Monday, March 10, 2025

Healing and curative properties of the golden color

Golden Color. Greatness, Power, Purity, Glory, Law and Divine Order

The color of divinity. The energies with the highest vibrational frequency. God, the Whole, the Human Soul raised to its maximum power. Energetic and physical power. Respect, Divine Love, Law and Order. Purity, Greatness, Glory. All of the above written in large capital letters.

The Gold color impresses, no doubt, in combination with the White color it causes great respect and admiration, it is associated with Purity, great Power and Innocence and Divine Goodness.
On the other hand, in combination with the silver color, it demonstrates the manifested duality of Unity. It shows and symbolizes that we are also part of the Universe, of the Whole.

The Gold color has always been used to build churches and sacred temples, to instill respect and strength. Gold also creates, it gives off the highest energies that can be found in creation. God, the Creator is Gold.

High Energy Protection. Golden Vibrational Frequency

The Three Wise Men (Master Astrologers, Alchemists and Magicians) brought Jesus as gifts, days after his birth, the highest thing known at that time, to confirm his divinity: Gold, Incense and Myrrh. This is still the case, Gold continues to symbolize Power and Wealth, but not only material but also Spiritual.

Temples dedicated to God (in biblical times) were built with sandalwood and Gold to create such high energies within them that God himself could manifest (as in the Ark of the Covenant).
Many healing energies are visualized or produce the golden color. All deities in all times have always had their golden "touch."

The golden color stimulates enthusiasm, increases physical beauty, counteracts fatigue and amplifies the individual's ability to recover and self-heal. It gives off charisma, strength, a sense of self-control and temperance.

Therapeutically, the color Gold is used to amplify the energies of other colors, to balance at a high energetic level, to heal in all aspects, levels and dimensions. Gold inspires enthusiasm, energy, vigor.

Spiritual Gold. Great Divine Prize of Incalculable Value

Gold is very effective in treating heart-related illnesses. Anthropomorphites use it instead of nitroglycerin to "wake up" weak hearts. Any heart ailment can be improved with tonics or elixirs made with Gold. After any surgery, whether on the heart or another organ or part of the body, the color Gold helps the sick individual to fully recover, achieving homeostasis.
Gold, like Silver, can be used with benefit in therapies to eliminate harmful bacteria and viruses and to treat cancerous forms.

The vibrational frequency of Gold is the best possible energetic protection, not because it represents God, but because the elevated golden energies are so strong that no other energy can pass through them, breaking apart upon contact with the Golden frequency.
Remember the Alchemists, who trying to transmute non-noble metals into gold, what they achieved was to transmute their Souls into True Spiritual Gold by practicing Patience, Perseverance, Constancy, Hope, etc., etc.

Get the book  "Meaning and Therapeutic Use of Colors in Vibrational Medicine"  (link), by  Damián Alvarez
Visit his  Author Page on the Amazon Editorial  (link)

Sunday, March 9, 2025

Healing and curative properties of the lemon yellow color

Lemon Yellow. Light Magic, Development, Activity, Metamorphosis

Lemon Yellow refreshes the body, mind and soul. It detoxifies the physical body, but also the emotional and mental body, bringing traumas and emotions associated with it to the surface. Once on the surface, trauma and the emotions and feelings associated with it can be eliminated by themselves in a natural way, for example when crying or laughing, or more easily with other Vibrational Therapies or Healing.

Metaphysically, Lemon Yellow represents joviality, the warmth and strength of youth, the will to live and the mental clarity and boldness that overcomes everything. It represents a good memory, speed of thought, although not much concentration and discipline. The difference between Lemon Yellow and common Yellow is the strength that the former has to develop, to change, to move forward in search of mental adventures.

Lemon Yellow also produces vitality, activity, stimulation, movement. While the Green content of this colour helps to grow, develop, change, "cleanse" the previous life, undertake uncertain adventures, Yellow gives the power of psychic security, intuition, vigor, physical strength and self-confidence that is needed for all development.

Since Lemon Yellow activates the left hemisphere of the brain (intuition) revitalizing and stimulating the brain, it is used therapeutically to treat diseases linked to this organ, such as Dementia, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, etc. But it not only activates the brain, it also rejuvenates it.

Lemon Yellow Color. Dynamic, Intelligent, Carefree Youth

Lemon yellow is also used in color therapies to purify, detoxify, and purify physical, mental, emotional, and sentimental toxins, such as negative thoughts and emotions.

