Human beings, who fulfill their vital mission, relate to other beings (whether they are spiritual or not), in a loving way. On the other hand, human beings who do not live fulfilling their mission, that is, human beings who do not live according to their predetermined nature, those who are not themselves, usually have a relationship out of necessity or obligation with all other beings, even if they are. spiritual humans, beings of nature, angels, archangels, and even with God.
The relationship of the vast majority of human beings with the other beings in the universe is almost always selfish, self-interested, and of course negative. Just think who are the ones who are destroying the planet. Anger, resentment, hatred, envy, greed, vanity, pride, that is, fear (in all its forms), is what defines the relationship of the human being with all other beings.
Very few people approach God or other beings to give thanks, to share, to only exist in one with the Most High and with all. On the other hand, when people "things are not going well" according to their selfish interests, then they do approach God, but only to ask and ask, if not, God is bad, God is cruel, God is not fair. . They judge and condemn their Creator, many times after insulting him, denying him, despising him, ...
Imagine that you treated your parents, your partner or children, just as many treat God, it would be a completely negative relationship, right? ...
The interaction and energetic resonance between human beings and all other living beings always happens, whether they are spiritual beings or not. The difference is made by the frequency of the energies involved in the interaction. Analyze your life and discover if you are charging the universe with positive or negative energies. Remember that love is the highest frequency energy, and it is what makes the difference. Remember that the laws of karma are as wise as life.
This book will help you understand that your relationships go much further than those you have with your family, friends, neighbors or colleagues, and that your life, your way of being, can change the world for better or for worse. The future of the universe is in the great importance of your existence. Choose well.
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