Monday, December 2, 2024

Healing is Life: Coughing, Sighing, Yawning, Burping

Don't forget to "Close yourself to the Energies" after the Healing

Just because you've finished a healing session doesn't mean you've disconnected from the recipient of the therapy. Have you learned to "Close yourself to the Energies" or/and "Separate yourself from the Energies" at the end of the therapy? Anyway, just because you finish a therapy doesn't mean you've finished healing, even less if it's with people close to you, relatives, friends or your dog, but every time you think about your sister or your dog, or they about you, you'll connect with each other and healing will happen spontaneously. Healing doesn't happen just in the hour that the therapy lasts. Healing is life, and it always happens, whether you like it or not, that's why you can spend days, weeks and even months burping and yawning for others.
It could also be that you are healing yourself. Let me explain: When you remove energy blockages in the soul of another living being, you also "drag" your own blockages along with you, if the latter have a similar energy frequency to those of your patients, that is, when you channel healing energies to other people, then you also heal yourself. With time and experience (supposedly, I do it perfectly) you will learn to differentiate between your own blockages and those of the recipient of the reiki therapy.

Well, I don't want to discourage you, in fact, you shouldn't be discouraged by what I'm going to tell you because if you are a healer (which you are, obviously), you will be "burping", yawning, farting, coughing, sneezing and sighing for everyone else for the rest of your life. Welcome to the club. I have been yawning and "burping" consciously for 30 years to undo energy blockages in the body and soul of other living beings, and I will never be able to avoid it, but not because I cannot avoid burping or yawning, but because if I avoided it, I would be the one who would get sick. You are lucky to be able to heal yourself and to be able to heal others.

The Vital Mission of the Healer is for Life like that of anyone else

I should also point out that "cramps" are not energy releases. When a blockage is released in limbs or other parts of the physical body, you can feel electricity in that area, tickling, tingling (proof that energy has begun to flow in that area) and also a kind of contraction, impulse, "jump" of the muscle in that part of the body, but never a cramp.

Finally, I will tell you that the different forms of energetic releases are not due in any case to the person you are treating, but to the energetic blockages that person has. External negative energies are usually undone by yawning and coughing (if they are very strong), blockages in chakras and parts of the body with belching. Illnesses are usually undone by yawning (to eliminate the damage done externally) and belching (to eliminate the damage caused to the body and soul). Coughing also undoes blockages in the Throat chakra (above all), but also in other chakras depending on which chakra you "cough" with, and sneezing releases the entire Major Chakra System. Blockages in the Sacral chakra are usually undone by inexperienced people with farts, and of course they can also be released by burping, coughing and yawning, but only an experienced Healer can achieve this, since the path between the throat/nose (expulsion of blockage) and the Sacral chakra is very long, and a very healthy and clean Hara Line is needed to carry out such a task.