This color is used chromatically to treat all gastrointestinal problems and appendicitis, as it favors digestion, the assimilation of nutrients, and all natural digestive processes, rejuvenating the digestive system as well as the brain. It

is also recommended to strengthen tissues and bones, especially in young people in physical development and in elderly people who require extra help to keep their skeleton in good shape.

Finally, it should be said that lemon yellow symbolizes the magic of photosynthesis, being able to absorb light (yellow color) to convert it into life (green color). It is a symbol of the power that spiritual development could have in human life and the rejuvenation of the soul.

Get the book  "Meaning and Therapeutic Use of Colors in Vibrational Medicine"  (link), by  Damián Alvarez
Visit his  Author Page on the Amazon Editorial  (link)

Friday, March 7, 2025

Healing and curative properties of the color green

Divine Light makes the Green color grow in our Hearts

The color Green is not only the color of Hope, but also of other Virtues such as Faith and Temperance. Green predisposes to personal fulfillment, it helps the Ego to manifest its ideals. Green keeps us balanced by making the sowing of our ideas grow into material crops. No matter how much we have Faith or Hope, the color Green helps us to move, to grow, to have a balance between ideas and action, and so that not everything remains just unrealized projects. It converts the Spiritual Light into a physical path to follow. It drives us to be stronger, more secure, more stable every day.

The color Green makes everything grow, both on the outside and on the inside. Green makes us grow as people. It balances the spiritual world with the physical world. It balances our personal Ego with the Higher Ego that divides, shares and distributes, all of us being “plants” with the same “root.” It also balances thought and action, masculine and feminine energies, giving and receiving, doing and resting.

The most abundant color on the face of the Earth, bringing us peace, tranquility, rest, security, protection, healing, relaxation.

Green is also the color of friendship. It undoes differences derived from prejudices, taboos and erroneous beliefs of our heart. It brings us closer to our neighbors as equals, where we can feel safe in our relationships and where we can be ourselves and allow others to be themselves.

Green Color. Security, Peace and Abundance for All Humanity

Green protects us with its security and temperance from false prophets and guides, whether they are political, military or spiritual, impostors, deceivers, tricksters. But it also protects us from ourselves, from letting too much light blind our eyes, from using spirituality as a method of evading reality, but as a path to physical, earthly, real personal fulfillment.

Therapeutically, Green is used to treat the nervous system for its sedative qualities. Due to its calming properties, it can be used in the treatment of all inflammatory states. It can also be used in postoperative cases for its healing and growth qualities.
Effective for treating lung and cardiovascular conditions.
In reality, with Green we can treat any type of disease or dysfunction due to its healing therapeutic qualities.
It also helps in mental and brain disorders, healing the subconscious and relaxing psychic tension.
The color Green is NEVER used in the treatment of tumors or other forms of cancer, since it could cause these malignant conditions to grow.

Metaphysically, Green is the color of the “True Religion”, the one that protects and shelters you. A “World Religion” in constant development, where we would all be, equally, priests of the same God and the main goal would be to heal the Planet and Humanity, thereby achieving Peace and Abundance for all children of the same God...

Get the book  "Meaning and Therapeutic Use of Colors in Vibrational Medicine"  (link), by  Damián Alvarez
Visit his  Author Page on the Amazon Editorial  (link)

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Healing and curative properties of the color blue

Blue Color. Union of Sky and Sea. Spiritual Emotions

The color Blue fills our Soul with Peace, Faith and Hope, it is the color of the future, of tomorrow, of a better World.
Harmony, peace, illusion, creative inspiration and creative expression, higher aspirations, personal and spiritual development.

The color Blue encourages us to change, to learn new things, to look towards the horizon, to look towards the sky, to improve as people, to join others, to share wisdom and knowledge, to write, read, study, compose and listen to music.
Blue unites the sky and the sea, spirituality with passions, inspiration and creation, communication with the loving sexual act, freedom with life.

Blue awakens the senses, it is fresh air like the color Turquoise, but a more serious, more secure color, full of clear ideas that we want to manifest, put into practice.

With the color Blue we plan healthily to create a dynamic and satisfactory life. Blue eliminates fear from our good thoughts and good ideas, thus being able to reach personal fulfillment.

Color of teachers, professors, poets, writers, composers, musicians, speakers, but also the color of the student, of the avid reader, of the listener.

Blue. Higher Aspirations for Personal and Spiritual Development

Therapeutically, this color is used to treat all conditions related to the throat, ears and nose. It can also treat eye conditions caused by “not seeing” reality. The entire respiratory system and the venous system are “refreshed” with the blue color.
Blue really refreshes all the body systems, lowering blood pressure and providing stillness, calm, and relaxation to our energy system.
It is also effective in treating all childhood illnesses such as asthma, chickenpox, jaundice, etc. But it is also very beneficial in the treatment of illnesses related to old age such as varicose veins, rheumatism, and arthritis.

