In your book "Walking through the Soul" you explain how the Hara Line is made up of light of different colors depending on the area, that is, that the White Light that enters through the Crown Chakra through the "Soul Star" goes away? decomposing into the colors that make it up?
If we are placed the other way around, that is, thinking that the heart chakra sends energy to the higher spiritual chakras, for example towards the throat or third eye chakra, then we would have to think in the same way: the heart chakra would send the throat chakra light of pink color, simply because it has no other, and thus, we would communicate with love.
The word "decompose" is real because light decomposes, but only a generalized use of the term so as not to have to explain the whole process in each of the paths between the chakras, that a person with common sense and a minimum base of Knowledge about the chakra system could make completely reliable and exact deductions, that is, that 2 + 2, even if it is equal to 2 + 2, since it can also give us 4.
What amazes many people, and does not make them delve into the study of human spiritual anatomy, is because they are always waiting to be given the knowledge already made, refined, but yourself, with the knowledge you have about human spiritual anatomy. , you can come to the same terminal conclusions as me.
The idea is not to settle and want to want to learn to develop more and more every day.
Damien Alvarez
Get the Book "Caminando por el Alma" (link),
by Damián Alvarez
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Get the Book "Caminando por el Alma" (link),
by Damián Alvarez
Visit his Author's Page in the Amazon Editorial (link)