Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Hidden Meaning of the Arms

The Blue Circles represent the Lesser Arm
Chakras: Shoulder, Elbow, Wrist and Palm Chakras

The Paths between the Chakras of the Arms would go from the shoulder to the palm of the hand, understanding that both the shoulders, elbows, wrists and palm of the hands is a minor chakra, that is, that in addition to the palm of the hand we have major minor chakras in all joints.

We know that we give and receive with our hands but we did not know that for the energy to reach the hand it has to flow through the arms, through its minor chakras and the path between them.
The arm would be like an "extension" of the hand. We do not give or receive only with our hands but with our arms as a whole.

Blockages and imbalances between the minor chakras of the arms are only symptoms of the "Physical Chakras". We can give and receive out of necessity, to survive, with greed, etc., (symptoms associated with the Base Chakra). We can give or receive with love or fear (Heart Chakra). We can give and receive with insecurity or security, with shame or self-love, etc., (symptoms associated with the Solar Plexus Chakra). We can give and receive with anger, resentment, overwhelm, impatience, despair and frustration or with peace, tranquility, temperance and justice (symptoms associated with the Sacral Chakra).

As with the paths between the chakras in the legs, tension, nervousness, worries, stress, etc., unbalance and/or block the paths between the chakras in the arms.

The Paths between the Chakras also become Unbalanced and Blocked

In the right forearm (way between the shoulder and the right elbow), we would be thinking about giving or not giving, that is, perhaps we would give. The energy on this path has started to flow or not. On the way between the right elbow and the right wrist (arm) "we are going to give" or not. On the way between the right wrist and the right hand we give, we are giving or we don't. The energy moves (or doesn't) into the future from the shoulder to the hand. Locating which part of the arm is damaged, we can also give a metaphysical explanation to such damage, disease, pain, as previously stated.

The same happens with the left arm: The path between the chakra of the left shoulder and the left elbow (left forearm) is blocked or not, since you think you are going to receive. On the path between the chakra of the left elbow and the left hand "you would be receiving", and on the path between the chakra of the wrist and the left hand "you would be receiving", you receive.

Also explain that giving and receiving have many aspects such as creating, working, teaching, treating, loving (right hand) and collecting, accepting, learning, letting yourself be loved, letting yourself be treated, etc., (left hand.

Also think that many people "throw the stone and hide their hand", or extend their hand to receive and then do not want to take what they want to give. Also, people, even if they want to give, often hold back from doing so due to the symptoms mentioned above. These symptoms will help you make a reliable diagnosis just by observing your patients.

Damian Alvarez

Get the Book  "Deep Spiritual Anatomy"  (link),
by Damián Alvarez.
Visit his  Author Page on Amazon  (link)

You are Free to Love

Love. Divine Gift, Test of Wisdom and Intelligence

You are Free not "to love who you want" but to "love anyone", to "love each and everyone".

"Love your enemies" is a reminder that "your enemy is you" or that "your enemy is part of you". Just as we treat our neighbor, that's how we will feel, because you and your neighbor are united, and the same unites love as hate (through energetic interaction), so it's better to love and everyone is so happy.

The keys are: "Love one another as I have loved you", "Love your neighbor as yourself", "Love your neighbor's son the same as your own", because really, your neighbor's son is just like yours, and if you love it, your child will feel loved too.

Whether or not they believe in Jesus Christ, whether or not they believe in his teachings, what is totally clear is that he was and will be the "greatest man in the world", and if they do not believe in love, they will not cease to exist, nor will love or the teachings of Jesus Christ.

What is clear is that if we followed the teachings of Jesus Christ, all the problems of humanity would disappear spontaneously.

Don't rebel, better love your neighbor.
Do not manifest yourself, better love your neighbor.
Don't fight, better love your neighbor.

...and loves God above all things... "whoever has ears may hear and whoever has eyes may see", as Jesus Christ would say.

Damian Alvarez at

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Have a Good time as a Couple this Christmas with Damián Alvarez's Books (Gifts for Body and Soul)

Have a good time as a couple during these Christmas holidays with the books on eroticism, sexuality, massages and romanticism by Damián Alvarez, while you develop mentally and personally.

Get the Book  "Make Love like an Angel"  (link),
by Damian Alvarez.
Visit his  Author Page on Amazon  (link)

Get the Book   "Angelic Massage"   (link), by Damián Alvarez
Visit his   Author Page on Amazon Publishing   (link)

Get the Book  "The Sexuality of the Soul"   (link), by Damián Alvarez
Visit  his  Author Page in the Amazon Editorial  (link)

Acquire the Book  "Sacred Chakra, Passion of Life"  (link)  ,  
by Damián Alvarez
Visit his  Author Page on Amazon Publishing  (link)  

Get the Book  "The Eroticism of the Chakras"  (link), by Damián Alvarez
Visit  his  Author Page in the Amazon Editorial  (link)

... and Merry Christmas ...

Living with Love has never Made Anyone Sick. Third part

Don't ask yourself why I suffer and Sick?,
ask yourself better why I don't live with love?

If you think or focus your attention, if all your consciousness is in Jehovah, are we connecting our Major Chakra System with HIM (from our point of view)? If that is so, how can we continue to be sick?

What I want to tell you is that  trying to light yourself with the light of the stars, when we are not even capable of lighting a candle, is absurd . Let's at least try to vibrate our chakra systems at the "love" level before trying to make them vibrate at the "divine love" frequency. Our natural habitat is love, so when all human beings in the world live with love, that is, peace, temperance, hope, faith, charity, etc., then we will not get sick.

Realize also, and do not forget, since we still have a long way to become light of Light, that we are also affected by the energies of others, the energies of the environment (physical and energetic pollution), and the energies of both witchcraft and witchcraft. like those of negative spiritual beings.

