Monday, September 30, 2024

Meditation with a Double-Pointed Quartz Crystal to Focus, Balance and Regain Strength

Double-Pointed Crystal Meditation Balances and Centers

The Double-Terminated Crystal (generator with a point at each end) represents the perfection achieved in the full integration of bipolarity, the balance between masculine and feminine and spiritual and physical energies.

For this meditation, take a Double-Terminated Quartz Crystal between your two hands. Let each point of the crystal be held by the fingers of each of your hands or inside your hands (if it is large enough).
The center of the crystal should be over your Tan-Tien (navel).

Tune in to the crystal (see "Basic Crystal Therapy"). Inhale the energy/light of the crystal through your hands filling your entire body and exhale the light into the Aura. Repeat with each inhalation and exhalation.

Feel how the energies of the crystal and yours unite in a "Healing Circle" balancing and centering you.

(Ideal Meditation time 20 minutes. Grounding with Need)

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Books for the Day After (The Great Encyclopedia). New Great Work by Damián Alvarez (Now Available in Spain)

Books for the Day After. Books for the True Reality
An Encyclopedia by Damián Alvarez

This work is a collection of books written by the author based on the philosophy of life that emerged in his classes, gatherings, healing conferences, natural therapies and personal and spiritual development, where he always explained that what he taught "was not for now but for after what is to come, come on", that is, for the "Day After".

These books should be read individually in their own context, and not all four as a single work, since each contains chapters that are also repeated in the others. This is because the themes discussed are intertwined, and just as one cannot talk about life without talking about happiness, one cannot talk about spiritual development without talking about love.

Without love you cannot achieve happiness in life, and that is the cornerstone of awakening consciousness.

"Learn to Love", "Learn to Live", "The True Key to Happiness" and "The Great Awakening of Consciousness" are inseparable works, and the wisdom of one transcends into the others, overflowing and uniting them in an eternal and infinite, real and wonderful whole.

In any case, repeating some true teachings to ourselves is just and necessary, since they require that we embed them in our soul in order to put them into practice in our daily lives, turning them into practical, modern wisdom, and erasing with them all those erroneous past teachings that have led us to unhappiness, misfortune and illness.

An unprecedented work, written yesterday when it was written today for the day after. A work that is not limited by the reckoning of human time but, on the contrary, is imperishable, like the soul and life itself.

Damian Alvarez

Get the work  "Books for the Day After (The Great Encyclopedia)"  (link), by Damián Alvarez
Visit his  Author Page on the Amazon Editorial  (link)

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Alignment with the Light. The Healers' Meditation

Healing Meditation. Alignment with the Light. Total Health


1.- Hands up
2.- Prayer
3.- Healing Meditation: "Breathing of Light" back and forth from the "Soul Star" to the "Core Star" through the "Hara Line" (20 minutes)
4.- Closing yourself to the Energies
5.- Grounding with need

In this Healing Meditation you first close your eyes and imagine the "sphere of light" on the "Soul Star" and as you inhale you lower the light from the "Soul Star" to the "Core Star" along the "Hara Line" with your breath, hold the "sphere of light" on the "Core Star" for a moment (as long as is comfortable for you) and as you exhale you raise the "Light" from the "Core Star" back to the "Soul Star" and hold it for a moment on the "Soul Star", then inhale again bringing the light down at the same time as you inhale and so on.

It's really easy. You direct the light, the energy with your breathing. You breathe in the light from the Soul Star to the Core Star along the Hara Line and you breathe out from the Core Star to the Soul Star. The air enters through your nose but the light comes down from above, from the Soul Star. Practice a lot because now we are working with light, later we will work with specific healing energies.

Perfect Meditation. Alignment with the Light. Incalculable Benefits


You learn to breathe
You oxygenate the blood more
Your internal organs work better
You burn more calories
You lose weight if you need to It
you It protects you by raising the vibrational level of your energies, the more relaxed the stronger.
Activate the Third Eye
You learn to visualize
Activate the Soul Star
Activate the Core Star
It brings you closer to God and to yourself
It centers you
It illuminates your life (Hara Line)
Undoes blockages in the chakras
Undoes blockages between the chakras
Etc., etc., etc.

Some people believe that with just this Healing Meditation they can heal their entire life.
If you have any questions, you can consult "First Level of Spiritual Healing" in this same blog.

"Alignment with the Light" is one of the most important pillars of any healing system.

