Monday, September 30, 2024

Meditation with a Double-Pointed Quartz Crystal to Focus, Balance and Regain Strength

Double-Pointed Crystal Meditation Balances and Centers

The Double-Terminated Crystal (generator with a point at each end) represents the perfection achieved in the full integration of bipolarity, the balance between masculine and feminine and spiritual and physical energies.

For this meditation, take a Double-Terminated Quartz Crystal between your two hands. Let each point of the crystal be held by the fingers of each of your hands or inside your hands (if it is large enough).
The center of the crystal should be over your Tan-Tien (navel).

Tune in to the crystal (see "Basic Crystal Therapy"). Inhale the energy/light of the crystal through your hands filling your entire body and exhale the light into the Aura. Repeat with each inhalation and exhalation.

Feel how the energies of the crystal and yours unite in a "Healing Circle" balancing and centering you.

(Ideal Meditation time 20 minutes. Grounding with Need)