Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Misdiagnosis of Depression by School Medicine, Psychology and Psychiatry

Anguish, Anxiety, Insomnia, Stress, etc., is NOT Depression
and should not be diagnosed or treated as such.

We already know that what is called "depression" is considered a "disease" today, even though it is a symptom. Yes, that's right. Depression is a symptom of a blockage in the Heart chakra. The Heart chakra is blocked by emotional losses. When the emotional loss (death of a loved one, heartbreak) is deep, it brings about pain. This pain takes away the individual's will to live.

It is absolutely clear that deep grief can lead to other symptoms such as apathy, listlessness, disappointment, chronic fatigue, etc., and this is normal. Grief takes away your desire to live, it depresses you (never better said). The clearest symptom of depression, however, is sadness, which shows a wounded, damaged heart.

On the other hand, we also know that an isolated grief never occurs. Grief is always, always, always associated with trauma. It is impossible for a human being to ever grieve without becoming traumatized, since it is the mind (mental body, Solar Plexus chakra) that understands the emotional loss and makes the heart grieve. It is easy to understand, let me explain: If we do not understand or do not know that a loved one has abandoned us, then we will not be traumatized or grieve, even if he or she has disappeared.

Chronic Fatigue does NOT have to be due to Depression,
its cause is most likely just Blockages in the Solar Plexus

We have been educated in a mental way, so we understand "reality" in a mental way, and that is why every pain also involves trauma. Traumas produce a series of symptoms (let's call them energetic), which have nothing to do with the root of depression: emotional loss. These symptoms could be insomnia, nervousness, insecurity, phobias, apathy, chronic fatigue, listlessness, disappointment, anguish, anxiety, etc., etc.

But there are traumas that are not associated with grief or emotional loss, but, for example, with disappointment. The symptoms caused by these traumas should not be included in what is called "depression", since they have nothing to do with depression but with a trauma, as we have said.
Why then does Psychology classify them among the symptoms that they treat as depression? Simply because they do not know better, because they do not know what we Healers/Therapists know, because they do not know human spiritual anatomy, and even less how it works.

It is really crazy to categorize all of the above symptoms under the heading of "depression" since they may or may not be related to depression.

Framing nervousness and stress, for example, under the terms depression and treating them with antidepressants is not just for the ignorant, nor for the crazy, but also for the stupid.

We have all experienced anxiety and distress
at some point in our lives and it did not mean that we were depressed.

The vast majority of people who have been diagnosed with "depression" have not suffered any emotional loss and are therefore not depressed. They do suffer from symptoms associated with trauma, but trauma is not depression and should be treated as such and not as depression.

The symptoms that today's School of Medicine wrongly uses to diagnose "depression" are: anxiety, anguish, nervousness, stress, insecurity, fear, insomnia, uncertainty, apathy, listlessness, tiredness, negative thoughts. All of them clearly associated with trauma and not with pain.

We, the Therapists/Healers belonging to the Tinerfe Healing System, know how to make the difference and treat these symptoms as they should be, in a specific way and without relating them to any depression.

You have not suffered any emotional loss, you do not feel sad or distressed, but you have been diagnosed with "depression" based on the fact that you feel (for example) anguish and anxiety? Well, don't believe it because you are not depressed . Go to a Therapist/Healer from our School, we are specialists in the treatment of the Solar Plexus, specialists in the treatment of traumas.

At least we will give you a true, logical diagnosis, and if you really do have depression, we will also diagnose it and treat it naturally.

Get the book  "Depression, why? Live Life!"  (link),
by Damian Alvarez