Thursday, June 29, 2023

Impotence, Frustrations, Anger. Unbalanced Sacral Chakra

The Root of Sexual Impotence is found in the Sacral Chakra

Look, the only way to improve the Sacral chakra is not to get frustrated and not to get angry. Live in Temperance. This is achieved (this is the trick), do not expect anything from anyone and expect anything, so you are warned. Understand that any frustration or disappointment brings with it anger, whether you express it outwardly or not. It is the frustrations and anger that unbalance the Sacral chakra. Waiting for any reaction from others because, at least you are forewarned, and you will not react with a "short fuse", with the Sacrum, but you will let the energies rise up to your Solar Plexus and you will react intelligently, or even better, if you wait a bit and allow let the energies rise to your Heart chakra, because you can react with love to possible inconsideration of others.

Also think that many men can become impotent of their own free will (no matter how crazy my position sounds). Let me explain: sexual disappointments, sexual frustrations, also unbalance the Sacral chakra. A man who suffers, and I say suffers, from repeated (let's call it "chronic") sexual frustrations, because of his own free will he loses his sexual desire, his passion, simply to stop suffering, to stop getting frustrated. But the kundalini energy is there and can be reactivated with Healing Therapies, so it is not a problem.

Of course, the Sacral chakra can become unbalanced, and it happens very often, well always, that the sacral chakras of the women around you unbalance your own Sacral chakra. I'm talking about women and not men (I'm not sexist), because women tend to unbalance this energy center more often than men, for example when they have menstruation, pre-menopause, etc.

Frustrations and anger unbalance the Sacral Chakra

Another possibility, which is not your case, is that they had done a witchcraft to make you impotent.

With respect to your problems caused by the absence of a father, maybe there are not so many, even if it serves as an excuse. It often happens that when we do not have a parent nearby, we connect our chakra system to an "adoptive" parent. We adopt an energetic father, that is, we connect our chakras to an uncle, an older brother, etc., so the damage is not as strong as psychology would have us believe. We survive, we adapt. In any case, surely you were considerably affected by the absence of your father during your early childhood and later growth but this also heals. You can follow the usual process of progressive healing towards the past or you can do specific Therapies for that stage of your life, that is, what we Healers call "bridge in time", to heal a specific moment in your life. It is very important that you are not angry with your father, nor frustrated by the abandonment.

You learn to live life. They never taught us to live happily. The Study Plan of the Tinerfe Healing System with its "Key to Happiness", "energy tools" to heal our interior and an abundant philosophy of life to put the new teachings into practice in daily life, predispose us to Healing, Inner peace and absolute happiness. So, if you ever want to learn the Tinerfe Healing System, learn to live, well here we are.

Damian Alvarez

Get the Book  "The Sexuality of the Soul"  by Damián Alvarez
Visit the  Amazon Bookstore  (link)

Illness is Impossible in a Being Created in the Image of God

Metaphysically it is Impossible that Disease can arise from Love

All disease is imposed from outside on the individual, since, impossibly, a disease could never ever arise in/from a being that, in essence, is pure love. In addition, the origin of all disease is always metaphysical, that is, energetic and must be treated as such to achieve a deep and lasting healing.

A non-exhaustive list (like the one that follows) of the different causes of the disease, gives us a fairly deep perspective, although in broad strokes, of how every disease is imposed on the human being from outside:

An Education based on Love would avoid all disease

  • Environmental pollution (physical pollution)
  • Energy pollution (emotional, mental, sentimental and spiritual pollution)
  • Consumed poisons (medicines, foods treated with dangerous preservatives, pesticides, etc.)
  • Erroneous teachings based on fear and that predispose the individual to suffer traumas, sorrows and frustrations with the consequent symptoms and derived diseases.
  • witchcraft
  • Physical self-abuse (consumption of drugs, alcohol, tobacco)
  • Genetics (inherited)
  • Interaction and energetic resonance with sick people
  • Contagion
  • Negative energy from other human beings (jealousy, envy, anger, resentment, etc.)

