Thursday, February 20, 2025

Fear. The Greatest Enemy of Human Beings

Love Rejuvenates, Heals and Creates Happiness

Why is it so difficult to live with Love? We already know that fear is the opposite of love, and we continue to live in fear, even though that fear is the root of our despair, disappointments, frustrations, sorrows, traumas, physical illnesses, old age and death.

Why do we continue to live in fear if the natural habitat of human beings is love? Why do we continue to live like a fish out of water?

Simply because of conformity. Living with love requires a conscious re-education of the human being in true reality, a mental, sentimental and emotional re-education.

I realize that living consciously with love is "hard" work, but isn't living sick and unhappy all your life hard work, if that way of existing can be called "life"?

Love is the Water of your Soul

We must swim against the tide if we want to survive. I once wrote that "if you were on the side of the vast majority you would be wrong."

Everyone gets sick, is unhappy and dies. Why should we continue to deceive ourselves? No one will ever be able to develop personally or spiritually if they continue to live in fear.

Jesus Christ said (and this is not nonsense), but an irrefutable reality (in fact, science believes that human beings could live forever in ideal conditions), demonstrable: "He who believes in me will not die, because I am the Truth, the Way and the Life", and "the Truth will set you free".

Why continue living a lie that destroys us? Why continue being unhappy? Why get sick, grow old and die, all for nothing?

Fear (despite being energetic), makes you sick and kills you

As a researcher of human spiritual anatomy (including the physical body), I have been able to demonstrate that the more love a person brings into his or her life, the happier he or she is, and the healthier he or she remains. The energetic blockages that make human beings sick are always due to fear (insecurities, doubts, variability, despair, stress, anxiety, anguish, restlessness, insomnia, arrhythmias, tachycardia, and a long list of energetic symptoms), which could easily disappear with a life full of trust, sincerity, tranquility, positivism, solidarity, companionship, temperance, etc. (not to mention any religious term).

It is known (and scientifically proven) that stress kills, and we don't even learn to live in a calm way. Forget it! There are no excuses, don't blame the fast-paced world you live in, because many people live in peace and tranquility in the same world as you, and if they can, you can too.

No Way for Love, No Way Towards Love.
Love is the Way, the only Truth and the Life

Get out of the herd, start living with love and you won't need holy books, spiritual guides, or anything at all to be happy and live completely healthy.

Understand that fear is your worst enemy, and you must "fight" against it, and win, of course. That is the way, the truth and the life: Love ("no one comes to the Father except through me" (I quote Jesus Christ again).

Don't wait for tomorrow. Start living today. Start walking, we'll meet on the way, ...

Damian Alvarez
34 Years at your Side (very close)

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Perpetual Gratitude or Complaint. Self-Centered Love or Interest

We must thank God for everything.
We must also thank everyone.

 The truth is that what most people believe about "living in gratitude" is a myth. The vast majority tell me that every day, the first thing they do is thank God for being alive, and of course it is very good that we do it, since God is our creator and our sustenance.

What many forget are those words of Jesus Christ that I quote: "He who despises my brother despises me." We should thank God for our daily bread (for example), but we should also thank the baker every day who invests his time in bringing us bread.

Some people do not appreciate the services provided by others because they believe that the payment they receive is enough, as if they could buy the life of the baker (for example), which, of course, is not for sale, but if it were, there would not be enough money to pay for it, since life is the most precious thing there is.

He who does not thank his neighbor does not thank God either.
He who does not love his neighbor does not love God either.

The vast majority complain or demand more and better services. "It doesn't matter if it costs more" they often say, believing that they are buying a human being and not a service, and not thanking for one thing or another. The one who complains will always complain about everything, and the grateful one will thank for the most insignificant thing because love believes everything, believes it a lot, values ​​it and is considerate, respectful and empathetic.

It doesn't matter if you dedicate three hours to the self-centered person who lacks love, he will demand three more hours from you, everything will seem little to him, and instead of being grateful and full of peace in his soul, he will leave angry and full of resentment and rage. Really full of demons.

I once wrote "give everything you want but never let yourself be robbed." There are leeches of the soul who want to steal your life, who want to dispose of it in a totally self-interested way. They do not know what it is to live in gratitude for "many thanks to God" they give.

