blockages in the Solar Plexus as strong as those achieved with the witchcraft mentioned above, but many small daily traumas such as those caused by anger with the partner, economic concerns, nervousness about the possibility of being fired, etc., can also cause strong blockages in the Solar Plexus with the same symptoms that are associated with witchcraft.

The "Energetic Resonance" between human beings with a sick Solar Plexus or/and envy, jealousy, resentment, rage, hatred, etc. directed (consciously or unconsciously), towards another human being can also damage the Solar Plexus of people causing stomach pain, colic and even pancreas and liver diseases.

Women are the "Heart of the Family"

We also know that there are more women than men Healers, that women are more sensitive to energies, more "emotional", are more concerned with maintaining the health and happiness of the family and are "winning the race" in the development spiritual to man. Also think that the woman is the "heart of the family" that always has to exist for the other members, and often forgetting herself for the good of others, so it is not surprising that there are more cases of diseases associated with the Solar Plexus among women than among men.

Each case must be diagnosed individually to identify if the cause of the disease is due to trauma, witchcraft or pure "Energy Resonance",

If you think you suffer from, for example, gastroenteritis, or if you have already been diagnosed and have only been prescribed "almax" but you really want to live, go to a Healer Therapist experienced in undoing energy blockages in the Solar Plexus such as those of the Solar System. of Healing Tenerife.

Get the Book  "The Solar Plexus, the Sun of your Life"  (link)
by Damián Alvarez.
Visit his  Author Page of him in the Editorial of Amazo n  (link)

Monday, April 25, 2022

Natural Treatment of Insomnia

Energy Interaction. The energies of your partner can reveal you

First, do you sleep alone or accompanied?, because if you sleep (try to sleep), accompanied, then perhaps the energies of the other person were the ones that do not allow you to sleep, they keep you awake.

On the other hand, tell you that it is not necessary to sleep many hours if you sleep soundly. I, for example, have been sleeping only 4 hours a day for more than 20 years, and giving a good performance. Of course, if you feel tired, you need to sleep more and better.

Also tell you that there are periods in a person's life when they can't sleep, they are those periods similar to yours where you just don't feel sleepy. These periods are almost always accompanied by deep sadness and many tears, you don't know why you cry but you cry. This only means that your soul is "cleansing", liberating, healing, and usually has to do with traumatic, painful times of your childhood. Cry woman and rejoice with those tears that fulfill their healing function.

In any case, you can always abandon yourself in the hands of God when you go to sleep, to avoid the intrusion of external energies, do as follows: Ask God to protect you and your dreams.

Insomnia is usually due to psychic stress and worries

Psychic tension and nervousness or restlessness due to worries, doubts, uncertainties caused by blockages in the Solar Plexus (frights, annoyances, associated with grief, heartbreak or frustration), are usually the most common cause of insomnia. 

You can treat the symptoms by putting a few drops of Lavender Essential Oil on a handkerchief, smelling a little and putting it under your pillow. You can also take a bouquet of fresh or dried lavender and do the same. My best recipe against insomnia is a Perfume Oil made with 10 milliliters of olive oil, 5 drops of Lavender Essential Oil and 4 drops of Sandalwood Essential Oil, you would use it as a normal perfume when you go to sleep, that is on the nape of the neck between the breasts, on the wrists of the hands, etc.

But if you want to treat the root of your insomnia, I recommend that you do a good Healing Therapy and to free the Solar Plexus from the blockages that these sorrows are causing you. You can also acquire my Book, the most complete on the Solar Plexus that exists ( Solar Plexus Chakra Encyclopedia ), where there are techniques, methods and recipes to heal your Solar Plexus.

You do very well not to take medicine (hypnotics), otherwise you will be "hooked" all your life.

32 Years Healing and Educating the World

Sunday, April 24, 2022

Old age does not exist

Mahatma Gandhi. The Power and Wisdom of Life

We are not a physical body. We are much more. The physical body makes up only fifteen percent of our being.
Do not believe those who try to convince you that you are old, fat and ugly. Do not believe those who try to deceive you with impossible "physical beauty canons". Do not believe those who try to make you feel complex, so that later they can sell you their "miraculous" products to recover that beauty and youth that they themselves say you do not have. That youth and beauty, artificial, ephemeral, pathetic,...

The way of acting of the vast majority of companies that sell beautifying and "rejuvenation" products is to make you self-conscious, but of course, in a very sophisticated way. They complex you to weaken your Ego, your Self, so that you are more susceptible to the subliminal messages of their propaganda and the products they want to sell you.

The reality is that these companies control society almost in general and manipulate it, creating depressed human beings, with little self-esteem, with little self-confidence, self-conscious, anorexic, and instilling in them some unreal "values" with their "Beauty canons".

