Thursday, September 30, 2021

Self Diagnosis and Healing

The imbalance that is felt can be healed on an energetic level

You "suffer" when a blockage and / or imbalance develops in your energy body into a physical illness This process can take years to manifest itself, and surely you would have felt symptoms that were increasing with time or circumstances. Having a disease is not a matter of seconds. If you did not suffer yesterday, you can impossibly suffer today. Most likely, you are just "feeling" other people's illnesses and / or imbalances. I have always said that "diseases do not come alone nor are they sent by God", but rather are  energetic processes in imbalance that progressively develop negatively .

An easy way to know if what you feel you are feeling or suffering is to do a self-diagnosis every day. When every day, for a long time, you feel certain symptoms, it may be that you are suffering, but if on the contrary, your head did not hurt yesterday but today when you entered those department stores, then of course you do not suffer but only feel. This example can be a guide to analyze all the other symptoms, and to know if you feel or suffer.

Having an Illness is Experiencing an Energetic Imbalance
that has progressively developed into a Physical Illness

It could also be (another example), that if you feel "something" repeatedly over a long period of time you can start to suffer from it, in fact, all disease is contagious, at least at the energy level, and we already know that all energy ends up manifesting . If after interacting with a new person you feel a certain symptom every time you meet him, then that person can infect you with the symptom if you do not heal it first, and then you would suffer.

The good thing about being a Healer, at least those belonging to the Tinerfe Healing System School, is that we know how to do an  automatic dynamic self-diagnosis  every second, that is, that we are aware of how we feel, and therefore we know that we suffer and what we feel about others. What we feel about others we heal, we undo, or we protect ourselves from it.

Damián Alvarez at

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Solar Plexus Chakra (The Great Encyclopedia) Great Work of Damián Alvarez (Now Also Available in Spain)

The Great Encyclopedia of the Solar Plexus Chakra. A Work of Damián Alvarez

Never has so much, so deep and true been written about the Solar Plexus chakra, the most important energy center (referring to current daily human life), of the major chakra system, since with it we interpret life, and connect our ego that of all other human beings, in each and every one of our relationships, affecting us for better or for worse.

No theories, hypotheses, conjectures, but the most complete and sincere reality, based on 30 years of professional experience as a Therapist / Healer and Master in Healing and more than 30,000 Therapies of the author.

Damián Alvarez places the root of all disease, dysfunction and imbalance in the Solar Plexus. Exposing the disease as a manifestation of energy imbalances (mental, sentimental, emotional and spiritual), which we understand mentally, that is, with the chakra to which we refer.

A negative mental education turns us into beings who interpret life events in a negative mental way, thus suffering repeated traumas that weaken our "I", our "ego", making us insecure, anxious, anguished, self-conscious, feeling like failures .
Traumas, even if they are associated with thoughts, emotions, feelings, block our capacity for mental understanding of reality, unbalancing the rest of the chakras of the human spiritual anatomy, and making us emotionally ill.

Our unbalanced and / or blocked energy centers cannot then sustain our physical body, which will sooner or later fall ill, as well as mental, sentimental and emotional illnesses.

You will never find a sick person with a healthy Solar Plexus chakra, and you will never find a healthy person with a sick Solar Plexus chakra.

With this book you will learn, not only to heal this important energy center, but also to heal all the associated symptoms. You will also learn clean and energetic protections so as not to be infected by the sick solar plexuses of other people. As if that were not enough, the author initiates us, educates us, in the art of living in a positive way, free of trauma, with a practical, simple dynamic philosophy, based on his own life and experience.

Do you want to control your life? Do you want to be happy? Do you want to feel healthy and completely fulfilled? Do you want to achieve self-esteem, self-esteem, self-confidence, peace and well-being? This is the book you have always been looking for.

Damien Alvarez

Get  "The Great Encyclopedia of the Solar Plexus Chakra"  (link) by Damián Alvarez
Visit his  Author Page in Amazon Editorial  (link)

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Reiki Healing is Loving

You are truly a Reiki Healer, a Channel of God's Love

It is often heard (referring to the Reiki Healing System) "that everything that is done with love is good and works".

If we really lived with love we would not need healing systems, and if we have healing systems it is because we do not know how to channel love in another way, and it is not our fault, it is that we were never taught to live with love.

