Sunday, April 19, 2020

Teaching of Jesus Christ: We are all One

The True Passion of Christ was Psychic

Yes it is. More than 2,000 years ago, an incarnate archangel, with the human name Jesus the Christ, showed us with his teachings that all human beings were united, that we were all one.

Jesus of Nazareth, also sacrificed his body, for healing with his soul the sins of humanity, demonstrating with his action that all human beings (at least), perhaps also all spiritual beings, are united.

The true "Passion of Christ" was not the one who received lashes, who was crucified, ... The true "Passion of Christ" was internal: Feel with your soul, the sick soul of all humanity and heal it through your body spiritual. How else could I have done it?

That the Physical Body does not Separate our Souls

The teachings of Jesus predecessors to the "crucifixion" demonstrate this:

"That they may all be one, in You, Father, as I am one in You." In the previous sentence, Jesus illustrates that we are all one in God or that we can all be one in God, just as Jesus himself is also one in God.

The phrase "who has seen me has also seen the Father" echoes that we are all created in the image and likeness of God and are part of Him.

When was the last time you fed Jesus Christ?

A quote from Jesus that always impressed me, but that I believed was due to sin through impure thoughts, and that today I know for sure that Jesus Christ was referring to the energetic interaction between people's sacral chakras is the following: "He who desires the wife of his neighbor is already sinning in his" thoughts. "Sexual desire connects human beings as if it were a" real "physical sexual act, if not, why the posture of Jesus?

"Love your enemies," is a reminder that "your enemy is you" or that "your enemy is part of you." As we treat others, so we will feel, because you and your neighbor are united , and the same unites love as hate (through energetic interaction).

The keys are: "Love one another as I have loved you", "Love your neighbor as yourself", "Love your neighbor's son as well as yours", because really, your neighbor's son is just like yours, and if you love it, your child will also feel loved.

"I knocked on your door and you did not open" Jesus Christ

The quote from Jesus Christ that I use a lot in my classes, and that I love, is when one of his disciples asks him: "Jesus, if a man becomes a widower and marries again, who will his wife be in the next life, the first or second? and Jesus Christ answers more or less that in the spiritual world there were no labels that separated us by gender, nationality, age, etc., but we were all the same.

"Jesus, your mother and your brother are out here "and Jesus answers him: who is my mother and my brother but the one who does the will of my Father".

And to confirm my hypothesis, what do you tell me about the teaching that follows ?: "I was hungry and you did not give me to eat, I was thirsty and you did not give me to drink, knock on your door and they did not open me and you will ask me (continue Jesus Christ) when were you hungry and we did not give you food, when you were thirsty and we did not give you drink, when you knocked on our door and we did not open to you? And I will answer them: "every time they denied your neighbor they denied me "

Jesus of Nazareth. High Level Metaphysical Teachings

Believe or not in Jesus Christ, believe or not in his teachings, what is totally clear is that he was and will be the "greatest man in the world", and if they do not believe in the "Laws of interaction and energetic resonance between human beings "For this reason, neither the aforementioned laws nor the teachings of Jesus Christ will cease to exist.

What is clear is that if we followed the teachings of Jesus Christ, all of humanity's problems would disappear spontaneously.

Do not rebel, better love your neighbor.
Do not manifest yourself, better love your neighbor.
Do not fight, better love your neighbor.

... and loves God above all things ... "He who has ears to hear and he who has eyes to see", as Jesus Christ would say.

Damián Alvarez in

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