Wednesday, October 4, 2023

How to Educate the Healing Child

The Healing Child usually Absorbs the "Diseases" of Others

Is your child allergic to lactose? Does your child suffer from gas? Does his stomach often bloat? Does he suffer from constipation or colic? Is your child shy, shy, withdrawn, is your child very nervous, hyperactive? Does your child like to be alone? Does he hide when certain people come to your house?

Perhaps your son is a “healing link” and he does not suffer from any illness, perhaps he only feels how you, your husband, his brothers, etc. are doing.

Do not reprimand him if he does not behave as children are expected to behave, do not reprimand him if he does not want to kiss his aunt.

The "Healing Link" does not understand a World without Love

Listen to him and pay attention to him when he wants to leave a certain place or when he simply tells you “Bad Pepe”, even if you don't believe it, the child knows that Pepe is bad.

Do not punish your child if he gets impertinent in the checkout line at those stores, most likely he is feeling the impatience of the customers waiting to pay for their purchases and the nervousness and stress of the cashier. Do not get angry with your child if he gets nervous in the supermarket, if you could see the energies of certain places where there are crowds of people you would see an “energy battlefield.”

Trust your child if he doesn't laugh thank you to the neighbor or cry when your co-worker says “ho ho ha ha” to him, it must be for a reason.

Giving and Receiving Love. The Wish of the Healing Child

Do not scold your great little healer when he behaves “strange” think that he can “see” further than you, and never complain about how much he gets sick, thanks to him maybe you, your husband and your others are alive. children.

The “healing link” is the one that keeps the family balanced, and is ultimately the one that “swallows” the father's displeasure when his salary was lowered, the mother's irritation when her menstruation comes, the frustration of the teenage sister and the grief of the little brother who lost his teddy bear.

Take careful care of your child, if he is a “healing link” he needs a lot of physical contact, a lot of real love, caresses, tummy massages, listening to “I love you little pigeon.” He thinks that for his soul the world in which we live absent of love is something strange and he does not understand it.

Think that you have a Sun in your house, a Jewel, a messenger from God...

Get the Book  "The Solar Plexus, the Sun of your Life"  (link)
by Damián Alvarez.
Visit  his Author Page on the Amazon Editorial (  link)