Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Circle of Protección against Corona Virus. Light networks Reiki Healing and Protection of the World

Circle of Healing. Red Light Reiki against Corona Virus

I, Damian Alvarez, creator of the Healing System Tinerfe and Grand Master of Reiki and Karuna Ki,  
I invite  all the Masters of the Healing System Tinerfe and all Grand Masters and Reiki Masters of the world to join this  Healing Circle of 
 "Network of Light" against the virus crown and towards the Earth and Humanity. I, Damian Alvarez, I bring all my heart  my  "Red Light" and I join this Network International Masters in Healing and Healers against the pandemic virus crown and have balance on the planet and Peace, love and solidarity among all Human beings,  all children of  God and heirs of the Earth.

Red Light protection and healing of all mankind

We also  encourage  every  one  who is able to make a "Red Light" Mandála, or work in a serious way  with crystals  of Quartz, Antahkarana, etc., to join such a positive initiative with  its "Network of Light" and Energy healing against Corona Virus. Teachers belonging to the Tinerfe Healing System can show their support by publishing their "Network of Light" in their respective blogs.
Damian Alvarez and Healing System Tinerfe against Corona Virus

Anyone interested, length and width of the planet, you can send if desired, photographs of their "Networks of Light" and comments to the following email address: Photographs of the "Network of Light "they will be published in the blog of the Healing System Tinerfe. All for a better, healthier, more balanced and more united!

* Note that if you reinforce your "Red Light" with Cuarzos Venturinas Roses and Green (as seen in the pictures), also will heal the lungs and the heart of the sick and will reinforce the immune system of humans.

Damian Alvarez in

Get completely free book  "Natural Prevention and Treatment of Corona Virus (Covid-19 virus that shit)" (link), by Damian Alvarez