Really, all disease is energetic until it manifests itself in a physical way. Therefore, any disease could be avoided by instructing the human being in a positive way, with a teaching based on love, working preventively.

By educating human beings to put love into practice in daily life through the virtues of the heart, making them aware that they live in a multidimensional energetic world, and that all beings are truly one, any type of of disease.

33 Years Healing and Educating the World

Get the Manual  "Metaphysics of Diseases: Basic Course"  (link), by Damián Alvarez
Visit his  Author Page in the Amazon Bookstore  (link)

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Development of the Child's Chakras

Children's Chakras are not yet Developed

If my father dies without me still not having all the Chakras developed. 

-How is this separation of the Chakras that were still united?
-Did you depend only on my mother's Chakras?
-When both parents die, how is this person left?
-Test-tube children or children made in the laboratory, children who have their genes altered, adopted children, children born to a surrogate mother whose egg is from a different woman? 

I answer your questions:

Look, just because every 7 years we separate a chakra from our parents doesn't mean we can't separate them sooner or later, and not only if our parents die. Do not think that your parents' chakras are very helpful, since they too can be wrong, and more than helping us with their chakras, what they do is impede our own development. You can see this in domineering parents who often tell their children: "as long as you live in my house, I'm the one in charge, I'm the one who wins it", and many things like that.

Some Parents do not allow the Development of the Chakras of their Children

Of course, separating our parents' chakras early can be traumatic, frustrating and painful, or not. Many times separating from our parents' chakras in an "early" way can be a blessing. Our parents' chakras can become a yoke to our own energy body.
The vast majority of parents find it very difficult to see their children as adults. Some even want their children to never get over them so they don't feel less, so instead of helping what they do is impede.

Look, I'll tell you: When you separate your chakras from your parents, due to their death, and as a child, the first thing you do is connect your chakras to another adult person. For example, if your mother dies, then you can connect your chakras to your older sister, to an aunt, to the neighbor.

As I said before, we do not separate from our parents' chakras only when they pass away, but it can also be if we leave home, travel, move to another country, or if our parents separate and we have little contact with them. Although the energy relationship continues to exist, it happens in a lighter way (to put it in some way). In these trips, separations, etc., it is when the individual has to defend himself without the energetic help of his parents, and it is when he really develops freely.

In the first Years, the Child is connected to his Mother

Regarding your second question, I can tell you that we are mainly connected to our mother's chakras. For the first 7 years of our lives we literally lived inside our mother's aura. Our father comes and goes, but our mother is always there. It is in the period from 7 to 14 years old that we can be connected to the parent of the opposite sex and experience sexuality through it, that is, that girls fall in love with their fathers (they are connected to the Sacral chakra of their mothers). , and the children of their mothers (they are connected to the Sacral chakra of their fathers).
In any case, the masculine aspect of your chakra system could have been received from an older brother, an uncle, a friend of your mother, etc.

When both parents die, well, you know, traumatic, painful and frustrating for the child who is left energetically alone, but only until they connect to the major chakra system of another adult couple who may adopt them, or the priest and the nun who run that "orphanage".

The interaction and energetic resonance between the chakras of parents and children is something that happens naturally but it is not mandatory, it is not exclusive or exclusive. Let me explain: The baby that does not have a natural mother will seek the breast of the first woman who puts it in her mouth, and connects to her, not out of love, as some say, but out of survival instinct (Base chakra). . I will give you examples: My parents were 3 uncles who worked at home (I grew up in an inn as before), I never saw my biological father because he was working and when he came home late I was already sleeping. I am aware that my personality was marked more by those 3 uncles than by my biological father.