Don't Complain Anymore.
Live in Gratitude, Live with Love

Being grateful for a child's smile, for some nice words from a neighbor on the street, for a greeting, for a pat on the back, that is what gratitude is all about.

Be thankful for the little things that good-hearted people want or can give you. Be very, very, very thankful, and (even if you feel like despising them), teach those hard-hearted people to love, who don't realize that when you dedicate a minute to them, they have become part of your life because you are sharing your life with them.

Thank the flower for its scent and the birds for their songs, the trees for their shade, shelter and fruit, and the people for their existence.

Be very grateful for "little" and you will have a lot

Your life is a treasure, and so is everyone else's life. Respect that life and that sharing. Be thankful for every second another person spends with you. Don't take anything for granted, and above all, don't complain or make demands that only show your selfishness and lack of consideration.

I hope the concept has become clear.

Damian Alvarez
34 Years at your Side (very close)

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Who Loves God?

First Commandment of God's Law:
"You shall love God above all things"

How do these Commandments play out in today's world? Perhaps negative beings can confuse us, and we may not really be doing things right. Almost no one kills, thank God, but our actions or inactions can lead to the same outcome.

As far as the first Commandment of the Law of God is concerned, there is no need to look for "three legs on a cat" because transcendence simply does not exist, but rather, we simply  do not love God . It is not that we believe that we love God and we do it wrong out of ignorance, but rather (and I repeat),  we do not love God ; on the contrary, many hate Him, blame Him, hold a grudge against Him, "blame Him", insult Him, despise Him, do not believe in His Existence, etc., etc., etc.

Who loves God? When humans do not even love themselves, "fixing" everything with antidepressants, alcohol or drugs. They deny God, trying to "love" the new god "nature" again, when they are unable to get their nails dirty planting a seed, just in case they don't get their designer clothes dirty or their mobile phone falls out of their hands.

Who loves God? When not even the sanctuaries and churches are respected, but rather the faith and love for these sacred places that many people maintain.

People who paint on one chest "God is shit" and on the other "The Virgin is a whore" demonstrate (regardless of each person's faith, which is supposed to be their right) that many people who say they are going to save the world are, in fact, destroying it. be continued
Damian Alvarez
34 Years at your Side (very close)

Sunday, February 16, 2025

God Creates Them and They Look For Each Other

Relationships should be based on love and not interest

Don't ask God for youth, beauty, money in your relationships. Instead, ask God for kindness, understanding, flexibility, spirituality, for people to like you the way you are, for people to like you because you are spiritual, which is really normal, natural. There are many sensitive people, and what they most desire is to find another "spiritual" person, close to God.

Most people seek those relationships (whether they are aware of it or not) that are above the superficial, material, classic (to call it somehow). People like wise people, with "power" to get closer to God and heal, and above all they like people who have things clear and are very sure of themselves.

Damian Alvarez

Saturday, February 15, 2025

The Inner Child is a Grumpy Old Man

What do you express in your life, your Inner Child or a Grumpy Old Man?
Do you recognize yourself?

Without disparaging anyone, especially the elderly, whom I respect with all my heart. Although there are some “grumpy old men,” most elderly people are affable and full of wisdom.

So, what we are getting at is that everyone talks about the “inner child,” our true “self,” defining it, describing it, as an innocent being of pure light, the divine essence within us, who we really are.

The inner child is located in our Tan-tien or “Core Star”, which is the seat of our divine spark of unconditional love. Indeed, it is, but the path back home is not easy.

In the process of healing (the way back home, to ourselves), we will meet three grumpy old men, three wounded children.

Your Inner Child Suffers from Pain, Trauma and Frustrations
. Do You Recognize Yourself?

Have you ever thought about why we distance ourselves from ourselves, from our inner child, or why are we distanced? Why would we need to distance ourselves from ourselves and why do we do it?

Society, culture, religions, our parents, first deceive us into believing that things must be a certain way for them to be right, for us to do well in life, for us to be someone and succeed, and then they fill us with "no's", fears and impossibilities, which do not allow us to achieve those things, to be those ways, and even less to "succeed in life" to become "someone".