Together with its complementary color, it awakens intuition, artistic inspiration, and combats loneliness.
Being a masculine color, it unconditionally accepts the feminine intuitive light, unlike Navy Blue, which is a more rigid color.

Metaphysically, it is the color of change and spiritual development, but not only personal but at the level of all Humanity. God inspires us to bring heaven down to earth, to turn the planet we live on into a heavenly paradise. To succumb to temptations and excessive materialism for the sake of the well-being of the planet and all of Humanity. To realize the things that are really important and have meaning in life. To realize that the best things in life do not cost money, like inner peace, love, elevated thoughts, the sky, the sea, the fresh breeze, the warmth of the sun, the power to see, smell, hear, feel...

Get the book  "Meaning and Therapeutic Use of Colors in Vibrational Medicine"  (link), by  Damián Alvarez
Visit his  Author Page on the Amazon Editorial  (link)

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Healing and curative properties of the color turquoise

Turquoise Color. Paradise. Heaven and Earth the only Reality

Turquoise is a carefree, light, youthful, excessively active color. Dreams of Peace, Love, Happiness and Freedom.
Turquoise has no taboos or prejudices. It implants in our mind and soul the desires, the hope of freedom.

Outdoor and fresh activities, contact with nature and with other human beings, but without any kind of restraint. Bathing naked in the sea, rolling in the fresh grass, shouting to the four winds “how wonderful life is” and “how happy I am.”

Turquoise is paradise where heaven and earth mix with respect, love and consideration, but without all the responsibilities and ways of being, customs, unnecessary erroneous beliefs that the system has implanted in our hearts.
The Turquoise Blue color really “breaks chains.” It frees the caged bird so that it can fly through the blue sky completely free.

Agile communication, without fear of making mistakes, without owing anything to anyone, without any explanation. My life is mine, I am here to live and enjoy and nothing else.

Turquoise can be used in many ways during therapies, from the treatment of skin diseases to the therapeutic use of lowering fever and various inflammations due to excess heat, red color, concentration of energy, infections in certain parts of the body or in the entire body.

Turquoise. Airs of Freedom. The mere fact of Being Yourself

Being a cooling color, it is used to treat throat infections and other respiratory system conditions. Also, as we have said before, Turquoise is beneficial to treat all kinds of skin conditions and inflammations.

But the most common use of this valuable color is in the treatment of diseases associated with the respiratory system such as asthma and bronchitis, especially those in children, since these are usually manifested by the abuse of power or too much oppressive love of parents over children who are "not allowed to breathe."

Turquoise also cleanses and revitalizes all internal organs since it purifies the blood and supplies it with oxygen.

Metaphysically, Turquoise Blue cleanses and protects from negative energies (for this purpose the American Indians used it with their Turquoise crystals). It helps in communication and also in development, whether physical, mental, sentimental, emotional or spiritual.
Yearning for a better world governed by God, where all human beings can live in freedom, without fear. The only thing that really exists is heaven and earth. The earth, our physical sustenance and the sky, the greatness of our Soul. Fear darkens the color Turquoise in such a way that it does not let it shine...

Get the book  "Meaning and Therapeutic Use of Colors in Vibrational Medicine"  (link), by  Damián Alvarez
Visit his  Author Page on the Amazon Editorial  (link)

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Healing and curative properties of the color brown

Chestnut Color. Invitation to Recollection, to Stillness, to Peace

Comfort, home, contemplation, stillness, temperance, security, a feeling of peace and tranquillity, stability, foundation, earth.

The colour Chestnut reminds us of all physical reality, the reality of sowing time and harvest time. The reality that even if tomorrow seems dark, there can always be a positive change, even if it is based on hard work and effort.

Chestnut is the warmth of the home fire. Lazy nights, of memories and ancestral tales. The colour of traditions and of not letting ourselves be fooled by those who sell you uncertain futures, but of realistic and practical support behind decisions. Chestnut takes us back a little, “perhaps it is better to wait for tomorrow”, it helps us not to be impulsive and not “throw ourselves” after life, but to let life come to us and experience it passively, just enjoying it, absorbing it, collecting back the energies that we used actively in the past, to recover and recharge ourselves with energy.

Chestnut is the color of Temperance, yes, but also the color of Patience, of Calm, of Stability, of Discernment, of Common Sense. Of knowing how to choose between what is good and what is apparently good, but really is not.

