Thursday, October 10, 2024

Solar Plexus Chakra Diseases, Dysfunctions and Diagnoses

The Solar Plexus is the Center of Vital Energy and Mental Health

The Solar Plexus is the most important energy center of the Human Spiritual Anatomy. If the Solar Plexus is blocked, the individual in question loses not only physical strength, especially in the arms and legs, but also mental, emotional, and sentimental strength, so it is not surprising that this energy center is the most preferred "target" for witches. We have the example of the classic witchcraft "Binding of the Solar Plexus" which is precisely aimed at reducing the vital energy and self-confidence of the victim of such an atrocity.
For more information see:

It is also true that a deep mental trauma (all traumas are mental) can cause blockages in the Solar Plexus as strong as those achieved with the witchcraft mentioned above, but many small daily traumas such as those caused by anger with one's partner, financial worries, nervousness at the possibility of being fired, etc., can also cause strong blockages in the Solar Plexus with the same symptoms associated with witchcraft.

The "Energetic Resonance" between human beings with a sick Solar Plexus and/or envy, jealousy, resentment, rage, hatred, etc. directed (consciously or unconsciously) towards another human being can also damage the Solar Plexus of people causing stomach pain, colic and even diseases of the pancreas and liver.

Woman is the "Heart of the Family"

We also know that there are more female Healers than male, that women are more sensitive to energies, more "emotional", they care more about maintaining the health and happiness of the family and they are "winning the race" in spiritual development over men. Also, consider that women are the "heart of the family" that always has to exist for the other members, and often forget about themselves for the good of others, so it is not surprising that there are more cases of diseases associated with the Solar Plexus among women than among men.

Each case must be diagnosed individually to identify if the cause of the disease is due to trauma, witchcraft or pure "Energy Resonance", in order to make a specific treatment that is up to the circumstances.

If you think you suffer from, for example, gastroenteritis, or if you have already been diagnosed and have only been prescribed "almax" but you truly want to live, go to a Therapist Healer experienced in undoing energy blockages in the Solar Plexus such as those of the Tinerfe Healing System.

Get the book  "The Solar Plexus, the Sun of your Life"  (link)
by Damián Alvarez.
Visit his  Author Page on Amazon Publishing (  link)