Monday, October 14, 2024

Table of the Healer and Therapist by the Quartz Crystals

The Crystal Table therapist. Damian Alvarez

It is best to have certain crystals to treat your patients and certain crystals for personal use. It is not good to treat yourself with the crystals you use to treat other people. Of course you can clean them energetically, but I recommend that you only use for yourself those that you have special affection for. Keep in mind that these crystals will be with you for the rest of your life. In any case, you deserve your own crystals, for exclusive personal use.

Look, if you have to transport the glasses, it is better to have a small tool box or a screw box with its compartments that you can put in a backpack or carry (screw box), under your arm, like a folder. You can line the compartments with cotton for better protection of the glasses.

Crystal Layouts are best learned on a Table

Keep in mind that quartz crystals have different molecular structures and therefore different hardness, so they can scratch, break and even fall apart when in contact with each other. Never put generators next to cabochons (for example), because the tips of the generators will break. Druses can also break when in contact with other druses or other crystals. Tourmalines, for example, are very fragile and often fall apart. It is also not a good idea to wrap all the crystals in cloth or paper every day to transport them.

The best thing, what I recommend, is that you get a small table with wheels that you will cover with a white cloth, and that you place the crystals on that table according to the crystal therapy instructions, and that you leave it in your office.

Tables with wheels are of great help to the crystal therapist

This way of working has 4 meanings: First, you learn the crystal therapy arrangements by always seeing them placed as they should be. Second, it will be better to put them on the patient and return them in the same position to the table, which, from now on, we will call the "Crystal Therapy Table". Third, you can take the table with wheels behind you while you do the Therapy, without breaking the energetic contact of your hands with the patient, since you will hold them with one hand while with the other you will be touching the recipient of the Therapy. Not to mention that quartz crystals will look better (always), and will expand their energies and light in the environment if they are in the open air and not locked in a bag.

Quartz crystals have a therapeutic and healing effect with their mere presence, creating peace and joy around them and blessing the eyes of those who see them with their brightness and light.

34 Years Healing and Educating the World