More than one human life has been lost (suicides) because of this horrendous propaganda. Many others nearly starve to death because they think they're obese when they're not. That horrendous propaganda tries to convince you night and day that you are old, ugly and obese, and that you must "rejuvenate", "beautify yourself", and lose weight if you want to be "valued" by others, if you want have the right to a happy life.

But how handsome you are grandfather!

We all have the right to be happy, but who has the right to set the guidelines that determine who is young or old, ugly or handsome? Who or who are those people so rude, absurd and superficial?
Happiness will not be given to you by youth or beauty products, but by creating a "canon of beauty" that is impossible to achieve, these people and companies make half of humanity complex.

Old age does not exist, we are not a physical body, we are much more. We are beings created in the image and likeness of God, with an eternal Soul, so we can impossibly age. Besides, who dares to say that old age is ugly?
The charm of a person should be measured by the amount of love that "dwells" in his heart, by the charisma (ability to express that love) that he gives off, by that charm that can be seen in his eyes and smile when he is happy.

"Age crises" are an attempt by negative spiritual beings to retire us early, to call us old and therefore useless, a wreck, garbage, waste. According to those negative beings, at a certain age you are no longer worth it, you are not up to the task to perform certain tasks. The reality is that the Soul never retires and that love, youth and beauty are eternal.
Those negative spiritual beings know well that, "filling" our minds and Souls with fear, the opposite of love, then we will age. Jesus said: He who believes (lives according to conviction) in my (Jesus teachings) will not die, but will live ("rivers of water of life will flow through him for all eternity") eternally.

Don't let them fool you anymore. Old age does not exist, it is only a symptom of fear, and even if it did exist, it is nothing to be ashamed of. Old age is a trick, a lie, a trap that the devil sets for you. Nobody is older than what is considered.
The Devil and the other negative spiritual beings use the greed of some human beings, so that through their desire for wealth, they make the rest of Humanity complex.
Most multinationals just want your money, they don't care if you're fat and ugly or beautiful and thin or ugly and thin or beautiful and fat. The job of those who create and produce advertising is to convince you that you are not worth the way you are, that you are not worthy of living with your current body, and then "steal" your money, that is, your life.

Old age does not exist in a Being created in the Image and Likeness of God

The Soul is eternal as we saw earlier, and the Soul is dynamic as well. The Soul wants to develop constantly, so never stop. people who stop if they age.
We always develop, we are always in motion even if we are stopped because the Soul is dynamic, and when we believe that we are stopped, we are "developing" backwards and then we do age. Our soul ages.

"Never throw in the towel." It's never too late to start over. It is never too late to regain youth, and in one year you can do more than in your entire previous life and the next year you can do even more than in your entire life and the next year even more.
Your Soul is what "fills" your physical body with energy. By maintaining a young and active Soul you will also have a young and active mind and body.

Let's recover the dignity and the right to be "old", to be human beings and those who despise little wrinkles could put their "anti-wrinkle creams" wherever they fit instead of despising others.
Keep in mind that for God we are neither young nor old and keep in mind that God needs many Spiritual Warriors, many Lightworkers, and keep in mind that you are worth as much as anyone and that God needs you.

The story goes that there was a director of a cosmetics company who, looking in the mirror one day, discovered that he was fat, old and ugly. He had deluded himself, had believed his own advertising lies. He also discovered that his products, which he sold, did not help him much...
The story also tells, that such an executive really died, old, fat and ugly...

Damián Alvarez at  http:/ /

Get the Book  "Theocratic School of the Tinerfe Healing System"  (link), by Damián Alvarez.
Visit his  Author Page for him on Amazon Publisher  (link).

Friday, April 22, 2022

Illness and Old Age DO NOT Exist: Why does the Soul of People Get Sick (then)? (First part)

We are born to Enjoy, Live Happily, Live with Love,
and not to get sick, grow old and die

It is a fact that the vast majority of people are ill, if not physically then mentally.
Humanity is sick, of course, you just have to see how we destroy the planet, our fellow human beings and ourselves. The human being created to live forever only lives about 70 years in fits and starts, maintained by medicines and devices, that is, in a pathetic way.

Man, on his way through life, since his birth, is chronically heading for death. Apart from the genetic inheritance of diseases (which could also be cured), the human being gets sick, ages, deteriorates and finally dies physically. It shouldn't be like that, but then why do human beings get sick, age and die?

“The Truth will set you free” and “he who believes in me (lives according to my teachings) will not die, but will live forever”, “love your enemies” said Jesus the Christ. So is sickness, old age and death a lie, a hoax? Of course.

