Thursday, October 17, 2024

Dare to Make Love like an Angel. Dare to Make Love with an "Angel"

Making Love Like an Angel

Dare to Make Love like an Angel
Dare to Make Love with an "Angel"

Did you know how sensitive the chakras are to caresses, kisses and the sound of erotic words?

Did you know that between the anus and the genitals there is a chakra almost as important as the one that connects us to God?

Did you know that an unlimited force of desire and passion is concentrated in the dorsal part of your sacral chakra?

Did you know that there are many minor chakras around the mouth and lips, as well as in the genitals, both male and female?

Did you know that the minor chakras in the armpits, groin, buttocks, kneecaps, under the feet and around the neck are just as sensitive and erotic as the major chakras?

Did you know that sexual desire is contagious, and unites both body and soul?

Did you know that orgasm is energetic, and heals and unblocks the chakras?

Develop yourself spiritually while enjoying sex, learning to make love like an angel with the power of love.

Get the book  "Making Love Like an Angel"  (link),
by Damian Alvarez.
Visit his  Author Page on Amazon  (link)

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

The Music of Healing: The Sound of Love

When was the last time someone whispered in your ear?

Thanks to the interaction and energetic resonance between human beings, a healer is supposed to be able to produce a wonderful symphony in the body and soul of the recipient of the therapy, even if it sounds out of tune at first, which is what therapy is for.

That is healing, a song of praise and glory to love, to life, and to God, a tuning of the soul so that it vibrates (sounds) with the same frequency as the Great Song of the Creator, and therefore produces that reconnection between the human soul and the Almighty, but not always, in truth, it is almost never like that.

Please note that the topic we are discussing is unknown to the vast majority of people, including those in our field. Think: When was the last time someone sang you a lullaby, whispered sweet words in your ear, moaned and sighed in unison with your moans and sighs?

How long has it been since someone sang a song to you?

Many, or perhaps only some "new lovers", could answer positively (or, as we would wish) to this last question, but it has been music created unconsciously, spontaneously, and it does not usually last, which is commonly called "Cupid's arrow". Few people, perhaps none, will answer "just yesterday my husband or wife sang me a "lullaby", and I ended up falling asleep in his or her arms while I also sang with him or her".

I am an experienced therapist, and only after almost thirty years of practice, and more than thirty thousand therapies, have I been able to introduce soft moans, whispers and sighs, among other sounds (all of them healing, comforting, calming, relaxing, exciting) into healing sessions.

Sighs mean that energy has begun to flow, to reach where it had not reached for a long time. Sighs are proof that the person has relaxed, opened up, gotten rid of fears, has begun to breathe, to live, in short.

Pleasant Sounds Reach the Soul, Reach the Heart

The soft, small moans show that the chakras are "coming into their own" state, that is, that they really should be in, be in, vibrate. They occur after energetic blockages have been removed. A soft moan means "that's good, I like it, this is how I should feel, this is wonderful, this is how I want to live, oh, how good."

What I am telling you, which is exclusive, is only accepted and interpreted positively by one percent of my patients. Even a smaller percentage dares to enter into resonance with me and sigh with me or sing with me (even if deep down they want to), because their prejudices and taboos prevent them from doing so. Telling you that finishing the therapies softly humming a short melody, and that your patient continues humming it back to you, is worthless, I assure you.

Positive Sounds Heal Because They Are Expressions of Love

We realize, and very clearly, that positive sounds (although not always called "music"), unite us, protect us, heal us, love us, ...

This is how all our relationships should be:  "A comforting song of full happiness to life and love, for one's own enjoyment and that of others."

As you may have noticed, God is not stupid, the soul is wise, and life is wonderful. If we used the natural spiritual potential with which our Creator has endowed us, we would literally live in glory.

*Damián Alvarez's articles are part of Copyrighted Books, so all rights are reserved.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Chakras and Eroticism

The Eroticism of the Chakras.
A Work by Damián Alvarez

Have you ever stopped to think how erotic and sexy the human soul can be? There has been much talk about the inner beauty of human beings, but without (really) explaining anything about it.
It is true that kindness, gentleness, kindness (expressions of love in all their forms) attract, seduce. Yes, love is erotic, love is sexy. In fact, when we have sex with people we respect and/or love, we are talking about "making love" and not just "having sex."
We are attracted to balanced, centered, relaxed, lively, happy chakras. We are attracted to people who radiate light, to people who shine, like moths in the light of a street lamp.
Damian Alvarez

Get the book  "The Eroticism of the Chakras"  (link), by Damián Alvarez
Visit  his  Author Page on Amazon Publishing  (link)

Monday, October 14, 2024

Table of the Healer and Therapist by the Quartz Crystals

The Crystal Table therapist. Damian Alvarez

It is best to have certain crystals to treat your patients and certain crystals for personal use. It is not good to treat yourself with the crystals you use to treat other people. Of course you can clean them energetically, but I recommend that you only use for yourself those that you have special affection for. Keep in mind that these crystals will be with you for the rest of your life. In any case, you deserve your own crystals, for exclusive personal use.

Look, if you have to transport the glasses, it is better to have a small tool box or a screw box with its compartments that you can put in a backpack or carry (screw box), under your arm, like a folder. You can line the compartments with cotton for better protection of the glasses.