If healing is a channeling of divine energies, that is, love, then why limit it to one hour of therapy? Why not introduce that divine energy, that love, into all aspects of our life 24 hours a day?

Healing is not "putting your hands on another person", healing is life, therefore, live with love and you will be channeling divine energy constantly, you will always be healing your life and everyone else's.

Let's not make the same mistake as some religions: "go to mass on Sundays and everything is arranged for the rest of the week."

If you want to consider yourself a true Healer, then live as a true Healer, channel divine energy every day, every hour, every minute and every second of your life: 

Live with love!

Damián Alvarez
Grand Master of Reiki

Get the Book of Damián Alvarez

Monday, September 27, 2021

The Path of the Chakras: Walking through the Soul. A Work of Damián Alvarez), Creator of the Tinerfe Healing System)

The Soul also has Paths, Paths of Life

Walking through the Soul
(The Paths of the Chakras)
I, Damián Alvarez, a student of Human Spiritual Anatomy, realized that "the paths between the chakras" were as important to health as the chakras themselves, and that they were also blocked and unbalanced.
For full health, energy must flow through the human body and soul in a perfect way. As much as you balance the chakras, as much as you undo blockages in the chakras, if you do not open the paths between them, then the energy will not flow.
The chakras propel energy through these pathways, but if these pathways are blocked little or no energy will flow. In addition, when energy does not flow between one chakra and another, there is usually an excess of energy in one chakra and a deficiency of energy in another. When energy doesn't flow, life doesn't flow.
I find it strange, or perhaps extraordinary, that no one, to this day, has realized this perpetual reality. The discoveries made by me develop the healing therapies to an exorbitant degree, although for us, the Tinerfe Healing System Therapists, it is the most logical and simple.
Not only have I "discovered" that these energy channels between the chakras should be treated therapeutically, but I have also named them, since no one had baptized them so far.
We "walk" the "paths of the soul."

Get the Book  "Caminando por el Alma"  (link),
by Damián Alvarez
Visit his  Author's Page in the Amazon Editorial  (link)

Sunday, September 26, 2021

Healing or Anxiolytics? What to choose?

The Councils do not heal the wounds of the soul but the therapies

It is already a big step that you have become aware of your bad character and that you must change. All healing begins with the person in question becoming aware that they are not well and that they need help.

I could give you some advice, but it would not help you much, since it takes a lifetime to heal a lifetime. For many advice that I gave you, if you do not remove the energy blocks that caused you in the chakras, during your childhood, which are the root of your current problems, because sooner or later you would return to the same thing, since it  is the soul that that rules in life and if your soul is wounded, you will act, you will live, with a wounded soul.

I recommend that you look for a good Healer / Therapist and a good Teacher to guide you, re-educate you to live and heal your childhood problems.

Stay forewarned. Good protection against Negative Energies

Psychologists don't help because they don't heal, they just talk. I give you an example based on my professional experience so that you understand: I can tell a depressed person to cheer up, but if I do not heal what is causing the depression, then they will continue to be depressed. That's right, no more, no less. The psychiatrists only drug you so that you do not feel the wounds of your soul, that is, they do not heal either. Medicines to heal the soul have not yet been invented.

Anyway, I can give you some other advice: Never expect anything from anyone or expect anything, so you will never be disappointed, with the consequent anger. You can't expect anything even from yourself, only from God.

You can also ask God to give you strength to change your life and to protect you from all that negative energy that you carry in your soul and to also protect you from the negative energies of others. Pray you can always.

Vital Mission. The Hardest Trials for the Best Healers

When you apply reiki healing, then ask God to heal the root of those problems you have in life. I had a childhood, more or less, equal to or worse than yours, and I healed it, and if I can, you can too, since we are all the same.

Keep in mind also that if you were attacked so much and so hard during your childhood (attempts to stop you, to get you out of the way, perhaps to take your own life, etc.), you have a great and very important mission in This life is usually like this

Well, if one day you want to learn to live and heal your life, well here we are, ...

Damien Alvarez
(back to "school")

Saturday, September 25, 2021

You can never Leave the World because You are the World

We are all Potential Healers because we are all Love

Spiritual development entails "that we become aware that we are all one and that we all feel of all". We all make up the universe and we all start from the same Source. We are individualized but not separated, So, as your neighbor is, so will you, right or wrong.

The best thing to be well is to make others well. Most people do not want to feel how bad others are, even if they themselves caused the bad. It is Divine Justice. When we do harm to others we harm ourselves and suffer for it.