34 Years at your Side (very close)

Friday, September 27, 2024

Fanaticism, Criminality, Destruction (Part Two)

The greatest human wealth: knowing God and yourself

Contagion through energetic interaction is also a fact. There is a popular saying that emphasizes that “if you want to be rich you have to piss with the rich” and it is absolutely right. But let it be clear that it is not about the rich being spiritually sick, there are very spiritual rich people (really we should all be rich), but that all kinds of criminality are contagious. Being near a sick mind can make your mind sick, being near a sick spirit can make your  spirit sick  and turn you into a being of the same ilk.

It has been proven that the brain waves of a Healer and a patient vibrate to match perfectly during Therapy. Why wouldn't the opposite be possible as well? That is, that the brain waves of a criminal could negatively affect other brains to the point of turning them into criminals as well. History is full of many examples of people who have followed other people and now they don't even understand it.

But it does not end there, psychic attacks, psychic contamination, witchcraft and attacks by negative spiritual beings wreak havoc on the human soul.

Not to go on too long, since this is not the topic, we will give some good examples of classic witchcraft:
“Mental dulling” (to prevent the victim from thinking coherently).
“Psychic anchoring” (anchoring negative thoughts in the victim’s brain).
“The blindfold” (so that the recipient of the witchcraft does not see what he is doing, or what is happening around him).
“The lump in the throat” (so that the victim cannot speak, plan, learn, write, or teach)
“The nail in the tongue” (eliminating communication from the person affected by witchcraft)
“The Gallows” (to drown the vessel of witchcraft so it cannot develop positively).
More information can be obtained in “First Level of Angelic Healing”: “Negative Energies and Witchcraft”

There is professional help for spiritual illnesses

Anyone who suspects witchcraft should consult an experienced Healing Master or Therapist.

All those people who, no matter how much money and material possessions they have, do not feel complete, fulfilled, happy, or accomplished, but rather feel empty, unhappy, unmotivated, without the desire to live, with the feeling of “what is all this for?” and who do not feel fulfilled no matter how many economic, career, etc. triumphs they have achieved, then it is most likely that these people are spiritually ill and need Healing and Life Guidance.

  Give  to God what is God’s and to Caesar what is Caesar’s.” This phrase of Jesus illustrates very well the balance between the physical and spiritual world.

Please note that almost all spiritual imbalances are  due  to human selfishness and excessive greed and that physical wealth is the lowest of all riches.

Man does not live by bread alone...

Get the Manual  "Metaphysics of Diseases: Basic Course"  (link), by Damián Alvarez
Visit his  Author Page in the Amazon Bookstore  (link)

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Fanaticism, Criminality, Destruction (Part One)

Metaphysical Spiritual Diagnosis of the Human Being

To diagnose “Spiritual States” in a metaphysical way, we will base ourselves on the health status of the major chakras called Throat, Third Eye and Crown.

To better understand my position we must know that there are so-called “spiritual chakras” and so-called “physical chakras” and that  they are  related to each other.

The “physical chakras” would be the Base or Root, the Sacral or Sacral and the Solar Plexus. The “spiritual chakras” would be the Throat, the Third Eye and the Crown.

The Heart chakra would be the border between the “physical chakras” and the “spiritual chakras”, although the “physical” feelings that come from the Heart chakra also affect our spirituality.

Each “spiritual chakra” is directly connected to a “physical chakra,” so the health of one affects the other. The relationships between the chakras are Crown and Base, Third Eye and Solar Plexus, and Throat and Sacral.

We could say that physical, emotional, mental and sentimental health is based on our spirituality, but at the same time our physical, emotional, mental and sentimental health also affects our spiritual life.

Spiritual Development. Path and Goal of the Human Being

The following examples will clarify the matter:
If a person does not use his creative energies (Sacral chakra) he will not be able to develop (Throat chakra).
If a person is very materialistic (Base chakra) he will not get closer to God (Crown chakra).
If a person has a weak, wounded ego (Solar Plexus) he will not have spiritual thoughts (Third Eye).

Life flows through the human being at the speed of thought from top to bottom: Divine Energy – Thought – Planning – Love – Satisfaction – Creation-Manifestation.

A person with negative thoughts (unbalanced Third Eye) will be able to create a strong ego but a negative ego (unbalanced Solar Plexus) and will plan in a negative way (unbalanced Throat chakra) to destroy or create destruction (unbalanced Sacral chakra) and chaos will manifest (unbalanced Base chakra).

But how or why do the “spiritual chakras” become unbalanced?
We receive a physical education and not a spiritual education. In this commercial, materialistic world there is no balance between the physical and the spiritual. Most people are very physical and not very spiritual, therefore they are capable of anything to obtain material gains, because they have been taught that the most important wealth is physical wealth.

to be continued, ...

