Monday, March 28, 2022

Ethics and Morals of Reiki. The Reiki Master works for God

Be a Reiki Master. A Pleasure, a Right, a Choice

A Reiki Master will initiate whoever he sees fit. Being a Reiki Master is not an obligation, but a pleasure. The Reiki Master has no obligation towards other people, on the contrary, the Reiki Master has the right to deny an attunement or therapy to anyone who belittles or disrespects him or the Reiki Healing System. . I am aware that some associations have in their "statutes" as follows: "A Reiki Master or Therapist cannot deny healing or initiations to any person who asks for it". I have more than 20 years of experience in the field of Alternative Medicine and Healing, and many times over the course of a year I even have to expel patients or students who have disrespected me. To consider that Reiki Masters and Therapists are often attended by aggressive people, skeptical people, people with mental problems and even people with bipolar disorders, that is, people who do not pay attention to common sense, respect and consideration. In any case, repeat that a Reiki Master is not obligated to anything, nor does he owe anything to anyone, for the mere fact of being a Reiki Master. 

The Reiki Master will use his experience and common sense to choose his students.
The Reiki Master will choose his students based on common sense and professional experience. The "Story" that the student/disciple chooses/finds the Master when he is ready is just a myth. I would say that the Master chooses the disciple when the Master considers that the disciple is ready.

The Reiki Master must maintain professional secrecy or a vow of silence with absolute discretion.

The Reiki Master will maintain decorum, the same in therapies as in initiations. Many "stories" are heard about Reiki Masters asking their students or patients to remove their clothing (undress), on the grounds that the healing energies are best channeled through naked bodies. Never further from reality, think that if the healing energy crosses mountains, seas, continents, steel and concrete walls (such as during distance healing), because then it would not go through a few millimeters of fabric. My own opinion in this regard is that the so-called "Masters" ask their students or patients to take off their clothes does not say anything about the effectiveness of Reiki therapies or initiations, but it does say a lot about the sick and depraved mental state of those assumptions"

Reiki Therapies are always Performed with Clothes on

The Reiki Master will not prescribe but will recommend.

The Reiki Master will not send healing to third parties on behalf of seconds, but will always respect the free will of every human being.

The Reiki Master must fulfill what he promises in his announcements of courses and therapies, so as not to have any problem with "Consumer Rights". To be honest.

It would be great if the Reiki Master (if he really is) tried to comply with the "Reiki Principles" and "lead by example" ("by its fruits you will know the tree." Jesus).

A Reiki Master is not a medical doctor and will refrain from making diagnoses (if they are not metaphysical) and will never stop their patients medication should they take it.

The Reiki Master must take great care of himself (see "The Therapist's Care" in this same blog), and think first of himself, second of himself and third of himself, then he can take care of all the others ("what is it worth gaining the world if you lose yourself?" Jesus).

The Reiki Master should never act for exclusively selfish purposes, but work for the good of himself, the good of humanity, the good of the planet and the good of the universe. After all, a Reiki (divine energy) Master works for God.

Damian Alvarez
Reiki Master

Get the Book "Reiki and Karuna Ki" (link), by Grand Master Damián Alvarez.  
Visit his  Author Page on Amazon Publisher  (link)