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Warlords are just children eager to be loved |
We have already seen that all human beings have an inner child that is somewhere between “who we think we are” (blocked and unbalanced Ego/Solar Plexus) and what we “really are” (divine essence, Tan-tien). We also know that this “inner child” suffers from emotional, sentimental, and psychic wounds.
Warlords, regardless of their color, race, religion or nationality, are no exception.
I once wrote that wars do not begin in one country or another, but rather they begin in the family nucleus, and that is undoubtedly the case.
Whether they are high-ranking military officers, rulers, politicians, kings, clan chiefs or heads of families, they can all be considered “warlords” if their actions destroy the planet and other human beings.
But why do these gentlemen (and ladies, of course) destroy?
To find a logical answer (which no one has yet given) we must first and always consider what leads man to commit unworthy acts against other living beings.
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Everyone who makes war is a child with emotional wounds |
All human beings have a system of seven chakras, and the Sacral chakra is the one we use to create or destroy. The Sacral chakra, like any other chakra, has seven levels. A person with a balanced Sacral chakra shows that he or she is a satisfied person, who is happy with his or her life. On the other hand, a person with an unbalanced and/or blocked chakra becomes a destructive, perverse, aggressive person. The Sacral chakra is unbalanced by frustrations and disappointments, which inevitably end in anger that further unbalances this energetic center of the human spiritual anatomy.
Frustrations and disappointments can be spiritual, sentimental, emotional and even mental and physical (the seven levels of the chakra).
The main frustrations of human beings are, (due to the use of their energy at a very low frequency level), caused, above all, by sexual frustrations. Frustrations in love, creativity and personal fulfillment also play an important role in the imbalance of the chakra that is supposed to be sacred.
So, knowing the above and by a simple and completely logical “rule of three”, we can say with complete certainty that the “warlords” are really frustrated, bitter, impotent, dissatisfied lords, ...
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Don't fight anymore for our Planet. You don't need to prove anything. We love you just the way you are. We know your pain and We know the cure. |
I know from my own professional experience that sexual frustrations can lead to anger, rage, rage, resentment, etc., all of which are symptoms that can be found in the “warlords”. But the worst frustration that exists is the emotional one, the love one. Love disappointments leave deep marks on the soul of those who suffer from them, which if they are not healed, they will carry with them for the rest of their lives, with the atrocious consequences for the rest of humanity that are seen today.
By the same “rule of three”, we deduce then, that the “warlords” are emotionally frustrated people, people who suffer for love.
The “warlords”, however powerful they may appear to be, show with their attitude that they are just little children who want to be loved, to be wanted, to be told what they are worth. The “warlords” are really small, weak, insignificant, self-conscious people, lacking self-confidence and self-love.
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Don't make war anymore, come and cry with us. You will be healed. |
I remember that when I did my military service, it was often said among the “militiamen” that behind a soldier with a bad temper there was a woman who dominated him, made him feel inferior and mistreated him. It could also be the other way around, mind you! That the man mistreats and makes his wife, a military man, a governor, etc. feel inferior, and that is how it is, no more and no less. Although I do not believe that love frustrations always come from being an adult, no more and no less, but rather they usually occur in childhood, and the parents, educators, etc., of the children are the cause. What is commonly called emotional deficiencies are simply love frustrations.
So, all I have left to say is that the “warlords”, instead of throwing bombs or stones at each other, should lower their arms to the level of their hearts and open them and ask for that love, those hugs that they need, that they desire more than anything in life.
Here we are, also waiting with open arms, to give them those hugs, affection, love, consideration, appreciation, that will heal the wounded hearts of those “Mr. children of war.”
Stop kicking and screaming on the ground. We love you. You are good and diligent. We already know that your disputes and quarrels are only your unconscious way of asking for love. We already know that your parents did not give you the love you so desired. Come, take off those masks you wear and cry on our chests, you will heal and be happy.
Damian Alvarez at https://sistemasanaciontinerfe.blogspot.com/
34 Years at your Side (very close)
Damián Alvarez's articles are part of copyrighted books
for which all rights are reserved.