All Separations are, at least, Traumatic, since in all
our relationships we connect, at least, the Solar Plexus chakra

It is clear that we genetically inherit traits, habits, hobbies, and energetic illnesses from our natural parents, but this does not imply that we can have "energetic parents", that is, true parents, to whom we have our chakra system connected as support until they are develop our own chakras as we grow up.
I explain it to you in another way: All separation is traumatic. We even connect to the one who mistreats us (Stockholm syndrome),  and if that relationship was also sexual, then very frustrating. Thus, when a couple separates, they suffer, but also their "energetic intention" to avoid suffering is to connect to the first or first thing that happens, that is, to connect, at least, their Solar Plexus chakra and their Sacral Chakra to another person to not feel empty.

How it affects, at an energetic level, that is, spiritual, sentimental, mental, emotional, and even physical, the child who grows up in a family of homosexuals or lesbians, well I think it will not affect him much, since the child by himself It will unconsciously seek the chakras of male or female people, depending on the case and what it needs to develop in a balanced way.

Damian Alvarez

Get the Book  "Deep Spiritual Anatomy"  (link),
by Damián Alvarez.
Visit his  Author Page on Amazon  (link)

The Importance of Dynamic Self-diagnosis

Self Diagnosis is Essential in the Busy World We Live In

Many times you often hear people say, referring to someone who became ill "suddenly": it was suddenly, he was fine but the ambulance had to come pick him up, he's in the intensive care unit of I don't know which hospital .

Nothing happens suddenly. A disease can take about 10 years, perhaps less, to manifest itself in the physical body from the energy bodies, that is, what an energy blockage (trauma, grief, frustration), manifests itself in physical disease after a few years. Nothing happens suddenly.

What really happens is that we have been educated, on the one hand, to experience the outside world, to experience everything that happens around us. No one ever educated us to experience our inner world, to pay attention to what really happens to us. No one ever educated us to look within, towards ourselves, towards our soul, towards our true self.

Self-diagnosis will make you see how you really are

The truth is that it is pathetic that people care so much about others, about the outside, and so little about themselves. Nor has anyone   ever educated us to feel our soul, like our energies, our being, our true self. So, when we feel the energies running through our body, we scratch, we don't give it importance, we don't think that it is our energies that are circulating through our body, the energies of our soul that we carry inside and that are the ones that really push us in the life.

The methods of evasion such as stress, alcohol, drugs, on the one hand, and the masks that we put on so that others do not see what is happening inside us do not allow us to make a self-diagnosis, feel what is happening in our life, therefore, we are always at the mercy of energies, whether they are good or bad, positive or negative.

 A practical self-diagnosis must be dynamic, automatic, but also conscious, at every second of our lives, so we could know at any moment, at all times, how our soul is, and therefore also our physical body.

Don't wait that long. Make a Conscious
and Dynamic Diagnosis, and act accordingly: Heal yourself

Once, a friend told me that she had had a medical test, and I asked her, why do you have a test? she answered me: so how do you know if you're right or wrong. This friend's response made me understand that she was a person far removed from herself, a person who did not know herself, a person who did not know how she was, how she was, how she felt.

Pathetic too, that we need other people to tell us how we are, and even worse that some machines are the ones that say what state of health or disease our body is in. I answered that friend that if I feel good, then I feel good, I don't need a device, machine or doctor, psychologist, psychiatrist to tell me how my health is.

In any case, there are some easy-to-learn techniques to self-diagnose, until we can do them consciously and dynamically every second of our existence, and they are, for example, the healing meditations taught by the School of the System of Healing Tinerfe, especially the meditation that I am used to calling "The Meditation of the Healers". and which is really called "Alignment with light", which you can see at the following link: html

Close your eyes and "Look" inside, "you will see" your Soul

The "Alignment with the Light" meditation will not only make you relax, an essential requirement for you to be able to look inward, and at least, in a few moments, diagnose the state of your Hara Line and your Major Chakra System. , in addition to your energies in general (stress, nervousness, overwhelm, anguish, anxiety)

Over time, you will be able to make a complete diagnosis of your Major Chakra System, Minor Chakra System, Paths between the chakras, Hara Line, Transpersonal Chakras, etc., then it will only be necessary to introduce it into your daily life, something that will probably happen automatically.