The child raised, not in a positive/negative duality, but rather in a negative unity, learns to interpret a world in a way that will be cruel to himself.
Traumas do not exist if we are not taught to suffer traumas. The same happens with sorrows or frustrations. A negative upbringing causes sorrow, traumatism and frustration. Unconditional love is not taught, nor is the child educated to live with love, the only thing that would prevent any kind of suffering.
Not to mention the psychological, sentimental and emotional abuse that the child may suffer.

Understand that your Inner Child is Sick. Heal Your Life
Do You Recognize Yourself?

The grumpy old man or "sad inner child" will rebel against whoever wants to love him unconditionally because what he believed to be love abandoned him. In this case, the child may not have felt sufficiently loved, perhaps abandoned by who he believed loved him or perhaps he thought he was not worthy of being loved. We all have emotional deficiencies. The emotionally wounded inner child will struggle between love, fear, hate, interest, distrust, jealousy.

The "second grumpy old man" is the traumatized child who got upset when what he did at that moment or what happened to him was "something bad." Not being up to the circumstances, to the expectations of the parents, or just being traumatized because he has been educated to do so, creates a child with complexes full of shame, fears, insecurities. This child compares himself with others and will use vanity, arrogance, pride as masks, to pretend to be who he thinks he should be according to the education instilled by his parents. He is really a failed child who lives looking for ugliness, failures, errors, mistakes in others, to feel better about himself, and the worst thing is that he becomes a completely selfish being.

You still have time. Don't settle for being a grumpy old man or woman

The "third grumpy old man" is a frustrated and therefore angry child. Repeated disappointments caused by those he thought loved him, and a method that may have worked for him once by taking advantage of his parents' weaknesses, such as a tantrum, create an aggressive child full of mistrust who, when he does not get what he wants, becomes aggressive. A child who kicks and screams to get what he wants.

So, to find your inner child you must first understand those three grumpy old men, accept them, heal them, re-educate them, and above all, love them unconditionally.
Remember that we all have a little grumpy old man inside us.

Damian Alvarez

Get the book  "I, Healer"  (link) by Damián Alvarez
Visit his Author Page on Amazon (link)  

Friday, February 14, 2025

How to Receive the Gifts of God, the Gifts of the Holy Spirit

Gifts of God. Consequence of having received the Holy Spirit

In the Bible we can read that all the gifts of God are a consequence of having received the Holy Spirit, that is why, many times, they are called "Gifts of the Holy Spirit." It also says:  "Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above"  (that is, it comes from God).

A gift is a present from God. There are a variety of gifts that can be asked of Jehovah. Some count up to 9 divine gifts. Other people also include the virtues of love within God's gifts to humanity, such as: faith, strength, piety, etc.

All Gifts will disappear. Only Love will remain.

The most common Gifts are the following:

Gift of Wisdom and Knowledge
Gift of Faith
Gift of Healing Gift
of Healing
Gift of Acts of Power (performing Miracles)
Gift of Prophecy
Gift of Speaking and/or Understanding Languages
​​Gift of Understanding Divine Messages
Gift of Love

"... and all gifts will disappear, and only love will remain"  is also written.

Ask God for any gift, and he will surely give it to you.

Some people wish to receive all of God's gifts. Others prefer to "specialize" in just one. There is an idea among initiates that the more gifts you receive, the closer you will be to God (unfounded idea).

However,  if you wish to receive a gift from God you must ask for it on your knees  (it could be virtual, just visualizing yourself on your knees with your arms raised)  every day and every night, for a period of 3 years . After this period of time, God will grant you the gift you have asked for.

God's Gifts Will Always Be to Serve Others

The above may seem like nonsense, but it really demonstrates the speaker's perseverance, constancy, discipline, lucidity, intelligence, wisdom, faith, patience, humility, etc., etc., etc., and above all, his submission to God.

A person demonstrates that he has truly received the gift of God when he uses it to serve humanity.

Damian Alvarez
Creator of the Charismatic Angelic Healing System.
Friend of God

Get the book  "The School of God"  (link), by Damián Alvarez
Visit his  Author Page on Amazon Publishing  (link)

Thursday, February 13, 2025

If you don't enjoy life, if you don't believe that life is wonderful, it's because you are wrong.