Negative Teaching Makes us Sick Body, Mind and Soul

Since we are born the "system" (parents, neighbors, religion, school, etc.), educates us to get sick, grow old and die. They instill fear in our hearts, filling our body, mind and soul with prejudices, taboos, erroneous teachings, preconceived ideas, which we abide by and accept without question. They teach us that "the human being is born, grows, reproduces and dies", they never taught us who we really were, of our divine potential and that we are eternal beings. They didn't teach us what love is, or to love, which really is the only thing we are.

We were educated with preconceived ideas, set phrases, "things that have always been like that" (that we should not question), really taboos and prejudices such as negative proverbs ("think wrong and you will be right").

The negative education implanted in our minds made us react in a certain way to different situations, almost always in a negative way. Phrases like "love is suffering", "here comes to suffer", "it is better to know bad than good to know", "the earth is an evil of tears", "if you have vouchers", man's best friend is his pocket if he has it full”, “the heart of a man is his money”, “earn money so that you can be someone in life”, “when you are ill no one will help you”, a dead king, king put”, “all the men are equal”, “don't distribute because when you don't have anyone, they will distribute with you”, “be careful, don't let them take advantage of you”, “all men want the same thing” and a long etcetera more. And what to say about what a pity! What a misfortune! What annoyance! What suffering!

Positive Education would never make you sick. Love doesn't get sick

A positive education, a loving education would be full of "you can", trust in life", "human beings are good by nature", believe in yourself and you will achieve it", "love your fellow man", "share with others". others”, “be yourself”, “life is wonderful”, the planet is a paradise”, “you come here to enjoy yourself”, “love is the best medicine”, “chronic treatment with love will never make you sick” , “everyone is good”, “nudity is beautiful and innocent”, “death does not exist”, “trust your fellow man”, “we are all one”, “God is Good”, “there is abundance for all” , “we are all equal and have the same value”, “it is worth living”, etc., etc., etc.

Positive education would never make us sick because it would be created to think (first) and react (later) in a positive way to any situation (supposedly negative) in life.

My favorite phrase is "so good!", I live in a positive unity and not in a duality like the vast majority of people (the "system" really) keeps trying to instill in others. Duality does not exist, nothing is good and bad, nothing is black and white, when you have two options you end up sooner or later falling into a unit that is usually the negative unit, in the end everything is bad if you don't win the lottery.

Duality does not exist for a God who is only Love

The duality thing is a myth. We tell negative news to seven people, on the other hand, perhaps we don't tell anyone a positive news. The news in the media is usually negative. In schools they teach you the History of Humanity as a history of wars with dates and places, but they do not teach you the history of the good men, of the saints, of the healers of Humanity, and in case you are interested in some good man they will brand you as religious but also with a negative touch.

We live, in spite of myself, in a "negative unit" and it is that "negative unit", those erroneous teachings that permeate our minds that make us sick.

The "negative unit" traumatizes us, frustrates us, grieves us, makes us sick by blocking our Major Chakra System and causing all kinds of illnesses, first sentimental, mental and emotional and later physical illnesses, deterioration, old age and death. A good example would be that "you come home and find your husband or wife in bed with someone else." You have been educated in a negative way, therefore, you will react as your mind has been "programmed" beforehand. Predecessor thoughts to your reaction would be more or less "all women are whores or men are womanizers", "no man or woman can be trusted", "he left me for this one because I'm ugly", "I'm not good or good in bed”, “what will my friends think now? “And with what face do I go to the hairdresser tomorrow?”,

Think Positively in any Situation and you will be Loving,
and you, you know, Love is Youth, Health and Life

All these negative thoughts create an energy so powerful that it could "push" you to do something crazy, but at least it will traumatize, embarrass and frustrate you, blocking your entire system of major chakras, which will have repercussions sooner or later. in a negative way in your mind, body and soul, making you sick, killing you.

But what would happen if we reacted positively to the same situation: "well, he or she is missing out", "too bad they get sick", "women or men like me don't grow on trees", "the poor are living in a deception”, “it is they who hurt themselves and not me”, “I am worth more than that”, “it is good that it happened now and not later”, “I love them the same, that they are happy”, “my life was wonderful before I met him or her and so it will continue”, “I loved him, I didn't need him and I can love anyone”, “I am free to continue loving and living with all my body, mind and soul”, “he didn't belong to me, I just loved him or loved her."

With the previous positive thoughts in the face of a supposedly negative situation, we would not create negative energy that would force us to react in a destructive way and even less would it traumatize us, embarrass us or frustrate us by getting sick, aging, but we would continue to live just as or more happily, jovially and healthy than before.”
That good!"

Damian Alvarez at be continue

Get the Book  "The School of God"  (link), by Damián Alvarez
Visit his  Author Page in the Amazon Publisher  (link)