Never wait until you are sick to go to the doctor, focus, self-diagnose, heal yourself (as needed), at every second of your life, stay healthy, relaxed and balanced. Be happy .

Healing does not require extra time, you just have to introduce it into all aspects of your life as something natural, because you know well that healing is life, right?

Get the Book  "The Great Encyclopedia of Spiritual Healing"  (link), by Damián Alvarez
Visit  his  Author Page in the Amazon Editorial  (link)

Monday, June 26, 2023

The Great Composition: The Music of God

Silence: The Great Sound of God

Is Creation playing together a Great Composition? What is the Music of God?

Why do we go out of tune? The answer is obvious, even if we talk about galaxies, universes, black holes or whatever you want, because we are idiots. The only beings in the universe that God "allows" to go out of tune are human beings and negative spirit beings.

God endowed the human being with free will so that he could choose of his own free will to sing the great song of love. A song that maintains, sustains, protects, preserves, develops, but some human beings (manipulated by negative spiritual beings), all they do is caw like angry crows destroying everything in their path.

Never, never, never, will you find in divine creation any being that, of its own free will, destroys its environment and that of others with its out-of-tune singing.

There is NO Noise in Divine Creation, only the Perfect Sound

On the other hand we have the negative spiritual beings (demons, rebellious angels), who, having no free will, rebelled against their angelic nature and their Creator, and who try with their arrhythmias to destroy the divine creation, helping themselves with the "choir" of the only spiritual beings created in the image of God (because they know human potential).

God is Music, a Perfect Song, therefore, those who sing and play out of tune are out of divine nature. They really don't exist, because outside of love nothing exists, not even sound but emptiness.

We are clear that God is the All: The stars and the space between them, the protons and neutrons and the space between them. All supported by the sound of the Word.

Therefore, silence does not exist. Thus, the Great Composition,  the Music of God, is Silence,
... listen and you will hear.

Damián Alvarez at
*Damián Alvarez's Articles are parts of Copyrighted Books, so all Rights Reserved.

Get the Book  "The Word, the Music of God"  (link),
by Damián Alvarez
Visit his  Author Page in the Amazon Editorial  (link)

The Scientific Book of Jesus

The gospel. A Book of Deep Soul Science

Jesus said to his disciples, "Go and preach the gospel," but what does "gospel" really mean?
It is believed that the word "gospel" comes from a Greek root that means "good" and another that means "message", that is, that the word "gospel" means "good message".
Referring also to words of Jesus, I could say that "gospel" means "good news" or "good news".
"Go and preach the 'good news' or the 'good news'."
And what is the "good news"? Scholars claim that they are the message of the sacrifice of the crucifixion, forgiveness of humanity's sins, resurrection of Jesus Christ himself, and eternal life for all human beings.
A good message from a religious point of view, but I believe otherwise, regardless of any religious touch. I believe that the "good news" are new and positive messages, but based on scientific or divine discoveries of Jesus Christ for the good of humanity.
To think that Jesus Christ already knew, for example, the Laws of Interaction and Energetic Resonance between Human Beings, more than 2,000 years ago, is fantastic, since even at the present time they are completely unknown to most scientists.

Jesus Christ, the Greatest Metaphysician in the entire History of Humanity

Jesus Christ was not a clergyman as we understand him. Jesus Christ was a man of science, who had to explain the reality of human existence in a fairly understandable way for the people of that time.
That we do not understand, even today, the messages, the good news, the new discoveries and scientific teachings of Jesus Christ, is due to our little understanding, and not because Jesus Christ was a priest with abstract and diffuse religious teachings.
I, Damián Alvarez, have discovered that Jesus Christ was right, that Jesus Christ was right in each and all of his "good news", in each and all of his new scientific teachings, which I will recount in future articles.
Now it is no longer a question of believing but of whether or not you want to understand, whether or not you want to learn.
I dare with this message since I want to follow those words of Jesus Christ that in these times would be more or less as follows: "Go and teach my new discoveries for the good of humanity",...