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Grief, Sadness and Fear (Part Two)

Energetic Interaction between Hearts in Love

Healing Masters and Therapists can also feel the emotional and physical symptoms caused by imbalances in the Heart chakra of any person, even if they do not "love" them, this happens because the energetic connection between a Healer and the recipient of the Therapy is Love in any and all cases. Healing is always Love.

There are also witchcraft aimed at harming the Heart chakra of other people, the classic ones would be "stabbing them in the chest or back" or "sow fear in the hearts of couples" so that they separate.

In any case, emotional states are healed by loving, but truly loving, without attachments or interests. True love does not possess and is totally selfless, so it cannot harm anyone.

A good guide: Love God, Think with Love, Develop with Love, Love others, Love yourself, Create with Love and Love Creation.
(See: "Healing Your Life with Love" in the "First Level of Spiritual Healing")

The best protection and the key against fear is "You shall love God above all things" and "You shall love your neighbor and (as), yourself."

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Grief, Sadness and Fear (Part One)

Heart Chakra. Love, the Most Powerful Energy in the Universe

The metaphysical diagnosis of emotional imbalances is based on the fact that they are always due to important losses associated with human relationships, although the loss of any living being with which the human being is emotionally related, that is, with which he or she is fond, can also cause pain or sadness, such as the loss of a pet or a plant or tree, and its primary cause is always fear.

All emotional states are associated with the major chakra called Heart (seat of love) and what unbalances this energy center are sorrows, heartbreaks and any other important emotional loss.

Pain, heartbreak, the feeling of loss is always caused by fear, the opposite of love. Thus, fear is what really unbalances and/or blocks the Heart chakra.

If, for example, a person we do not love loses their life, then that situation does not cause us pain, but if a being we truly love leaves physical incarnation, then we do suffer sadness and grief.

The fear of being left alone in life because of a loved one who dies, of being left alone because we believe we are worthless (in the case of heartbreak), the fear produced by "forced" attachment and detachment to other loved ones causes us suffering.

Healing is Love, so Healers Love every being

But it must also be clear that any type of fear unbalances and/or blocks the Heart chakra: Fear of death, fear of getting sick, fear of getting old, fear of losing one's job, fear of not being loved, fear of being despised, fear of being used, etc., etc. In these cases, the cause of fear is always a lack of self-love.

The Heart chakra can also become unbalanced and/or blocked due to the "Energetic Interaction" and the "Energetic Resonance" with the "sick" Heart chakras of other people, but only with the people we love. If for example someone we love becomes depressed or has anxiety attacks, then our Heart chakra can become unbalanced causing us anxiety and depression as well due to "Energetic Resonance". The explanation of the above example is simple: The "Energetic Interaction" between the Heart chakras of two human beings only happens if those people love each other, or a simpler explanation would be that we only connect with our hearts to the people we love and that is why their sufferings also affect us in a negative way.

All the emotional and physical symptoms derived from an unbalanced Heart chakra such as depression, anxiety, tachycardia, respiratory problems, pressure in the chest, heart pain, asthma, etc. are contagious at an energetic level between the people connected at an emotional level.

to be continued, ...

Monday, September 23, 2024

Insecurity, Complexes, Shame, Shyness and Negativism

Metaphysical Diagnosis. Positive Mental States. Strong Ego

With the metaphysical diagnosis of "mental states" we refer to any imbalance of the human ego. Keep in mind that our ego is "our self here and now." With the ego we interpret the world. If we have a strong ego, we will trust in ourselves, in life, in God. We will appreciate ourselves for who we are, we will value ourselves, we will have self-confidence and our life will be positive.

The ego of the human being is associated with the energetic center (chakra) Solar Plexus, therefore a strong and healthy Solar Plexus will be a source of triumphs that will make it stronger and more secure each time, on the other hand a weak Solar Plexus affects the being in such a negative way that it could even sink it into misery.

The Solar Plexus chakra is part of the human spiritual anatomy and is located within what is called the Mental Body, the seat of our thoughts, whether they are "mental monsters" or "positive psychic energy."

Thanks (or unfortunately sometimes) to the Solar Plexus we understand the world, life, as we have been educated. Two people with different upbringings can interpret the same life event in a different way, precisely because they received different upbringings. Perhaps one was told that this particular event was negative and should be sad, while the other was told that she should be happy because it was something good.

A balanced Solar Plexus brings self-love, self-esteem, self-confidence, self-assurance.
An unbalanced and/or blocked Solar Plexus leads to insecurity, shame, fear, and fills us with complexes and failures.

