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Make Love, and You Will Have Neither Time nor Desire to Make War |
Despite what everyone has believed until now, the peace symbol is not a modern creation. The peace symbol is not based on landing signals for aircraft. The peace symbol dates back to the dawn of Humanity and has a hidden meaning (to this day), very deep, rooted in the human soul, in the Human Spiritual Anatomy.
It could not be otherwise, every symbol represents concentrated energies, which become an archetype, perhaps unconscious, perhaps conscious, in the life of the human being. The peace symbol could not be an exception, otherwise it would not be used as a symbol of peace.
The peace symbol fills that energetic void, that unconscious desire to become what we really are: Beings created in the image of God. The peace symbol naturally expresses the need of the human being to fulfill his "vital task" and achieve his goals as an incarnated spiritual being.
On the other hand, it is logical to think that the symbol of peace would not be used as a symbol of peace if it did not really express/represent those energies of peace (redundancies intended). Of course it is. The soul is at the helm, the energies are in charge. The human soul would never allow itself to be guided by a symbol that did not contain the energies it represents. We may be fools, but our soul is wise.
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Meaning of the Peace Symbol. Balanced Soul Paths |
Explanation of the true meaning of the peace symbol:
The central circle represents the Sacral chakra of the Major Chakra System of the Human Spiritual Anatomy. The lines crossing the central circle represent the different energetic "paths" of the flow of energies from the aforementioned energy center.
The upper vertical line up to the crossing of lines represents the energetic "path" that flows from the Solar Plexus chakra to the Sacral chakra, that is, the path of personal fulfillment: Solar Plexus = Ego, Sacral = creative energies in motion. The path of "self-realization" is the energy that we put into motion to create something that will truly fulfill us personally. A healthy soul really creates for self-realization.
The lower vertical line, which runs from the crosshairs downwards, is the "path of manifestation." We put creative energies into motion to manifest what we desire on the physical plane. This energetic path, when healthy, runs from the Sacral chakra to the Base chakra. Remember that life flows through you, and that it is not something that happens around you.
One of the two oblique lines with respect to the main axis represents the "path of work," as "pleasurable free activity" (right line). This energetic path is the one that goes from the Sacral chakra to the right "Abundance Center" (right groin). The other oblique line represents the "path of personal appreciation," that is, the energetic path that flows from the Sacral chakra to the left groin ("right Abundance Center"). This path receives the money, the energy, the sustenance deserved by its creation to be able to rest (Sacral chakra) and recover strength to create/work again and therefore manifest.
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The True Meaning of the Ancient Symbol of Peace: Balanced Sacral Chakra Pathways: Peace Harmony Temperance |
When the "four paths" of the Sacral chakra remain healthy, that is, without any blockages, then the human being creates in harmony with nature, feeling completely satisfied and fulfilled with his free creative expression. A fulfilled person, a person satisfied with his creation, is a happy person.
That's right, no more and no less, you will never find a person who feels completely fulfilled and is unhappy. Or to put it another way: the "energy paths" that start and arrive at the Sacral chakra, if they are healthy and clear, will never produce frustration.
On the other hand, we realize that a fulfilled, happy person maintains calm, is temperate, is tolerant, laughs at the impertinences of others, that is, has inner peace and maintains outer peace. He also rejoices in the joys of his fellow men.
Therefore, it has been proven (at least by me) that people who make war are frustrated people, with complexes, dissatisfied with their lives, who perhaps do not like other people being happy and wish to take that happiness away from them. In other words, the above could be expressed by saying that "frustrated, dissatisfied people are very upset when other people are doing well" and therefore wish for their destruction.
Another phrase that confirms my theory is "make love (balanced Sacral chakra, sexuality, creativity) and not war" (unbalanced Sacral chakra, frustration, destruction).
Make Love, Not War
Damián Alvarez at https://sistemasanaciontinerfe.blogspot.com/