Friday, October 11, 2024

Depression, Anguish, Anxiety, Tachycardia, Dizziness...

We Are All One

Today's medicine is missing too many things.
When a patient comes to a consultation with these symptoms, they are immediately prescribed Tranquimazin, Valium, Prosac... among the most recommended. No one can "escape from what they are really feeling", in reality what we should do is learn to heal these symptoms.
Everyone should know that there is Vibrational Medicine, specifically Healing, in order to heal their Life, pain, dizziness, depression, anxiety, tachycardia without having to go to a doctor or ingest substances with harmful side effects for the patient's health. People do not want medicine, but to be healed. If only 5% of the publicity that has been given to School Medicine had been dedicated to Healing, doctors would not have the slightest chance compared to Therapists-Healers.
When you have an accident, a surgical intervention, or a broken bone, modern medicine has a solution for it because the diagnosis is physical, but when it is not, we should turn to healing as the best solution to the problem.

For example: A patient goes to a doctor's office because she feels a strong pressure in her chest. The doctor will do an electrocardiogram and at first he will tell her that there is nothing in her heart, but he will prescribe something for the pressure that the patient feels.
It is not better to learn how to remove that pressure in the chest due to a blockage of energies than to leave it there, until it is too late.

We are all the Universe

Healing is within everyone's reach and should be for everyone, since we are all healers and we all feel for everyone, since we are all one.
The Tinerfe Natural and Therapeutic System publishes hundreds of articles related to the above. What's more, hundreds of articles where we affirm as Therapists and Professionals of the World of Vibrational Medicine that we are Energy Bodies in Interaction with each other, that we all feel discomfort, pain, emotions, feelings, thoughts of others and not our own.

For example: If I meet someone on the street and we talk, I can feel a headache, or pressure in the chest, anxiety and it is not mine but the other person's. It has been many years of work and many years of experience and of course I am totally convinced that it is really true.
This is a great step for Humanity. I would dare to say, one of the greatest. Knowing that even the symptoms and illnesses do not have to be from our origin, but that we feel them from other unbalanced Energy Bodies, and therefore our own unbalances us. This is where Healing would be used to be able to remove, balance and heal that illness, and those symptoms such as pain, dizziness, tachycardia, depression, anxiety, psychic tension, insomnia, restlessness, panic, fear, etc., etc.

Do not believe that your symptoms are yours, because if you do not carry trauma, pain, frustration and you lead a balanced life, you should not get sick, because illnesses do not come alone nor are they a punishment from God, so heal yourself and learn to heal.
With healing you will also fill your life with peace, harmony and happiness