Sunday, October 20, 2024

Third Eye, Light of your Life. A Great Work by Damián Alvarez

The Third Eye, the Light of Your Life. Post by Damián Alvarez

Gain divine wisdom, superior intelligence, photographic memory, speed of thought, mental clarity, good concentration, and paranormal qualities.

Heal your karma consciously and avoid mental and brain diseases. Obtain peace of mind, altered states of consciousness, and transcendental thoughts.

Develop your Third Eye to its adult state so that you can experience unconditional divine love and be able to "echo" it, creating an Alter Ego, a higher Self, that transcends you to achieve thoughts and wishes of peace and well-being directed to all created beings, to all creation.

Feel truly fulfilled and complete, brimming with self-confidence, unwavering faith and absolute happiness, awakening to reality, obtaining a higher consciousness to carry out your vital mission on this planet, in this, your incarnation, leaving the Earth better than you found it.

Vibrational medicines such as aromatherapy, crystal therapy, color therapy, music therapy and working with mudras will "educate" your soul in a practical and simple way to be who it should never have stopped being: A superior being, pure love, worthy of being called "Son of God."

Get the book  "The Third Eye, the Light of your Life"  (link)
by Damian Alvarez.
Visit his  Author Page on Amazon  (link)