Friday, August 9, 2024

Heal yourself and be happy. Don't keep fooling yourself


Anxiolytic "antidepressants" are chemical feelings

Depression  is considered almost the "cancer" of the current century.
Allopathic Medicine calls depression that state in which the individual
feels listless, without the will to live, with very deep sadness
that lasts  more than two weeks.
Although many diagnose depression as anything that has to do
with insomnia, nervousness, fear, anguish or/and anxiety.

The usual treatment for depression is based on what are misnamed
(in my opinion) antidepressants. The famous anxiolytics.

The most radical effects of anxiolytics are very
marked weight gain or loss and suicidal tendencies, but it does not stop there.
Below  is a non-complete list of the side 
or adverse effects of these medications.

Just add that in pharmacological sources it is emphasized that
anxiolytics have adverse effects, like all medicines.

Possible adverse effects of antidepressants:
The most common side effects are constipation,
daytime sleepiness, diarrhea, dizziness, dry mouth, headache, nausea,
sexual problems, tremors, sleeping problems, and weight gain.
But it's not all.

Allergy reactions such as itching, skin rash, hives, inflammation
of  blood vessels, serum sickness, swelling of 
tissues, chills, sensation of heat, facial redness, palpitations, 
sensitivity to sunlight, peeling of the skin .

Gastrointestinal disorders such as diarrhea, nausea, vomiting,
difficult digestion, difficulty swallowing, altered sense of taste, dry
mouth,  cases of hepatitis.

Headache, sleep disturbances, abnormal dreams, insomnia,
dizziness, anorexia, fatigue, drowsiness, drowsiness, euphoria,
abnormal movements, muscle spasms, instability, tremor,
muscle twitches,  seizures and psychomotor agitation. Hallucinations, 
manic reactions, confusion, agitation, anxiety  and associated symptoms 
such as nervousness, difficulty concentrating and 
thinking processes such as depersonalization, panic attacks.

Pharyngitis, difficulty breathing, lung disorders.

Difficulty urinating, sexual dysfunction, absence of ejaculation,
painful erections, milk secretion.

Hair loss, yawning, abnormal vision, blurred vision,
pupil dilation, sweating, vasodilation, joint pain,
muscle pain, hypotension, eyelid swelling, bleeding
gynecological, gastrointestinal bleeding, skin or
mucosal bleeding. Low sodium levels  in the blood. Tingling and anxiety.

But other reactions not described in this leaflet could be observed,
which I limit myself to copying.

I also want to emphasize that the long-term adverse effects of
 antidepressants are unknown, since research usually lasts
a maximum of a year.

As you see, Life is Wonderful without anxiolytics. More than medicines,
they seem like  the worst curse that could be directed at your worst enemy.

Never better said "the remedy was worse than the disease."

There are Vibrational Therapies that heal depression such as
Music  Therapy, Aromatherapy, Chromotherapy, which 
combined  with some Healing System such as Reiki, Karuna or better 
yet  the complete  System of Tinerfe Natural Healing  and some tips 
like "walk, go  to the beach and make love" usually heal even the so- 
called "horse depressions." And if the sick individual still had  such
a  deep depression  that he could not get out of bed, 
remote therapies could always be done.

And even better without a single side effect.

He who wants it gets it, he who wants it learns it.
Don't settle for what  they give you if you don't like it. 
Search until you find what you like.

Get well and be happy

Damián Alvarez at