Most people believe that spiritual development is to feel themselves full of peace, harmony and well-being, they do not realize that we all form the Whole and until everyone is not well, I will not be able to be well either. Even the most people's attempt at spiritual development is selfish and therefore does not serve as spiritual development.

Spiritual Development: Higher Consciousness of Understanding of Reality

Healing, meditation, etc., can make you feel good for the moment, but (if you have really developed spiritually), when you realize it, you feel that others are not well, then you will not "feel good" either. : you will cry with your neighbor's tears. The above mentioned is union, solidarity, strength.

The nonsense of saying "my way is correct" because I feel better than others is just selfishness and ignorance, why can you feel good when other human beings do not feel as good as you?

Spiritual development entails becoming one with the Whole and with everyone (as I told you before), that is, rejoicing with the joys of the World and "suffering" with its sufferings.

It is not Philosophy, it is not just words. Throughout my life I have been discovering the scope of the Interaction and Energetic Resonance (Laws scientifically proven) between human beings, and how what our grandmothers said was true: "everything sticks except beauty or" everything sticks even beauty. "

In recent times many" teachers ", guros, groups and individuals have raised the cry to heaven crying out a" quantum leap "for Humanity, hoping to live in peace and happiness for the rest of their lives, as If those expected "quantum leaps" were a little pill, a medicine that would solve their problems and heal their souls, I am aware that healing a life takes a lifetime, there are no shortcuts, God is fair.

Potential Healer, Learn to Heal with Damián Alvarez

Now, the same "teachers", gurus, groups and individuals who claimed "spiritual development", "quantum leaps", heavenly paradise on earth, peace, love and happiness, come to me because they do not understand why they feel bad when they they meet their neighbors, and why they do not heal all their lives in therapy, even if other human beings continue to suffer, dying in wars, diseases, pandemics and famines.

"I care about others. I just want to be fine", is often heard (lately), from the mouths of those who were supposed to heal the world.

Thus, everyone wants to heal the world but no one wants to feel in their own soul (as if it were separated from the soul of others), the great deterioration that humanity suffers.

Healing oneself is not selfish because with it you heal the world, but it is selfish to try to separate from the sick world and "close our eyes" to the reality that surrounds us.

A really very wrong path: "You can never leave the World or Humanity because you are Humanity and you are the World." You only feel what conditions the World is in because you are the World.

Damián Alvarez
31 Years Healing and Educating the World

Friday, September 24, 2021

The Scent of the Soul. The Scent of the Chakras (Aromatherapy in its Purest State) New Discoveries of Damián Alvarez

The Scent of the Chakras: Aromatherapy in its Purest State

In the same way that blind people are affected by light, that is, the frequency of colors, since aromas also affect people who suffer from hyposmia (olfactory reduction), or anosmia (complete loss of smell), which makes us understand, by overwhelming logic, that we not only interpret smells (an essential part of life, of the environment), with smell, but also with our chakra system.

The aroma of roses that opens our heart chakra and predisposes us to give and receive love, the aphrodisiac aromas or / and (why not say it?) The "sexual smell" that women and men give off, and that excites our libido by activating our Sacral chakra, as well as the lavender aroma that focuses and relaxes us by direct influence on our Base chakra, are just some examples of how aromas affect our soul, directing us to make decisions and act at certain moments in our life, that is, that we interpret life not only with common senses but also with our soul.

The foregoing shows that aromas are energy, and therefore, they can be channeled conscientiously as we do with light (chromatic spectrum), to heal, heal, energetically cleanse, protect, relax and a long etcetera.

This book will introduce you to the human spiritual anatomy so that you can focus and work on it with the most common scents. You will also understand the olfactory and aromatic capacities of the human being in the chapter on the "metaphysics of smell", and then learn various methods of channeling healing energies, in this case, the healing energies of aromas.

Get the Book  "The Scent of the Chakras. The Scent of the Soul"  (link), by Damián Alvarez
Visit their  Author Page at Amazon Publisher  (link)

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Covid-19, that shitty virus. Free Book Courtesy of Damián Alvarez for the Whole World (+ 500,000 Downloads) Cheer up the United States, Mexico, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, ...!