Brown color is effective in the treatment of nymphomania

Therapeutically, Chestnut is mainly used to instil stability in cases of over-excitement, so it is very effective in combating childhood hyperactivity and excessively fiery passions such as Nymphomania.
It also calms emotions and extreme mental disorders, providing common sense, order and self-control, not allowing us to do crazy things. Chestnut roots us, making us aware that we must “keep both feet on the ground.”

The color Brown can be used to stabilize all body systems and charge them with energy without over-exciting them. A very good color for all people who work with the land, in the fields, such as farmers, who perhaps need extra energy as a result of their physical body work.

Metaphysically, it can be explained as the color, the self-assured light, not due to unfounded illusions, but based on deep discernment and totally practical work that provides the security of doing things well.

The color Chestnut is our Ego manifested on earth thanks to our creative energies, but also thanks to the telluric energies of nature. For this reason it is the color of farmers, who need nature to manifest their thoughts.
If we analyze the color Chestnut we will observe the simple bright tone, the golden touch, the divine brushstroke, the loving light, which the cultivated land needs to grow and become a harvest.

Get the book  "Meaning and Therapeutic Use of Colors in Vibrational Medicine"  (link), by  Damián Alvarez
Visit his  Author Page on the Amazon Editorial  (link)

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Healing and curative properties of the orange color

Orange. Dawn of a new day that we hope will never end.

Orange is the color of passion, but not only of sexual passion derived from libido, but also of passion for life. The passion of falling in love. Of falling in love with oneself, with God, with work, with one's partner, with the planet, with the Universe.

Passion is created, it develops. Kundalini energy only sleeps momentarily in your Soul, waiting for you to awaken it and apply it to every moment and situation in life. Kundalini energy is an infinite flow, it never ends and the more you use it, the closer you get to it, the more powerful it becomes.

Orange rejuvenates, gives strength, vigor, fortitude. It is the energy of creation and maintenance.
This color activates our life, filling it with optimism, creativity, willpower, desire for fulfillment, and sexual stimulation.

It governs the circulatory system, which is why it has a lot to do with sexual stimulation, but also with all the stimuli of life. Blood is life, life has to move, blood has to circulate, life has to circulate.

Orange Color. Passion for Living. Warm Emotions

The color Orange balances excessive sexual drive and overwork, and activates and encourages lazy people in any form, charging them with vital energy.
It is the color of artists, creators, whether they are painters, sculptors, gardeners, cleaning ladies/ladies, etc.

It is also the color of fiery passions, eroticism, sensuality, desire, sexual attraction, conquest, and gallantry. It is the force that brings two people together to create new lives and, in the meantime, enjoy life.

The color Orange also balances our emotions, eliminating frustration, despair, impatience, stress, anger, resentment, and rage from our lives.

The color Orange does not create out of vice, out of duty, or for money; it creates to fulfill itself, to feel good about itself, to enjoy itself. The perfect orange color is the one that drives us to create for God and for God and to enjoy it through personal satisfaction. It is the color of the original creators, and with it we can treat all the frustrated people who live off of plagiarism and will never feel completely fulfilled because they consider themselves incapable of creating something new on their own.
The orange color is the energy that pushes our ideals to become reality.

Orange Color. Dreams without Taboos. Enjoy Life. 

Therapeutically, the color Orange is used to treat all diseases associated with the elimination organs of the body such as the adrenal and renal organs, the bladder and the entire urinary system. It
can also successfully treat all conditions of the reproductive and circulatory systems.
This color can be used to charge the body's energy reserves and revitalize convalescent patients.
Orange is effective in the treatment of emotional paralysis and depression, as it instills a desire to live. But be careful! Excessive amounts of Orange can upset the nerves and cause irritability, anger and states of overexcitement or hyperactivity such as nymphomania, stress, restlessness, destruction, etc.

Metaphysically, the color Orange is the dawn of a new day full of many things to do. It is a jovial color, full of desire to live, full of joy, full of passions to discover and enjoy. Orange is the "Sun still bathed in Moonlight", "the day has not yet begun but I do not want it to ever end". The colour that gives strength to our emotions and the emotions behind our energies. It is the colour of "what we know is waiting for us" and that we will achieve if we really put a little passion into it.
Furtive friendships, uncertain adventures, erotic dreams without restraint, uninhibited enjoyment...

Groups of hope to improve the world that work actively and selflessly. Creators of themselves and helpers of the less fortunate but with the same right to be happy. Helpers of God on Earth, creators of their lives...

Get the book  "Meaning and Therapeutic Use of Colors in Vibrational Medicine"  (link), by  Damián Alvarez
Visit his  Author Page on the Amazon Editorial  (link)