Crystal Layouts are best learned on a Table

Keep in mind that quartz crystals have different molecular structures and therefore different hardness, so they can scratch, break and even fall apart when in contact with each other. Never put generators next to cabochons (for example), because the tips of the generators will break. Druses can also break when in contact with other druses or other crystals. Tourmalines, for example, are very fragile and often fall apart. It is also not a good idea to wrap all the crystals in cloth or paper every day to transport them.

The best thing, what I recommend, is that you get a small table with wheels that you will cover with a white cloth, and that you place the crystals on that table according to the crystal therapy instructions, and that you leave it in your office.

Tables with wheels are of great help to the crystal therapist

This way of working has 4 meanings: First, you learn the crystal therapy arrangements by always seeing them placed as they should be. Second, it will be better to put them on the patient and return them in the same position to the table, which, from now on, we will call the "Crystal Therapy Table". Third, you can take the table with wheels behind you while you do the Therapy, without breaking the energetic contact of your hands with the patient, since you will hold them with one hand while with the other you will be touching the recipient of the Therapy. Not to mention that quartz crystals will look better (always), and will expand their energies and light in the environment if they are in the open air and not locked in a bag.

Quartz crystals have a therapeutic and healing effect with their mere presence, creating peace and joy around them and blessing the eyes of those who see them with their brightness and light.

34 Years Healing and Educating the World

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Gifts for the Soul. Give the Books of the Grand Master Damián Alvarez. They Will Thank You Eternally

Be Brave, Be Yourself, Be Happy

The True Key to Happiness

Get the Book  "The True Key to Happiness"  (link),
by Damián Alvarez
Visit the  Author Page of Damián Alvarez  (link),
on the Amazon Editorial

Walking through the Soul. A Journey with Return

Walking through the Soul

Get the book  "Walking for the Soul"  (link),
by Damián Alvarez
Visit his  Author Page on Amazon Publishing  (link)

The Power of Quartz Crystals in your Hands

Modern Crystal Therapy of the Tinerfe Healing System

Get the book  "Modern Crystal Therapy of the Tinerfe Healing System"  (link), by Damián Alvarez
Visit his  Author Page on the Amazon Editorial  (link)

Overcome Depression and Live Life!

Depression, why? Live Life!

Get the book  "Depression, why? Live Life!"  (link),
by Damian Alvarez

Heal and Protect your Solar Plexus

He who controls his solar plexus controls the universe

Get the book  "He who controls his Solar Plexus controls the Universe"  (link), by Damián Alvarez.
Visit his  Author Page on Amazon's Editorial  (link)

Saturday, October 12, 2024



Anxiety, any blockage in the Solar Plexus that produces such emotional pain that the person in question seeks methods of evasion in order to avoid that pain. For example, methods of evasion would be eating a lot, smoking too much, biting one's nails... and "running away" precisely to avoid feeling.

To understand it better: Anxiety is the nervousness in the pit of the stomach.

Beatriz Pallés

Friday, October 11, 2024

Depression, Anguish, Anxiety, Tachycardia, Dizziness...

We Are All One

Today's medicine is missing too many things.
When a patient comes to a consultation with these symptoms, they are immediately prescribed Tranquimazin, Valium, Prosac... among the most recommended. No one can "escape from what they are really feeling", in reality what we should do is learn to heal these symptoms.
Everyone should know that there is Vibrational Medicine, specifically Healing, in order to heal their Life, pain, dizziness, depression, anxiety, tachycardia without having to go to a doctor or ingest substances with harmful side effects for the patient's health. People do not want medicine, but to be healed. If only 5% of the publicity that has been given to School Medicine had been dedicated to Healing, doctors would not have the slightest chance compared to Therapists-Healers.
When you have an accident, a surgical intervention, or a broken bone, modern medicine has a solution for it because the diagnosis is physical, but when it is not, we should turn to healing as the best solution to the problem.

For example: A patient goes to a doctor's office because she feels a strong pressure in her chest. The doctor will do an electrocardiogram and at first he will tell her that there is nothing in her heart, but he will prescribe something for the pressure that the patient feels.
It is not better to learn how to remove that pressure in the chest due to a blockage of energies than to leave it there, until it is too late.

We are all the Universe

Healing is within everyone's reach and should be for everyone, since we are all healers and we all feel for everyone, since we are all one.
The Tinerfe Natural and Therapeutic System publishes hundreds of articles related to the above. What's more, hundreds of articles where we affirm as Therapists and Professionals of the World of Vibrational Medicine that we are Energy Bodies in Interaction with each other, that we all feel discomfort, pain, emotions, feelings, thoughts of others and not our own.

For example: If I meet someone on the street and we talk, I can feel a headache, or pressure in the chest, anxiety and it is not mine but the other person's. It has been many years of work and many years of experience and of course I am totally convinced that it is really true.
This is a great step for Humanity. I would dare to say, one of the greatest. Knowing that even the symptoms and illnesses do not have to be from our origin, but that we feel them from other unbalanced Energy Bodies, and therefore our own unbalances us. This is where Healing would be used to be able to remove, balance and heal that illness, and those symptoms such as pain, dizziness, tachycardia, depression, anxiety, psychic tension, insomnia, restlessness, panic, fear, etc., etc.

Do not believe that your symptoms are yours, because if you do not carry trauma, pain, frustration and you lead a balanced life, you should not get sick, because illnesses do not come alone nor are they a punishment from God, so heal yourself and learn to heal.
With healing you will also fill your life with peace, harmony and happiness