Friday, November 13, 2020

The Solar Plexus and the Fears of the Human Being

Someone once wrote that "Fear was a Jail"
We Live Imprisoned no matter how Free we think we are

The fears, (we will call mental, emotional and physical), of the human being, show that love must flow through the entire System of Major Chakras, that is, through all aspects of life: Loving yourself is important but so is loving others, working with love or loving creation (including oneself).

Also, there are spiritual fears such as a bad conscience, being afraid of God or feeling guilty of any criminal planning, but we are going to focus on the fears directly related to the blocked or unbalanced Solar Plexus chakra. The following is a non-exhaustive list of fears in today's society:

The Fear of Impossible Sexual Expectations Complex and Sick

  • Fear to loneliness
  • Fear of failure, of making mistakes
  • Fear of not rising to the occasion
  • Fear of not finding a partner and starting a family
  • Fear of not having children, not leaving offspring
  • Fear of not being loved
  • Fear of not having friends
  • Fear of being taken for a fool
  • Fear of theft, deception, loss
  • Fear of losing your job
  • Fear of not having money
  • Fear of being "less" than others
  • Fear of not giving up in bed
  • Fear of being discriminated against
  • Fear of getting old
  • Fear of illness
  • Fear of death
  • Etc.
True Happiness does not depend on what you have but on what you are

All of these fears and many more are due to energy blockages in the Solar Plexus. Only insecure people (a symptom of the unbalanced chakra mentioned) suffer from these fears. But who or what has impregnated us with these fears, with these insecurities? Well, the negative education of this system and especially the publicity of the consumer world in which we live. Yes, advertising continues to educate us, or rather, badly educate us, to make us self-conscious, and thus "steal" us, not only our money, but also our time, and our energy, in the end, life.

It is easier for a self-conscious person to sell any product than to an independent, self-confident person, with a lot of self-love, so advertising tries to diminish that self-confidence and self-love in order to later be able to sell you "happiness" bottled, piped, bottled, filled, with four wheels, as a garment, a house to live in, a job or studies to have, etc.

In addition, advertising tends to emphasize the importance of friendly relations, but always with the bottle or mobile phone that they want to sell in between.
Couple relationships, to be happy, have to be sex machines, with executive jobs where they earn a lot of money, with children, young people, with the townhouse with a garage, and with a certain brand of car in that garage.

Don't let them fool you. Don't let them steal your dreams

The insecurity created by not having certain things or relationships that the system in general and the advertising system in particular instills in society, creates a lot of fear, so much fear that many commit suicide when they do not achieve what the system says they "must have" in order to "be someone" and be "happy".

I am a fairly self-confident person so I realize that that ad of the young man, supposedly handsome, in a suit, with gold bracelets, a brand watch, who drives a yacht drinking champagne with a "blonde beauty in bikini "behind his back he is NOT much better than me, and even less happier than me, because I know that we all have a soul, and whoever does not heal his soul, always lives in fear of many possessions or" friends "you have.

I am also fully aware that the "photography" described above is an attempt by the advertising system to instill in the human mind what they want us to create "is happiness", and what they want our dreams to occupy.

I once wrote:  "don't believe the devil's lies, understand that the devil is a liar."
Play it as you like.

Everything is for the good of humanity.

30 Years Healing and Educating the World