Book of Prevention and Natural Treatments  of the Corona Virus.
Courtesy of Damián Alvarez  and the Tinerfe Healing System

Inform that during these last months more than  300,000 copies  of the
free book on prevention and natural treatments of coronavirus by Damián Alvarez. Let's see if we reach the whole world. Hugs and a lot of courage!

This little book is courtesy of Damián Alvarez to all the people of the world. It has been created solely and exclusively with the professional and life experience of the author himself as a basis. In PDF format, that is, as an electronic book (e-book), you can download it  completely free  from the following link:  "Prevention and Natural Treatment of Corona Virus"

Anyone who is treated in a natural way, even if it is preventive, or who is a carrier of the corona virus with mild symptoms, and / or follows the recommendations of the author, does so of their own free will and responsibility.

Keep in mind that these, my recommendations, never in any way exclude medical-scientific treatments or recommendations.

Of course, it will be of great help for those people who develop mild symptoms. It will also be of great benefit to use the recommendations set out to avoid contagions, even more so when pharmaceutical companies do not have protective disinfectant products, and their health systems are on the verge of collapse. So we help them too if we do not catch it.

In addition, treating the corona virus with popular, simple, cheap natural medicines, recognized as effective for hundreds or thousands of years by various cultures, and also without adverse side effects or contraindications, makes this book a jewel in the hands of people with common sense. Even more so, when school medicine has not been able to obtain a vaccine or any specific treatment to alleviate Covid-19.

The population of countries that do not have a developed healthcare, or do not even have it, can also benefit well from treating themselves.

I hope and wish that it will be of great benefit to you, and that  one day we can teach it to other generations in memory of a war won by humanity against "the corona virus of shit that "

With love:
Damien Alvarez
31 Years by Your Side

Get completely free the Book  "Prevention and Natural Treatment of Corona Virus (Covid-19, the shitty virus)"  (link), by Damián Alvarez

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

The Science of Healing: Natural Healing and Therapeutic System Tinerfe

Natural Healing and Therapeutic System Tinerfe (31 Years Healing the World)

The Tinerfe Healing System therapies are not like Reiki or other Healing Systems. Therapists belonging to the Tinerfe Healing System work in a conscious way, they are not only mere channels of healing energy (like Reiki practitioners) but they channel certain energies in a specific and concrete way to perform the energy work that the therapy recipient needs. .

The session begins with an introductory talk, preliminary diagnosis based on interaction and energy resonance (you can read on the Tinerfe Healing System blog: ) and life guide.
The Healing Session takes a minimum time of 75 minutes, lengthening with necessity.
During Therapy, a meticulous energetic scan of the Spiritual Anatomy and physical body of the patient is made with healing energies of Reiki, Karuna Ki and Angelic Healing, at the same time that energetic blockages are being undone, balancing and charging the different parts of the body, chakras major and minor and the "paths" between the chakras that need it.
In order for the therapy to be more effective and to make the most of the session time, work is carried out after the imposition of hands with crystal-therapeutic dispositions as needed.
The Tinerfe Healing System is also the  only  therapy in the world (namely) that being healing it is also therapeutic, that is, it heals but also heals. Using ancestral wisdom, curing the symptoms, the causes are also eliminated, the root of the symptoms or diseases and vice versa.

We undo energetic blockages in the Major Chakra System, organs and specific parts of the body through energetic resonance and esoteric breathing. We usually treat blockages in the minor chakras with crystal therapy.

Any disease or dysfunction can be
treated : we cure the symptoms and heal the root of the disease

Any disease or  dysfunction  can be treated with the Tinerfe Healing System Therapies, whether they are physical, emotional, mental, sentimental or / and spiritual.

Think that the Reiki Healing System works with four healing energies while in the Tinerfe Healing System therapies about one hundred and fifty healing energies are used.
It is not about any excessive work and neither is it a sending of energies without rhyme or reason, but rather a detailed, specific, concise, determined work, just as a surgeon uses his tools of work, totally directed to conscience.

The therapies carried out by the Tinerfe Healing System are totally predictable, so a preliminary diagnosis is always made and a final diagnosis is made at the end of the healing session. It also accompanies a life guide, advice, recommendations, warnings, based on the Life Philosophy of the Tinerfe Healing System (Key to Happiness, Reiki Principles, Heart Virtues and School of God).
Crystal and aromatherapy recommendations for the patient's personal use.

Damien Alvarez
Creator and Master of the Tinerfe Healing System