God does not sick, God heals. He lives as God commands

Don't ask: "why do I keep getting sick?" (example), ask better: "why don't I live with love?",  and do something about it, because the answer to the first question is obvious, and you knew it, since it  is impossible for you to live with love, it is impossible that your chakras vibrating with the frequency of love can make you sick,  since when your chakras vibrate at the divine level the energy of the Soul Star (Light of God) connects to your Nucleus Star (divine essence within you), without any obstacle. It is then when your chakras supply your body and soul with divine love, the Will of God would be manifested on Earth through you. You would be a pure channel of divine light. Impossible to get sick or die living this way.

Also point out that when we healers talk about love, it is not only about feelings but also thoughts, emotions and loving acts. By avoiding negative thoughts, feelings, emotions, and acts, we would be living with love, since we would be eliminating the energies of fear from our lives, which do not allow our energy centers to vibrate with a higher frequency, and therefore, we would be closer and better connected, through our chakras, to the energies of God.

Don't Complain about the Darkness, Turn on a Light, Turn on your Light,
Turn on the Light of your Heart, the Light of Love

A beautiful and easy guide to measure the amount of love you have in your life, that is, at what level your chakras vibrate, are my different articles on the levels of each chakra: Do you live out of necessity or obligation, for pleasure, for self to fulfill yourself, for (worldly) love, to develop towards God, to heal and maintain creation (humanity included), or for (for love of), God? No level eliminates the others but the highest, the divine level, encompasses them all...

... and don't get me wrong: It is always better to live out of love than out of obligation, but love can also be introduced into obligation, and turn that "obligation" into an act of gratitude, praise, and adoration to God. So with everything else too.

Damian Alvarez

Nobody Sick from Living with Love. Second Part

The Connection with God and yourself is only possible with Love

If you think or focus your attention, if all your consciousness is in Jehovah, are we connecting our Major Chakra System with HIM (from our point of view)? If that is so, how can we continue to be sick?

I will give you some examples to illustrate (with myself and others): During my professional career of more than 30,000 therapies, I have only been able to lower the light from the Soul Star to the Earth Star in a diameter of about 10 centimeters. through the Hara Line without encountering any blockage, to a single person.

The person in question, at times (I point out: "only at times"), was a perfect channel of divine light, so much so that I had to tell him not to come to therapy so often, since he did therapy twice a week , apart from his own daily work with healing energies, healing meditations, crystals, etc. I got bored in her healing sessions with her because I didn't find any blockages in her Hara Line or chakras to get rid of her, so, more than anything, I worked on her preventively. But when a week passed, she was already finding, again, new blocks, proof that she was lowering the vibrational level of the chakra system by living in fear.

Tinerfe Healing System: A Method of Channeling Love
and a Dynamic, Conscious, Healing and Curative Philosophy of Life

Regarding the Masters of the Tinerfe Healing System, of all of them, only a few have fully understood this "living with love" thing, and they do something about it by consciously introducing it into their lives, into their chakras. The rest of the teachers continue, either looking for the magic wand, or the miraculous remedy that will take away all their ills, even daring to tell me that the Tinerfe Healing System does not work, when really, they are the ones that do not work.

When I see so-called great teachers before me (I'm talking about people who have a lot of knowledge (though not that much wisdom), blaming their ills, their failures, everything else and everyone else, without realizing that their failures and evils are only their fault since they have not introduced love into their lives, continuing to live with fear, that is, doubts, negative thoughts, worries, and even often resentment, envy, jealousy, etc.

Everyone knows that Love is the best Medicine, so
why not Take It Preventatively for Life?

Even though I have never set out to make my system of major chakras vibrate at the divine level, I have settled for my energy centers to vibrate at the astral level, at the level of love, trying to consciously introduce love ( virtues of the heart), in my daily life, I am also aware that I do not always achieve it: A moment of doubt, lack of faith, in extreme moments, a worry, even momentary, a small feeling of temporary sorrow, it's still in there.

I am also aware that I have introduced love into my life, and thereby avoid negative thoughts, feelings, and emotions almost 100%, but I am also aware that, although I am a light of Light, and although I have been without get sick, I know, and I will know why I got sick if I get sick, and I will know that I got sick because I did not live 100% with love.

... to be continue

Damian Alvarez

*Damián Alvarez's Articles are parts of Copyrighted Books, so all Rights Reserved.

Monday, November 28, 2022

Gifts for the Soul. This Christmas Give away the Books of the Grand Master Damián Alvarez. They will be eternally grateful

Be Brave, Be Yourself, Be Happy

The True Key to Happiness

Get the Book  "The True Key to Happiness"  (link),
by Damián Alvarez
Visit the  Author Page of Damián Alvarez  (link),
in the Amazon Publishing House

Walking through the Soul. A journey with return

walking through the soul

Get the Book  "Walking through the Soul"  (link),
by Damián Alvarez
Visit his  Author Page in the Amazon Editorial  (link)

The Power of Quartz Crystals in your Hands

Modern Crystal Therapy of the Tinerfe Healing System

Get the Book  "Modern Crystal Therapy of the Tinerfe Healing System"  (link), by Damián Alvarez
Visit his  Author Page in the Amazon Editorial  (link)

Overcome Depression and Live Life!

Depression for what? Live your life!

Get the Book  "Depression, what for? Live Life!"  (link),
by Damian Alvarez

Heal and Protect your Solar Plexus

He who controls his Solar Plexus controls the Universe

Get the Book  "He who controls his Solar Plexus controls the Universe"  (link), by Damián Alvarez.
Visit his  Author Page in the Amazon Editorial  (link)