Gratitude is the Key to Personal Satisfaction

Life is for living, not for watching (turns off the TV).

If you don't enjoy life, if you don't believe that life is wonderful, it's because you are wrong.

Life bears fruit. You know how much you are living by the amount of fruit you produce.

If your life does not bear fruit it is simply because it is sterile.

Every time a child is born, life is born.

Life can become a chronic illness for the ungrateful.

Anyone who lives in gratitude is satisfied with his life and truly lives.

Through your hands, life manifests itself.

Turn your prayers of gratitude into your "daily bread" and you will never lack anything.

If you truly believe in a cause, never die for it.

Let life be a challenge that brings out the best in you.

Don't measure your life with successes and failures but with love.

If you never get close to God, you will never know what you live for.

Sow Today Tomorrow's Harvest. Plant Many Seeds

Let each day be a seed in the harvest of your future.

Enjoy your life, because it is your life, all yours.

Today you will plant the harvest of the future and you will fertilize it with your life.

All the limitations in your life have been imposed by yourself.

There are no limits other than those you impose on yourself.

The future is uncertain, you create the present. Take advantage and give yourself a chance.

May there be no limits in your life, love is unlimited.

Forgiveness is the "eraser" with which you erase the scribbles of your life.

May every achievement in your life be just the beginning of the next.

Be different, don't show indifference.

Keep in mind that eternal life is only achieved in the perishable.

Since God is the creator of all life, the atheist then lives rent-free.

The true wise man is the one who manages to be happy in his life, 
And even wiser is he who teaches others to be happy with their lives.

Complaint is the tree that you water every day to hang by the neck from one of its branches.

We only fail when we blame others for our failures.

Be aware that life is what happens while you plan what you are going to do with your life.

May your life be a hymn to life, to yourself and to God.

Damian Alvarez

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Gifts of God, Gifts of Life

God's Gifts Do Not Make You Sick. Live with Love and You Will Be Healing

The Art and Science of Healing is not an obligation, but a choice. All people can heal, but only some people really have a special vocation for this task, just as other people want to be carpenters or stewardesses, but not all human beings are carpenters or stewardesses.

On the other hand, we know that the one who heals is not the Healer, he is only a mere channel of Divine Energies of Healing, of Love. God is the one who heals. Love can impossibly make a Healer sick if he loves, even if he does not practice, because to love is to heal.

We are all loving spiritual beings, we all get sick if we do not transmit love to others, we all get sick and die because of not living with love, of living in fear, not only the Healer, because we are all equal, we are all Healers, we are all love, we are all children of God.

God is Good and not stupid, and a Gift from God such as the one received by the Healer cannot possibly make him sick. But if we all, being equal, do not channel Love, which is also a Gift from God to all Humanity, by the same "rule of three", it is fully demonstrated that Humanity becomes sick because it lives without Love.

So let us not "throw stones on our own roof" because what is really sick is living without Love, which is also a Gift from God and few put it into practice.

Damian Alvarez

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

The Essence of the Human Being: Love

Love. The Essence of Every Human Being. Power that Works Miracles

Unique spiritual being created in the image and likeness of God. 

Its essence is love. 

The purest and most perfect being of earthly creation.

Containing physical and spiritual aspects at the same time in the same being.

Their mission is to manifest God's will on Earth and maintain the  earthly paradise  eternally.

Human beings are born, grow, reproduce (if they wish), and should never die.

The only  spiritual being with free will and all the gifts and virtues of God to create his life as he wishes and for the good of all humanity.

Attacked even before his birth by negative spiritual beings who wish to separate him from his Creator.

Tricked by negative spiritual beings into believing that he is not capable of the simplest of tasks and directing himself on his own foot.

It contains in its seven energetic bodies and its physical body (also energetic), all the creative potential that God possesses. Enough energy to perform miracles and control all the energies of the universe.

With loving power over every created being on the face of the Earth, and over himself.

Masterpiece, culmination of divine creation.

Damian Alvarez

Get the book  "The Heart Chakra, the Love of your Life"  (link),  by Damián Alvarez
Visit his Author Page on Amazon  (link)