The Solar Plexus the "Sun of your Life"

According to the state of your ego, of your Solar Plexus, so will be your life, whether it is inner or outer life. The Solar Plexus is really the "sun of your life", as Damian Alvarez says, since according to its state we will live happily enlightened or in a dark storm.

But what is it that unbalances the Solar Plexus, the "sun of your life"?
There are various aspects of our existence or in our existence that unbalance and block the Solar Plexus, but most of the time these imbalances are due to traumas, that is, to scares and upsets. Since we interpret reality with our teachings (mentally), then we are traumatized when our teachings "tell" us that we should be traumatized. A good example would be "the death of a loved one" which is a disappointment in Western culture, while in other "primitive" cultures it is a reason for joy.

Another cause of blockages and imbalances in the Solar Plexus is the energetic interaction with other unbalanced and/or blocked Solar Plexuses, that is, contact with other human beings. Energy has no barriers or borders, so any contact with another human being implies an energetic connection with him or her, whether by telephone, letter, thought, dream, and of course any physical contact with another person also implies an energetic contact.

Most people (if not all) have lived their lives as they have been educated and their Solar Plexuses are full of disappointments and scares, that is, they are traumatized. Only a few good Healing Masters can say that their Solar Plexuses are healthy and balanced.

The Solar Plexus is your "I, here and now", which interprets Life

Any contact with another human being inevitably implies contact with his Solar Plexus, with his ego. Ego-to-ego contact always occurs between human beings.
Due to the energetic interaction with unbalanced Solar Plexuses, our own Solar Plexuses become unbalanced by "energetic resonance".

The Solar Plexus of an individual can also be annulled due to physical and psychological abuse, so it is not surprising that abused people do not abandon their abusers.

But it does not end there, the best witchcraft that can be done to a human being is to hurt his Solar Plexus. By annulling the Solar Plexus of the individual (the "sun of his life") we will annul it completely. If you take away a person's ego you turn him into a puppet. Witches, who are well versed in human spiritual anatomy, know this, and one of their most classic witchcrafts is the "Solar Plexus Binding", that is, binding the ego of the individual who is to be harmed with witchcraft. In addition, jealousy, envy, etc., of other people directed towards you, even if they are not witchcraft, also affect your Solar Plexus in a negative way.

Do not settle for saying "I have always been like this", nervousness, shyness, insecurity, shame are not natural states of being, but symptoms of imbalances and blockages in the Solar Plexus. Think that your ego, your self, wants to manifest itself, to be itself without ties, without prejudices, taboos, fears, complexes.

There is professional help for the treatment of the Solar Plexus and education on how to keep it healthy, such as the Masters and Therapists belonging to the Tinerfe Healing System. Go to them if you really want your Solar Plexus to be the "Sun of your Life". You won't regret it, I assure you.

Get the Manual  "Metaphysics of Diseases: Basic Course"  (link), by Damián Alvarez
Visit his  Author Page in the Amazon Bookstore  (link)

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Reiki Light Networks for World Peace

 Peace, Love and Abundance on Earth shared equally
Reiki Light Network around the World. Silvia Hernandez, Reiki Master

Peace, Light and Life
Mandala Reiki. Juan Ramon Diaz Ruiz. Reiki Therapist from Madrid

May the Light and Love of God Reign in Our Hearts
Reiki Light Network around the World. Grand Master Yaiza Dorta Sanabria

Peace, Love and Abundance on Earth shared equally
Reiki Light Network around the World. Grand Master Damian Alvarez

Awakening of Human Consciousness
Reiki Light Network around the World. Grand Master Beatriz Pallés Darias

Healing for all souls on Earth
Reiki Light Network around the World. Grand Master M. Jesus Garcia

Balance on Planet Earth
Reiki Light Network around the World. Master Pablo Rodriguez Cano

May the Light Illuminate this Beautiful World and the Hearts of Men
Reiki Light Network around the World. Grand Master. Vanessa Herrera

Love, Love and more Love for all Living Beings
Reiki Light Network around the World. Master Paola Ascanio Pallés

Peace, Love and Well-being throughout Planet Earth
Reiki Light Network around the World. Master Oster Jon from Switzerland

Light and Love for the World and all the Members of the Tinerfe Healing System
Reiki Light Network around the World. Grand Master M. Eugenia López

Peace in Heaven and on Earth
Archangels join the Healing Circle for the Earth

Maintain Peace, Love and Light on Earth
"Guardians of the Light of the Earth" join the Healing Circle