Thursday, November 24, 2022

Divine Plan: Peace and Love in the Universe

Peace and Love. The Only Divine Plan that could Worth its Name

Why does God have a plan?

Does God have a plan? Well, I didn't know, although I know that you ask the question with a good heart, it could very well become a "trick question." You'll understand as I develop this answer.

I believe, well, I am convinced that God creates unconditionally, that is, out of love, therefore if God created with the expectation of a result, he would do it for some specific reason, because he would stop "being" and would become "something". , which is impossible. Love is the only reality, and the only love is completely disinterested.

Of course, everything in creation has meaning because it stems from love, and love has meaning, in fact, it is the only thing that has meaning.

To Become all Equal as God Commands, to become

The human being with his linear logic, with his mundane mind, cannot imagine something that does not lead to a result, but that would also make God, creation finite, and God is infinite, creation is infinite.

If there is a plan in the universe, it is to exist, to be, but it is clear that the human being has his fundamental role in divine creation, and it is to manifest the Will of God on Earth, to love, to maintain creation, that is, to "be "also as its Creator.

Lo de que Dios tiene un plan, lo de que "los designios divinos", se lo han inventado algunos para taparles la boca a aquellos a los que están manipulando, robando, empobreciendo, mientras ellos se enriquecen con la abundancia universal que solo pertenece al universo, a Dios y a todos por igual.

Solo Existe un Designio Divino: El Amor Eterno

Muchas veces se oye que se dice a las personas que sufren: "resígnate que Dios tiene un plan aunque tú no lo entiendas", "los designios de Dios son incomprensibles", etc. La verdad que quizás es un consuelo hacia los pobres, los enfermos, los hambrientos, pero la creación de pobreza, pestes, hambrunas y guerras no es creación de Dios, no entran en ningún "plan divino", sino que es pura creación de hombres malvados, que usando su libre albedrío han "vendido su alma al diablo" a cambio de alimentar sus debilitados egos con poder, riqueza y gloria, sin importarles cuantos seres humanos mueren a su paso.

Tan solo con echar un vistazo alrededor se puede deducir que decir que Dios tiene un plan sería como decir que todos los males que pesan sobre la humanidad son culpa de Él, y por supuesto que no lo es. Dios es Amor, y su "plan" es y será siempre ser Amor, Ser.

El diablo, por el contrario, sí que tiene un plan, y lo vemos a diario, ...
Sacar propias conclusiones.

32 Años Sanando y Educando al Mundo

Consigue el Libro "Escuela Teocrática del Sistema de Sanación Tinerfe" (enlace), de Damián Alvarez.
Visita su Página de Autor en la Editorial de Amazon (enlace).